Updates since my last reddit post for my new idle/incremental game (Elemental Merge - Idle Game) on the Google Play Store!
Since my last post on this subreddit, I have fixed major issues and added new features. These include: Fixing bug with saving progress not working, fixing issues surrounding Ads(Now they work and allow you to activate boosts), fixed bugs that prevented player from accessing prestige tree upgrades, added a button that speeds up spawn time by 0.1 seconds each click, a display for the boost per each prestige flask as that was causing some confusion, and also a display that counts down the time left until the next auto merge.
If you downloaded my game previously, please update your game and check out the changes. If this is your first time hearing about this game, go download it at: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.IdleGameDevelopment.ElementalMerge
We've just updated our web-building animation and it makes the game look so much better. The LineRenderer and SpringJoint components are so amazing and it would be so much more complicated to implement without them 🤩
Day vs night indoors. I had to write my own lighting system to make this work and capable to change in realtime (details in comments).
Some cuts of my project's gameplay, tell me what you think about the visuals?
How much event usage is too much? What are some situations in which people tend to use events unneccessarily?
NOTE: I am only using c# events, not Unity events
So the problem I am having is deciding when to use events and when to use direct references instead. Here are situations when I go for events:
When multiple different scripts of the same/different type need to run a code when a certain script performs a specific action (which is emitted as an event)
User Interface elements
The situation in which I am having trouble deciding is: let's say I have script A & script B now when a certain function is executed in A this function also needs to execute a certain function in B. Now the simplest solution is to use a direct reference in inspector or just using GetComponent in which case it introduces coupling plus makes it compulsory to declare that function public in B. Now the other solution is to have an event and invoke this event in A and have code in B to run whenever this event is invoked. The advantage is that this reduces coupling & restricts access but at the same time what I question myself is whether I am unnecessarily using events because there will only be one B script in the scene & that is the only script making use of the event. So is it an unnecessary usage of an event and should I just go with reference even if it introduces a little bit of coupling?
Which one is the best way to write a line shorter ? ( If none then please comment the correct way )
Trouble with your joints and/or curves? Don't worry, I can help with that! New neck traversal mechanic.
Character/prefab swap tutorial
Does anybody know any good tutorials about how to swap out 2 prefab player objects?
Example being for a mario game where you have normal mario with just a movement script but then the prefab for fire mario pops up and replaces the original when he touches a power up.
I want my forest to look like this, but the trees keep placing like this(2) while using tilemaps. How can i achieve this??
Check this out! Optimized or Fake Rope or cable simulation tool.
An optimized rope or cable simulation tool. Kind of fake rope physics simulation.
Trying to fully utilize Unity animation and particle systems in our game: here’s a mini-boss fight with special animated projectiles, proximity mines, homing rockets, and more.
Looking for feedback for game dev-centered pixel art editor
Polygon collider2D creation.
I am making a small game which features a roulette with a number. I am trying to obtain the number of the roulette by raycasting down from the very top of the roulette, and getting the name of the exact object. Each segment of the roulette is a different object, with it's name being the corresponding number. (I generate them dynamically because the amount of numbers in the roulette changes.)
Basically, I am trying to have it generate a polygon collider automatically when I create each segment of the roulette, however I get different results when I do it in the editor, by just adding a polygon collider, rather than when doing it from code, in which I tried "obj.AddComponent<PolygonCollider2D>().points = objspr.sprite.vertices;" Here is the difference in results
This is the collider that the above code generates:
And this is the collider that is generated by adding the PolygonCollider2D via the editor: (Which is what I'm trying to achieve)
If the editor can automatically generate it the way I want it, I assume there must be a method or some way to achieve those exact results via my code, even if it is way longer than the single line of code I wrote. Does anybody know of such thing?
for reference, objspr is the sprite object of the current segment being generated, and that line is inside a for loop that iterates through all the segments in the roulette. I can show any code snippets as necessary.
Been working on a little Dungeon generator, worth continuing?
Which of these three character concepts do you think is the most interesting?
If you had to choose, which console era do you think this game is trying to replicate?
Unity Ad Initialization help
I am about to launch my game on the google play store, and I wasn't totally sure if my ad initialization script was done correctly. Please let me know if you spot any mistakes or things that I missed. Thank you. (I wrote "mykey" instead of my real key because I think it is not meant to be shared)
public class AdInitialization : MonoBehaviour
public AdRewardsSetUp adRewardsSetUp;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
IronSource.Agent.init("mykey", IronSourceAdUnits.REWARDED_VIDEO);
IronSource.Agent.shouldTrackNetworkState (true);
//Add AdInfo Rewarded Video Events
IronSourceRewardedVideoEvents.onAdOpenedEvent += RewardedVideoOnAdOpenedEvent;
IronSourceRewardedVideoEvents.onAdClosedEvent += RewardedVideoOnAdClosedEvent;
IronSourceRewardedVideoEvents.onAdAvailableEvent += RewardedVideoOnAdAvailable;
IronSourceRewardedVideoEvents.onAdUnavailableEvent += RewardedVideoOnAdUnavailable;
IronSourceRewardedVideoEvents.onAdShowFailedEvent += RewardedVideoOnAdShowFailedEvent;
IronSourceRewardedVideoEvents.onAdRewardedEvent += RewardedVideoOnAdRewardedEvent;
IronSourceRewardedVideoEvents.onAdClickedEvent += RewardedVideoOnAdClickedEvent;
private void OnEnable() {
IronSourceEvents.onSdkInitializationCompletedEvent += SdkInitializationCompletedEvent;
void OnApplicationPause(bool isPaused) {
public void ShowRewardedAd(){
private void SdkInitializationCompletedEvent(){}
/************* RewardedVideo AdInfo Delegates *************/
// Indicates that there’s an available ad.
// The adInfo object includes information about the ad that was loaded successfully
// This replaces the RewardedVideoAvailabilityChangedEvent(true) event
void RewardedVideoOnAdAvailable(IronSourceAdInfo adInfo) {
// Indicates that no ads are available to be displayed
// This replaces the RewardedVideoAvailabilityChangedEvent(false) event
void RewardedVideoOnAdUnavailable() {
// The Rewarded Video ad view has opened. Your activity will loose focus.
void RewardedVideoOnAdOpenedEvent(IronSourceAdInfo adInfo){
// The Rewarded Video ad view is about to be closed. Your activity will regain its focus.
void RewardedVideoOnAdClosedEvent(IronSourceAdInfo adInfo){
// The user completed to watch the video, and should be rewarded.
// The placement parameter will include the reward data.
// When using server-to-server callbacks, you may ignore this event and wait for the ironSource server callback.
void RewardedVideoOnAdRewardedEvent(IronSourcePlacement placement, IronSourceAdInfo adInfo){
// The rewarded video ad was failed to show.
void RewardedVideoOnAdShowFailedEvent(IronSourceError error, IronSourceAdInfo adInfo){
// Invoked when the video ad was clicked.
// This callback is not supported by all networks, and we recommend using it only if
// it’s supported by all networks you included in your build.
void RewardedVideoOnAdClickedEvent(IronSourcePlacement placement, IronSourceAdInfo adInfo){
public bool checkAvailability(){
return IronSource.Agent.isRewardedVideoAvailable();
Checking every door in my apartment with a rail-mounted camera. Just in case...
First prototype for my fighting game. What would you like to see for the improvement?
Platformer tileMap water physics
Hello everybody, I'm working on a 2d platformer game similar to Terraria and using tileMap to generate a procedurally generated map. However I'm facing two issues that can't find any answer for them online.
_First, how to apply water physics for tileMap water tiles?
_Second, is there any simpler way to generate water in caves instead of using flood fill algorithm?
Thanks in advance for any given answer.
Created a developer commentary trailer for my new game, Disposition
Making a card management cooking game inspired by Stackland and Overcooked.