News about the Unity engine and project showcases from Reddit. Made possible with @reddit2telegram (@r_channels).
Need help with dashing systems and going through walls.
So I'm developing this 2D Roguelike where the player moves using transform.position (and I've tried using transform.Translate()) although it could use any similar function. NPCs use the NavMesh agent, so they're not having this problem.
Whenever I get enough movement speed boost (or I want the player to dash, haven't implemented any dash abilities yet due to this and I'm DYING to do it), the following scenario could happen when using transform.Translate or moving transfrom.position (sorry for the poor drawing):
It can get through the wall. I want to make a system so that, no matter how long the dash is or how much the movement speed becomes, if there's a wall, no matter how thin it is, it won't let the player go through.
How can I achieve this?
Any good tutorial for making a talent/skill tree, please ?
Hello ! I'm in search for a good tutorial for a skill/talent tree in a RPG top down context. Something easy to make but modular enough to add improvements in this system.
It can be with a free or payed tutorial or course.
Can you help me, please ?
FREE - Easily Animate Unity Texts and apply many other effects with customizable tags - Available on GitHub/OpenUPM
1 year of development of my own 3D Metroidvania, which I started in January 2024!
Purchasing pack
I've finally finished working on a couple of concepts and one model. I make dark fantasy at home. Let me know what you think! 😊
Released a new Asset Air Hockey! :) See down below!
Horror Lab tileset for top down rpgs
Finally Announcing Death Kid! An arcade-inspired arena brawler with meta-progression. Nearly 8 years in the making during my spare time.
• Once I saw Johnny Silverhand's glitch effect, I wanted to reconstruct it—and I think I made it even better ¯\(ツ)/¯
I’m currently working on sets for my indie video game, what do you think?
Updating Visual Studio to 17.x+ then closing and reopening all my scripts fixed Domain Reloading and ApplicationStart/End Times (40s->2s)
I need to share the accidental magic that hit me. My giant project had 15-20s domain reloads on code changes, 40s to open and 20s to close playmode. I updated my Visual Studio to the newest version (17.12.3). This brought little change in load times. A day later I was messing with the newish VS tabs features and clicked close all tabs on accident. Closed Unity. Since then my loading times have dropped to near nothing. I still have Domain and Scene Reloading enabled, nothing else is different but it loads near instantly. Anyone with waiting headaches try it and please tell me if it affects your load times.
Headphones!) Added some sounds to my horror
Issue with Touch Input on Android Phone
I am having issues when building my test game for my android phone. I am trying to make a simple platformer with on-screen buttons. The buttons work in the unity simulator, but they do not work when on my phone. The buttons light up, but they do not trigger the action. If I keep tapping them, sometimes they will randomly work. I have checked my input system and script, and I can't not find a reason why it's not working. Any advice would be appreciated. I am including the Input system build, the player input component, and the player movement script.
[Star = Player](
`using Unity.VisualScripting;`
`using UnityEngine;`
`using UnityEngine.InputSystem;`
`public class StarControls : MonoBehaviour`
`private Rigidbody2D star;`
`private PlayerInput playerInput;`
`private bool hasMoved = false;`
`[SerializeField] private float moveSpeed = 1f;`
`[SerializeField] private float acceleration = 1f;`
`[SerializeField] private float maxVelocity = 6f;`
`[SerializeField] private LevelTimer levelTimer; //Need to move this to the gama manager as a start game function`
`[SerializeField] private GameStateManagementScript gameManager;`
`private InputAction moveAction;`
`private InputAction jumpAction;`
`private InputAction pauseAction;`
`private Vector2 moveInput;`
`private bool jumpInput;`
`private float isPaused;`
`private bool canJump = false;`
`[SerializeField] private float jumpForce = 1f;`
`[SerializeField] private Transform groundCheck; // Empty GameObject placed at the player's feet`
`[SerializeField] private float groundCheckRadius = 0.05f; // Radius of the ground check`
`[SerializeField] private LayerMask groundLayer; // Layer mask for what is considered ground`
`private bool isGrounded = false;`
`private void Start()`
`star = GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>();`
`playerInput = GetComponent<PlayerInput>();`
`moveAction = playerInput.actions["Move"];`
`jumpAction = playerInput.actions["Jump"];`
`pauseAction = playerInput.actions["Pause"];`
[`//pauseAction.performed`](//pauseAction.performed) `+= OnPausePressed;`
`canJump = true;`
`private void Update()`
`if (moveAction.IsPressed())`
`if (jumpAction.IsPressed())`
`/*isGrounded = Physics2D.OverlapCircle(groundCheck.position, groundCheckRadius, groundLayer);`
`if (isGrounded)`
`if (moveInput.y > 0 && canJump && Mathf.Abs(star.linearVelocityY) < maxVelocity)`
`star.AddForce(Vector2.up * jumpForce, ForceMode2D.Impulse);`
`canJump = false;`
`else if (moveInput.x > 0 && star.linearVelocityX < maxVelocity)`
`star.AddForce(new Vector2(moveInput.x * moveSpeed,0), ForceMode2D.Impulse);`
`else if (moveInput.x < 0 && star.linearVelocityX > (maxVelocity * -1))`
`star.AddForce(new Vector2(moveInput.x * moveSpeed, 0), ForceMode2D.Impulse);`
`if (!hasMoved && moveInput !=`
`hasMoved = true;`
`private void onLand()`
`canJump = true;`
`if (star.linearVelocity.x == 0)`
`float decelerationDirection = -Mathf.Sign(star.linearVelocity.x);`
`star.AddForce(new Vector2(decelerationDirection * acceleration, 0), ForceMode2D.Impulse);`
`if (Mathf.Abs(star.linearVelocityX) < 0.5)`
`star.linearVelocityX = 0;`
`void OnDrawGizmos()`
`// Visualize the ground check in the editor`
`if (groundCheck != null)`
`Gizmos.color =` [``](`;`
`Gizmos.DrawWireSphere(groundCheck.position, groundCheckRadius);`
`/*private void OnPausePressed(InputAction.CallbackContext context)`
`private void OnDestroy()`
`// Unsubscribe to avoid memory leaks`
`pauseAction.performed -=
An Update on Volumetric Fog using Shader Graph (Video and Download Link in Comments)
My 5 years in the making mobile space game is now officially out!
Newbie question regarding background
Hi,i am wotking on a simple 2D game,but i am having problems making the background...i wanna make boundaries around the image and make that my playground ,and i wan't random characters to move on it,i made the script,i add boxcolider2d and rigid body,characters do move,but they fly of the boundary...background isn't canvas,just ordinary sprite image...
One line of code is the difference between a working shader and breaking out of the Matrix. 😎
In my game Effulgence, you can assign a height to each text symbol. I'm testing the built-in text editor with this feature.
So this is my test of a level without any directional lights. Everything is lit by fog haze and there's one point light for the hero. It seems I've finally found out the stylization I desperately needed
My first time starting a project in HDRP, and the lighting and volumetric fog is blowing me away!
Currently working on a game that combines Pinball and TowerDefense ✨
I made a game that inspired by ‘DEAD SPACE’
NPC Crowd Movement and player sense test
New main menu background.. Why not make it in 3D? :D
Help with 2d and 3d Lights in already existing project!
Dear r/Unity3D,
I have a question regarding a project I’m currently developing.
In my game, a narrator showcases games he created over the years. Some of these games are in 2D, while others are in 3D. I’ve encountered an issue where I can’t get 2D and 3D lights to work together properly.
For my 3D scenes, I need to update the scene, I’ve been using the Built-In to URP option in the Render Pipeline Converter. While this makes the 3D scenes work as intended, it causes my 2D scenes to break because the 2D lights are removed in the process.
I need to do this Built-In to URP step for the 3D to look like intended but i also require 2D lights for the other scenes. Is there a way to fix this and have both types of lights coexist within the same project? And the thing is that these games are already created with 2d lights so switching would be painful. Is there any other way to do it?
(Im using Unity 2022.3.9f1)
Thank you in advance for your help!
How do you think my game Captain Bones looks?
`public void OnMove(InputValue context)`
`moveInput = context.Get<Vector2>();`
`private void Move()`
`Debug.Log("Move" + moveInput);`
`if (moveInput.x > 0 && star.linearVelocityX < maxVelocity)`
`star.AddForce(new Vector2(moveInput.x * moveSpeed, 0), ForceMode2D.Impulse);`
`else if (moveInput.x < 0 && star.linearVelocityX > (maxVelocity * -1))`
`star.AddForce(new Vector2(moveInput.x * moveSpeed, 0), ForceMode2D.Impulse);`
`if (!hasMoved && moveInput !=`
`hasMoved = true;`
`/*public void OnJump()`
`private void Jump()`
`isGrounded = Physics2D.OverlapCircle(groundCheck.position, groundCheckRadius, groundLayer);`
`if (isGrounded)`
`if (canJump && Mathf.Abs(star.linearVelocityY) < maxVelocity)`
`star.AddForce(Vector2.up * jumpForce, ForceMode2D.Impulse);`
`canJump = false;`
`public void OnPause()`
Me and the rest of the dev team were testing the network.