Found their favorite🍒
How much do you think the Chonk on the right weighs?
Found these guys dumpster diving this morning.
Garbage & Glory: The TTRPG of Dumpster Diving Dungeon Delving!
Found this little guy wandering and have a few questions
How accurate is this? I feel like those tails are a little short
Don’t know what they are looking for they didn’t want food but were turning my porch upside down trying to find it.
A raccoon rescue near Toronto is begging for help to avoid shutting down for good
TIL about the nyctereutes procyonoides AKA the raccoon dog. Look how adorable!!
Insanely Packed Hoarders House-Entire Life Left Behind!-WARNING: Animals Remains Inside
Why are there 4 raccoons running on my fence like it’s mission impossible
Help me find a way to discourage an aggressive raccoon!
I live in Raleigh, in the city adjacent to a rather large wooded area, so we are visited frequently by raccoons. On our deck we have two bird feeders that the raccoons love to work on so we have been bringing them inside at dusk. One particular raccoon has been angered by this practice and several times recently he has challenged me when I try to fetch the feeders, snarling and growling, being aggressive enough that I didn't want to hang around while wearing shorts. After a few of these incidents and after attempting to scare him away by yelling, making noise, stomping on the fllor, I used a spray bottle to hit him with a mild solution of vinegar. After a few days he did it again and got the vinegar again.
It worked for awhile, but this evening he was coming after me again, even after a thorough soaking of vinegar to the point I could smell him coming at me. So, dear Reddit, what can you offer as a suggestion to help me moderate his determination to get to the bird feeders? I don't want to hurt him, but he just needs a good dose of discouragement. We've had the raccoons around for years, but this is the first one to ever behave in this aggressive way.