How many voles would it take to defeat an adult raccoon? 3? 5? 100?
The shirt we bought for my husband was amazing!
Raccoon Wrestling (Tucson, Arizona)
Update: Identified Attic Critter as Ringtail Cat in Central Texas
Raccoon Animal Encounters List
Does anyone have a list of zoos/animal rescues in the US where I could do an animal encounter with a raccoon, ideally one where you could pet a raccoon?
Thanks in advance!
This raccoon seems to have lost something important.
I just saw this trash panda on /r/absoluteunits and wanted to make sure everyone else here did as well.
Raccoons are nesting in trees - and falling out. is there anything we can put at bottom to lessen the blow when they fall?
My husband works at a university and he keeps finding raccoons that are falling out of palm trees. He drives them over to our wildlife rescue center when he finds them, and at least two of them have been saved, but this is happening very often. Is there anything we can put at the bottom to soften the blow when they fall? He won't always be able to drive them over, so I want to see what we can do when he's not around.
Thank you so much - if there's a better sub for this question, I'm happy to post there!