News about the Unity engine and project showcases from Reddit. Made possible with @reddit2telegram (@r_channels).
Thanks to everyone's incredible feedback, the tree chopping mechanic is now awesome, along with unique animations for the tree stump. I hope players will enjoy playing as much as I enjoyed making it! 💖 [Game - Sky Harvest]
Using saw blades to slice through your environment!
I am releasing my free game as an alpha for IOS/Android, you can now play it and give some feedback :)
After 1 years of learning and development, I finally got out my mobile game for some testing :)
It's a mix of casual / strategic game where you shoot infinite waves of zombies through multiple worlds.
I would love that some people download/play the game and give me some feedback (under this reddit post or the discord server )
Don't hesitate to give feedbacks about bugs you encountered, and especially if the game design / gameplay is fun! The content is currently pretty small, but once I get some real feedback to know if I am going in the write direction, I will work to deliver more worlds, vehicles, weapons, perks...
Have fun!
IOS (you will need to install testflight):
Android (you will need to pm me your email to have access!):
Here are some screenshots:
Game devs, what was a breakthrough moment for you learning development?
Did you find a course that levelled up your programming skills? A YouTube video that changed your understanding of a game engine? Releasing your first hobby project got you ready for your next?
I'm curious because at every point in my journey to becoming a game dev I've always been learning something on my own, be it a new language, engine, package, releasing, figuring out marketing, how to update games etc.
Prototyping a horror experience
What's stopping you from completing your 2D games in Unity?
Hi folks 👋
We’re interested in hearing from developers of 2D games that are facing challenges that stop them from completing and publishing their games. We’d like to understand more about the kinds of problems you are facing and see if there is more we can do to improve the situation.
If this sounds like you, please reply to this post and tell us about your challenges. Please give as much relevant information as possible to help us develop a clear picture of your scenario.
Looking forward to hearing from all of you! 😀
-- The 2D Team at Unity
Oh snap! Multiplayer is working, this is starting to take shape! Thanks to everyone that has wishlisted so far, it warms my cold heart.
Just wanted to share an in-game promo shot from our upcoming "Infected" game mode. Excited to hear my beta tester's feedback!
Why is this text not stretching its speech bubble enough? It worked before I flipped it.
Free vouchers for Unity Assets: Grass Shader & Godrays!
Hey! We're a pretty new indie studio and while working on our first game we decided to also release a couple Unity Assets this year to help support us.
It would mean a lot to us to get some more visibility and help with sales and feedback. That's why we're giving away 4 FREE KEYS EACH (one per person) for the following assets:
[Tasty Grass Shader (URP 3D & VR)]( is a performant procedural framework for grass, vegetation and debris based on Compute Shaders and Indirect Draw.
Screen Space God Rays (URP 2D/3D/VR) is an efficient and beautiful screen space volumetric lighting tool.
Just write in the comments which one you'd like, and we'll give them out via DM on a first come first served basis. If you like the asset, please leave a review on the Asset Store!
Thank you!
# EDIT: All the keys have been given out, thank you for being interested!
In just two days I’ve gotten 188 downloads for my free world generation tool!!!!
I’m so excited! I worked really hard on this, and I’m so happy that others find it cool enough to download!
I don’t know if these numbers are good, but I’m still really proud.
You can look at it here if you’re interested:
I also made a trailer!
Which type of wood log explosion/scatter should I keep in final game ? #1 - Linear, where all logs go same way OR #2 - Random, where all logs go in different way.
New puzzle game
Change text color
Hello, I'm trying to change color for a specific word in a dialogue.<color=red><i>Red Italic</i></color
I'm using legacy text component (not TMP), by using that HTML style? code to change color, it worked fine. However, after I added typing effect (one letter by one), the color doesn't changes until full code (</color>: this thing) appears. The problem is during dialogue I can see that weird HTML code...
How do I prevent this..?
Thank you :)
How do YOU use scenes in unity?
When making a game, how do you prefer to use scenes?
Personally I can't decide between having a single large scene (picture 1) and having each component broken up into separate scenes to enforce looser coupling rather than dragging references everywhere (picture 2).
So I'm asking reddit for their way's of doing things to get more insight :D
Our project has been in the works for over 7 years now
How do you get PS1/N64-style graphics in Unity?
Hi everyone! I'm making Dragon Shelter, a farming sim where you and your dragons explore the farm together! Meet the fire dragon as we run with our fiery companion, sharing thrilling adventures and deep bonds.
Working on my first steam game
I find it amusing that the actual gameplay in my game is happening off to the side of the main camera so thought I'd share! (There definitely might be a better way to do this...)
Hey guys, I recently created an in-game bug and feedback reporter that links to Trello - Would anyone be interested if I released it as my next free asset giveaway? - See comments
I have been working on a game for more than a year and I put all my efforts in developing it and in the end no one cared about it, I posted here on Reddit about it and in the end the post does not bring even one upvote and is buried and no one heard about it , is the problem from me or from the game
Yaaaaay, my first 20 wishlists :3
Journey through the eras of the Universe in my game
Stacklands and Overcooked anyone ?
Do you feel like your games barely work?
Frequently, when I work on games, I get to a point where I need to write a system that is so complicated that it feels like it barely works.
For example, right now, I'm working on a multiplayer game where players can equip items. I did a basic equipment system, where when you equip an item, stat modifiers are added and etc. Easy, works perfectly.
But then I got to a point where when fighting a boss, which shoots rockets, and when they don't explode, player needs to be able to walk on them, pick them up automatically, carry them and shoot at the boss. For that, a whole bunch of systems need to be overriden: animations, combat system needs to be ignored, items that are in hands need to be temporarily hidden (but not removed from equipment), and the whole system needs to be synced on the network. On top of that, I want this functionality to be kinda generic.
So I did that, and it works, but feels like it's barely holding together. I spend a lot of time trying to think of a robust way to do it, but the functionality touches so many things that it's inevitably a "spaghetti". And it's not just this one thing. There are many areas like that in the games I work on, and it kinda weights on me psychologically.
So I was just wondering if it happens to you guys, and how do you deal with such things?
I Rendered the Lunar Surface at 1:1 Scale in Unity3D
Game Jam collaboration
Visual Studio Code Error with C# Dev Kit and Unity Extensions
Im following a tutorial for setting up Unity and got an error immediately when starting VS Code after installing the Unity extension which comes in with C# Dev Kit. The error says its coming from the C# Dev Kit:
The .NET SDK installed on the machine is targeting a different platform (win-x86) with the C# Dev Kit (visualstudio-projectsystem-buildhost.win32-x64), and are incompatible.
I've tried installing both the x64 and x86 versions from here: I can also see the installs in my "dotnet" folder.
Has anyone else run into this issue? Not sure how else to resolve this.