A project I finished a couple months ago that I’m pretty proud of
Need help with inventory for my 2d unity game
I cannot make a inventory for the life of me, I want to be able to equip diffrent spells and wepons by putting them in a specific slot. I also want to be able to move items in the inventory, along with to diffrent things like a chest for example.
Hello! We're eager to earn the trust of future players, so we've hand-drawn a world with unique heroes who have their own life stories, skills, and a path full of dangers and enemies. Are you ready to step into the unknown?
Beginner game dev asking for help with a function
I have been trying to make a 2d movement system all on my own, though I figured how to make the character move in 8 directions I can't get the sprinting ability to work, it's meant to give a speed boost temporarily but for some reason it does not increase the speed. The code is as follows:
public float moveSpeed = 50f, sprinttime = 1.5f, sprintboost = 500f;
public Rigidbody2D bird;
public int sprintcooldown = 5;
public bool sprinting = false;
void Update()
Vector2 movement = Vector2.zero;
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.W))
movement += Vector2.up;
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.S))
movement += Vector2.down;
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.A))
movement += Vector2.left;
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.D))
movement += Vector2.right;
movement = movement.normalized;
bird.velocity = movement * moveSpeed;
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space) && !sprinting)
Invoke("sprintstop", sprinttime);
public void sprint()
sprinting = true;
bird.velocity = bird.velocity * sprintboost;
Debug.Log("Sprint start");
void sprintstop()
sprinting = false;
bird.velocity = bird.velocity * moveSpeed;
Debug.Log("Sprint end");
Today I released a demo for my upcoming game Bat Blast! on Steam. Link in the comments!
How to Make Game Objects GLOW : Unity Beginner Tutorial | 2024
Confusion about interfaces (as in, interfaces in C#, not UI) and how to implement them in Unity
Hi. So I just started trying to use Unity. But I am heavily confused on how I should implement things. How do you share data or interfaces between scripts?
A simple example:
public interface IEnemy {
public void Attack();
How would you use this interface in multiple scripts? I thought about having a "master" game object, with a script that contains all interfaces. But there has to be a better way, right?
direccionDeSlide = Vector2.left;
playerRB.AddForce(direccionDeSlide fuerzaSlide, ForceMode2D.Impulse);
temporizadorSlide = delaySlide;
public void Rebote(Vector2 puntoGolpe)
playerRB.velocity = new Vector2(-velocidadRebote.x puntoGolpe.x, velocidadRebote.y);
private void ChangeState(PlayerState newState)
// Si le pasamos el estado en el que ya está el personaje, paramos la función.
if (newState == currentState) return;
// Almacenamos el nuevo estado.
currentState = newState;
// Dependiendo del nuevo estado, notificaremos al Trigger del Animator.
switch (newState)
case PlayerState.Idle:
case PlayerState.Running:
case PlayerState.Jumping:
case PlayerState.DoubleJumping:
case PlayerState.Dashing:
case PlayerState.Slide:
case PlayerState.Wall:
Every game dev realizes this at some point.
I have been making games for a few years now and realized that it would take at least like5 more years to make a successful indie title. Does it happen to others as well and are there some advices that you people would like to give on game dev.
Genopanic - OUT NOW on Steam | Official Release Trailer
Finally My game Pre Dusk is OUT NOW on steam After 3 years of developing as a Solo I am really proud and speechless
Hello. This Editor utility helps you identify and remove all missing script references from your game objects and prefabs in the scene.
Adding a touch of polish to the placeholder lobby before the demo drop soon.
Shadows of Taumiel, my second game, an adventure-horror, will be released on 22th of May on Steam, next wednesday.
What do y'all think about this StackLand-inspried jam game we made in 48h ?
Newer to unity, requesting some help
I apologize for the trouble, I know there are a lot of newer threads asking for help, but this has been more or less a last resort for me.
I am currently doing the 20 game challenge, I am interested in game design and wanted to start learning the ropes. So far, I've been able to chug along using Youtube tutorials and the Unity API. So far, I've made a (albeit crude) clone of both Pong and Flappy Bird.
Now, however, I've gotten stuck on the second set of games, specifically Breakout. I more or less understand the concepts involving instantiating a ball and giving it a directional velocity, however the issue arises when y == 0 (x could also be an issue, but I think it's a lot less likely). When the ball bounces, it's velocity is inverted and it bounces directly up and down without its x coordinate changing.
I've tried using tutorials, there was a similar problem with Pong that I used a tutorial to solve, the issue being that I really don't understand how to solve the issue, each tutorial that I've found has more or less said "Do this" and not explained how it works, so trying to make changes for it to work is very hard (Also, it doesn't teach me how to solve the problem...just to look up code and copy it). Another issue arises with how many different ways the problem is solved, each tutorial does it differently (and some on different versions of unity).
If anyone has the time, could you help? Additionally (if possible) are there any good resources to start learning the basics of unity? So far I've been using youtube tutorials (as I said), with similar issues of not really being taught anything, and have been trying to use Unity learn. However, it is difficult to sort through the lessons on Unity Learn that will help me, and the ones that are out of date or tailored to 3D games, when I am starting with 2D to keep things simpler.
Thank you for any and all help.
Started Unity 2D → Finished Unreal 2.5D
I am a beginner, and I can not get triggers to work. The trigger does have "istrigger" on, the object does have rigidbody2d and is on the right layer, and both objects have colliders.
Reached 1K Wishlists milestone, it is not that huge but I am super pumped, now looking forward to 5K wishlists .! Wish me good luck friends! 💪😊 Game name - Sky Harvest!
Released the demo to my game HardAF on Steam. ONLY took a year longer than the original plan of a month.
Is the grind worth it for solo creating a 2d game?
Im new to unity 2d was previously writing a 2d game in python. The main question I have is for anyone who has spent the time completing a game. Is the grind worth it? Are the lessons learned a good way to spend time? I mostly do the game dev as a hobby originally didnt care if it ever gets played but as I now spend more and more time on it Im wondering if im just wasting my time if no one will ever play it. Do people tend to see any market for their 2d games these days. For context im working on a 2d rpg in a similar style to the old pokemon games.
help with these errors 😔 I don't know why it happens to me
my mistakes are
1. an invisible wall when I walk that doesn't let me move forward.
2. I can only do the jump and double jump, only once and it won't let me do it again.
3. cinemachine doesn't follow me well.
this is the code I'm using 👀
using UnityEngine;
public class PlayerMovement : MonoBehaviour
SerializeField public float velocidad;
SerializeField public float suavizadoDeMovimiento;
private Rigidbody2D playerRB;
private BoxCollider2D boxCollider;
private Animator anim;
private PlayerState currentState;
public bool sePuedeMover = true;
private bool mirandoDerecha = true;
SerializeField private Vector2 velocidadRebote;
public float fuerzaSalto;
public float saltosMaximos;
public LayerMask capaSuelo;
private float saltosRestantes;
public float fuerzaDash;
public float delayDash;
private float temporizadorDash;
public float fuerzaSlide;
public float delaySlide;
private float temporizadorSlide;
public float SaltoPared;
public float Pared;
public LayerMask capaPared;
private float estaPared;
private void Start()
playerRB = GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>();
anim = GetComponent<Animator>();
boxCollider = GetComponent<BoxCollider2D>();
saltosRestantes = saltosMaximos;
void Update()
private enum PlayerState
bool EstaEnSuelo()
RaycastHit2D raycastHit = Physics2D.BoxCast(boxCollider.bounds.center, new Vector2(boxCollider.bounds.size.x, boxCollider.bounds.size.y), 0f, Vector2.down, 0.2f, capaSuelo);
return raycastHit.collider != null;
void ProcesarSalto()
if (EstaEnSuelo())
saltosRestantes = saltosMaximos;
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space) && saltosRestantes > 0)
playerRB.velocity = new Vector2(playerRB.velocity.x, 0f);
playerRB.AddForce(Vector2.up fuerzaSalto, ForceMode2D.Impulse);
void ProcesarMovimiento()
if (sePuedeMover)
// Lógica de movimiento
float inputMovimiento = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
playerRB.velocity = new Vector2(inputMovimiento velocidad, playerRB.velocity.y suavizadoDeMovimiento);
void GestionarOrientacion(float inputMovimiento)
// Si se cumple condición
if ((mirandoDerecha == true && inputMovimiento < 0) || (mirandoDerecha == false && inputMovimiento > 0))
// Ejecutar código de volteado
mirandoDerecha = !mirandoDerecha;
transform.localScale = new Vector2(-transform.localScale.x, transform.localScale.y);
void ProcesarDash()
temporizadorDash -= Time.deltaTime;
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.R) && temporizadorDash < 0f)
Vector2 direccionDeDash;
if (mirandoDerecha)
direccionDeDash = Vector2.right;
direccionDeDash = Vector2.left;
playerRB.AddForce(direccionDeDash fuerzaDash, ForceMode2D.Impulse);
temporizadorDash = delayDash;
void ProcesarSlide()
temporizadorDash -= Time.deltaTime;
if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1) && temporizadorSlide < 0f)
Vector2 direccionDeSlide;
if (mirandoDerecha)
direccionDeSlide = Vector2.right;
In case you need motivation
If you feel like quitting because "competition is insane" or "market is too saturated"
An android game I made as a learning project back in August is making me $100 a day. I did not advertise it in any way, Google ads wouldn't let me because it was a gambling simulator. I didn't update the game after uploading it to Google play either.
Also, my analytics data suggests that people hate the game (duh,it's a bug ridden mess with no gameplay lol), i have like 1% retention rate for the second day (meaning people immediately uninstall the game), the average user sees 5 ads (including banner ads) and average user only spends 5 mins in the game.
I'm not saying this is going to happen to you and you are gonna be rich immediately after publishing a game. BUT it kinda means you can be rich if you keep making and publishing good games.
idk why I made this stupid graphic but here you go
We're are tiny team working on a Diablo like setup modern world with modern weapons and skills since 4 years. Playtest is now open we definitetly need feedbacks !