I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this but a racoon has been "chittering" outside for hours
Is this normal?
The sound is coming from a huge bush with vines and briers and thorns all in it and I'm afraid it's hurt.
It's nearly impossible for us to get through to find it and I'm also scared it will bite us.
How to deter raccoons
I suspect a family of raccoons wiped most my chicken coop. I want to keep the final 2 alive so what would deter raccoons and for how long
Police body-cam: officers assisting a late-night intruder (no harm done)
Always leave a window open
I've decided to give this one a more badass, than cute, approach. im also going to copy this on a huge parcel. Constructive criticism needed!
This raccoon can't stop eating. Is it really that good?
Do raccoons in Michigan carry rabies?
Do raccoons in Michigan carry rabies?
Who knew paintings raccoons would be so fun (and cute)
Got a visit from a trash panda
I let my cat out in our semi-rural area, and when I opened the door, saw a trashpanda next to my cat. I haven't seen one in a decade or more around here. The cat didn't seem bothered or in a fight, but my startled shout did make it retreat a little. It lingered for a little bit, so I tried talking to it, it had no interest.
I'm not sure what I should do, I have a slight concern for my cat, or that someone around here may attempt to make it into a hat... thoughts or comments welcome.