Carefully added a subtle prompt to the demo of my game
Two variants of style for a new card adventure game about little froggy. Which one is better?
GameOver screen... (manga-inspired game | work in progress)
This is Mind Keeper, my upcoming hand drawn game made with Unity.
Range Checking & Collider Performance
Hi all,
I want to get a list of all the objects within a certain range of each of several player-controlled objects. My first inclination was to give the player-controlled objects a trigger collider and use that to gather the in-range objects, but will this scale poorly with the total number of objects? I'm concerned that Unity will end up just checking the distances between all objects, slowing down dramatically as I add more. I could also implement a quadTree to do distance checks faster, but if there's already some optimization going on with the collider method it might not be worth it. Any ideas on which would be faster?
My "35 Building Pixel Art" Asset
First of all, hello everyone. I am here to announce my newly published "35 Building Pixel Art" asset. As a pixel artist, I think this asset will be very helpful to you.
I would like to give you some information about the asset;
First of all, I would like to say that I will constantly expand the asset according to your requests in the comments.
Once you purchase the asset, you will be able to download the new updates that will come.
This package includes:
27 different house
a bank,blacksmith,fisherman's hut,headman office,hostel,carpenter,miner,shop
aseprite and png files
Please comment for any questions.
Thank you for reading.
How to 'mock' fluid mechanics?
Hey everyone,
So let me first explain what I'm trying to achieve, and then what I tried. There is a sorting game where you need to match your colored liquids between bottles. Game idea is not super important right now, and I easily can code the algorithm for that. I am doing this project because it looks simple to code (except this problem) and I wanted to see if this is really simple or not. Also, I can always learn something. So basically, not commercial.
But the problem I have is that illustrating the liquid animations in those bottles. It is pretty hard for me to explain, so please take a look at this 1-min video
[Game Link Video - Bottle Fluid Animation](
As you see, fluid does not predent as a super realistic fluid. So, this is what I want actually, because when I look at fluid tutorials in 2D (like CodeMonkey's here: [CodeMonkey - Simple Liquid Simulation](, I see few problems about implementing this in my project:
* First, this would be a problem because I want this game to be fast-playable. Meaning that, of course this game is not hypercasual, but still, I want the "fluid transfer" between bottles as fast as possible.
* Secondly, he is using a technique where a game object is copied over and over, and I don't think it is healthy for mobile gaming that's resource intensive.
* Finally, also due to Reason2, the fluid willnot stabilize its upper part precisely horizontal, meaning that there will be little waves before fluid calms down, which contradicts what I want in Reason1.
Therefore, can you please help me or suggest some resources about this? I'm really interested in this part, other than that, this is probably a stack implementation, where each bottle has its own stack etc. However, this part is really confusing for me. Thanks in advance.
Filling a maze with water
I'm trying to make a 2d platformer game where you are trying to reach to the top before water catches up and drowns you in kind of a vertical maze. I want the water to start at the bottom and slowly rise and fill the corridors of the maze. No matter how much I try I wasn't able to code this in a way that doesn't glitch awfully or break my system. Is it possible to do this in Unity? If so does anyone know what would be the best approach? I'm new to Unity so I don't really know much of additional and community tools, so if there is any you can recommend me that may help I would appreciate it too.
Checking collision points' direction does not return the correct value
I have a bool for each direction(except upwards, because I don't need that for what I'm making at the moment), and what I tried to do was:
-set all 3 bools to false
-every point sets the corresponding bool to true, if it exists
this was supposed to update whether or not the player is colliding in each direction each frame, however if the player is colliding in 2 directions at the same time, only one bool will return true. Both Debug.DrawRay and Debug.Log work correctly every time, and the bools are never changed anywhere else in the code. Could anyone help with what's wrong with the code?
void OnCollisionStay2D(Collision2D other)
isCollidingDown = false;
isCollidingLeft = false;
isCollidingRight = false;
foreach (var item in other.contacts)
Debug.DrawRay(item.point, item.normal * 100, Color.white, 0.3f);
if (item.normal == Vector2.up)
isCollidingDown = true;
if (item.normal == -Vector2.right)
isCollidingRight = true;
if (item.normal == Vector2.right)
isCollidingLeft = true;
Help with my game
Hi, this is my first project in unity and been trying to do it with chatgpt and watching yt videos, but can't find anything similar to what I have in mind and chatgpt was useless with the code. Basically what i want to do is a trading game. So far i have made the prefabs I need and have a CVS file with data that has open close high low and time, i want to display a candlestick chart. I've spent hours going through the unity documtation but can't make sense of anything tbh and it just puts me to sleep reading them.
I'd appreciate any tips on writing a script to generate the candlestick chart, as I want to just have a functional chart first before i start figuring out how to add game elements.
Deadpool Takes a Ride!
Arcade Bike Physics Pro Showcase
Link :
Russian Roulette: Online. New team mafia-like game
Help with UI not showing in game, please
I can´t get my inventory to show in game, but it shows on the scene view.
(Main camera config)
I´ve tried changing almost every setting possible, so some things may look strange i guess. Would really appreciate some help.
What do you think of the game play of my game so far?
I'm drawing this dungeon inspired tileset, do you guys like it?
Environment Destruction montage from We Could Be Heroes.
Does anyone know how rain world creates gravity/black hole effect?
Age of the dark sun - Environment Art - Chapter 1 - Unity Project
Getting Started in Unity for Beginners
If you've dabbled in unity this post isnt for you! (youre pretty kool tho)
if you would prefer a video
if you need a more in depth video
You may also ask me questions.
Step 1 (installing the Unity Hub)
Click on this link or type into your browser of choice Unity Hub Install
Download the version of unity hub for your platform. This is a windows base tutorial but it may be passable for apple.
Step 2 (Create an Account)
Unity Hub will prompt you to log in or make an account. Click on that link and make an account. Good time to remind you your important email should have 2FA.
Step 3 (Installing a Unity Editor)
Thats right youve just installed the shell of unity now its time to download the meat!
avigate to the Installs tab and click the big blue button that says install editor.
After you click the blue button
Then click install on the most update Unity LTS version. In this case its 2022.3.44f1. (if you need a specific unity install please refer to my more in depth video it has a labeled section on that)
Step 4 (starting a Project)
Navigate back to the projects tab Select New Project (the big blue button again). Lets name this project my First Project. Then select a good location for the game to save itself!
Step 5 (Render Pipelines)
Render Pipelines are a whole can of worms but we are going to want to use the build in render pipeline since this is your starter project!
Decent video for render pipelines
Step 6 (In Engine)
Once you hit Create Project the Unity Game engine will open up. Lets check one last thing before I set you free. In the upper left hand corner you should see a tab named edit. Click it, then navigate down to preferences.
Then Select the External tools tab located on the side bar and at the top of that bar should say external Script Editor. Make sure that has your editor of choice (it should probably say Microsoft Visual Studio 2022).
Request Next Post in the Comments Below!
help creating metroid-style shinespark
Hey so im trying to create a shinespark mechanic:
i click a button, my player performs a ground pound, if in contact with an enemy, time slows down for 3 seconds and the player chooses a direction, then time reverts to normal and the player goes FLYYING in the direction they chose until they hit a wall.
In the code below -> the coroutine is called and all debug logs player however.... when ground pounding an enemy, time does slow down but --- my player doesnt move at all when choosing the direction and my players gravity doesnt revert after touching the ground
just wondering if there are any issues with my code - all values are set properly in inspector:
private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D other) //for up and down cast spell
if (other.GetComponent<Enemy>() != null && pState.casting)
other.GetComponent<Enemy>().EnemyHit(spellDamage, (other.transform.position - transform.position).normalized, -recoilYSpeed);
if (other.tag == "Ground")
endShineSpark = true;
if (other.tag == "Shinespark" && canShineSpark)
goShineSpark = true;
Debug.Log("can shinespark");
IEnumerator ShineSpark()
if (goShineSpark)
rb.velocity =;
rb.gravityScale = 0;
Time.timeScale = 0.1f;
Vector2 inputDir =;
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.UpArrow)) inputDir.y += 1;
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.DownArrow)) inputDir.y -= 1;
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftArrow)) inputDir.x -= 1;
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightArrow)) inputDir.x += 1;
float angle = Mathf.Atan2(inputDir.y, inputDir.x) Mathf.Rad2Deg;
Debug.Log("chhose shinsepak dir");
yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.3f);
Time.timeScale = 1;
rb.AddForce(new Vector2(inputDir.x, inputDir.y) shineSparkSpeed, ForceMode2D.Impulse);
Debug.Log("shinespark fly");
yield return endShineSpark == true;
rb.velocity =;
rb.gravityScale = gravity;
Debug.Log("shinespark wns");
What is more optimized?
I have a lot of objects. Before disappearing, they need to get smaller. What approach uses CPU less: changing the scale of the object through an animation or doing so through a coroutine? Is there any difference at all?
2D Top Down 8 Directional Idle/Spin Animation w/ skin tone variations.
Devlog on how to create procedural grass that grows anywhere.
Best Unity beginner course between this two in Udemy?
I already know basic C# programming language (Thanks to Microsoft Learn) and I'm heading to learning Unity now. However, I'm torn between these two courses in Udemy:
1. The Ultimate Guide to Game Development with Unity (Official)
2. Complete C# Unity Game Developer 2D
If you have any experience with these courses, which one is worth the time? Thanks!
Added mirrors and leaderboards to my driving game! Feels complete enough to release a playable version
Video Player Pauses When Moving Mouse Quickly
Hey, so im having this problem with my video player, in the editor everything works fine however in an actual game build if i move the mouse kind of quickly the video will pause until the mouse has stopped.
I am using the render in texture and have also tried toggling skip on drop but none of that seems to work.
Im wondering if anyone else has had this problem and found a solution
Wireframe shader asset (just finished it, what do you think?)