This week they are giving away for free in the asset store 🎁 Omni Animation - Core Locomotion Pack
Got a problem with Cinemachine Virtual Camera
i dont know how to explain but basically my gizmos when I turn them on, keep running away with virutla camera... its as if they are following virtual camera but its not cause everything else in game works camera follows player, I have no clue... i made cinemachine follow player, but when playing it shows virtual camera running away when I move player, but only gizmo of it???
UI Material Property Injector: package provides a component that allows easy modification of material properties for Unity UI (uGUI) without the need for shader-specific custom components. (Github)
2D Camera follow tutorial in Unity
What is the best way to make a save and load system that only "saves" the current scene.
Im trying to make a save and load system for a game that I'm making. My goal is to make a save and load system that ONLY saves the current scene the player is in (no position, or inventory, or anything else, just the current scene). How do I do this?
Help with Dialogue Manager/Activator skipping first Element
Hi all. I'm a sound designer and I'm making a Unity game from scratch to really get a feel for working sound in a game engine. I know a lot of the basics but I'm an intermediate coder at I need some help!
I feel like I'm taking crazy pills because sometimes when I open my game, the dialogue manager sometiems skips the first element of the dialouge while other times all the text appears as it should...and other tiems so NPCs skip the first line while other's are totally fine, Can y'all check my scripts and see if there's something I'm missing? Thank you all so so so much!
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class DialogActivator : MonoBehaviour
public string[\] lines;
private bool canActivate;
void Update()
if (canActivate == false)
if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1") && DialogManager.instance.IsDialogueActive == false)
canActivate = false;
private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D other)
if(other.tag == "Player")
canActivate = true;
private void OnTriggerExit2D(Collider2D other)
if(other.tag == "Player")
canActivate = false;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using TMPro;
public class DialogManager : MonoBehaviour
public TMP_Text dialogText;
public GameObject dialogBox;
public string[\] dialogLines;
public int currentLine;
public static DialogManager instance;
public bool IsDialogueActive { get; private set; }
// Static variable to track if dialogue is active
public static bool isDialogueActive;
//private bool justStarted;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
instance = this;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
if (IsDialogueActive == false)
if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1"))
if (currentLine < dialogLines.Length - 1)
dialogText.text = dialogLines[currentLine\];
IsDialogueActive = false;
PlayerController.instance.canMove = true;
public void ShowDialog(string[\] newLines)
IsDialogueActive = true;
PlayerController.instance.canMove = false;
dialogLines = newLines;
currentLine = 0;
dialogText.text = dialogLines[0\];
Any feedback on this Doom meets Vampire Survivors game I'm working on?
Is there a good way to let ChatGPT read my unity project?
Hey all, I'm trying to learn more about how to use AI and LLMs to make the game dev process a little easier. I've seen products like Notebook LLM and Notion AI serve as fantastic methods of quickly parsing information spread out in a large array of notes and areas.
Is there an easy way to setup an equivalent for unity? IE I'd love to be able to ask contextual questions about my unity project like, "Which of my fire items has different damage scaling to the others?"
Also, long term, I'd be fascinated to see if it'd ever be possible to have an AI generate the YAML files that make up items and cards -- so we could let players generate special and unique to them cards based on their achievements.
Hello everyone, your favorite agent is back! No, I'm not talking about Agent 47. I'm talking about Anomaly Agent. Our game is now at its lowest price ever on Steam. You can purchase it for the first time at $7.19 with a 40% discount. If you haven't played it yet, we think now's the perfect time :)
Unity will now be spying on you with AI. They only informed those in the EU since they are required to by law.
I finally published RunDroid, a 2D fast-paced action platformer. | play for Free | Available on Play Store | Link in comment.
I made this American inspired mega Man clone for a game jam
My solodev game releases in 25 days: between excitement and fear!
Don't forget the Asset Store freebie of the week - Omni Animation - Core Locomotion Pack
Hey folks, as some of you might know, Unity gives away a paid asset every week. This week you can grab: Omni Animation - Core Locomotion Pack
Just add it to your cart and in the checkout page enter the code: OPSIVE2024
Other assets from the publisher are also on sale if you are interested.
I'm doing these reminders on this sub weekly, but if you want to set your own reminder, keep an eye on this link.
It gets updated every week on Thursday, 8AM PT
Need play testers for my new Unity mobile game! (Android)
I need more play testers for my new mobile game to be able to publish to google play. Its s simple fishing game nothing too complex. While feedback would be great at the bear minimum all you would have to do is download the game and maybe play once or twice.
Check out the game here:\_gamedev/
Fill out the form to join here:
Thanks, Tiny Tree
I am working on a windshield rain shader inspired by DriveClub rain effect. Let me know what do you think.
The demo for our roguelike chess deckbuilder just got a big update based on feedback from Next Fest, including 3 new cards to play with! Wishlist Usurper today, coming September 9th!
I've been working on a procedural generation tool using UI Toolkit!
I’m trying to make Metaballs in my game.
It seems like all the tutorials are from 2016 or before. I was following one which appears to be best but it says to use the Blur.cs downloaded from the asset menu but it doesn’t appear (perhaps too outdated). Anyone have any ways to create metaballs or a good tutorial you suggest? Maybe even a premade asset for it?
Thank you!!
Wife's Expecting, and So Am I: Launching 'Protocol Rift' Before the Baby in December!
Release of my first game!
I know it is overdone but I just love abandoned gas stations covered in foliage.
Working on silly hat cosmetics for Tiny Shop! Anything you would like to see there?!
What's the Unity plugins you can't live without?
Here to hear some useful plugins, what do you use on your daily workflow?
Any feedback on game feel for my CS surf inspired game, Hoverflow ?
I added a hacking minigame, but I think it still needs a bit of work. What do you think?
Unity Forums shutting down, content being merged with Unity Discussions