News about the Unity engine and project showcases from Reddit. Made possible with @reddit2telegram (@r_channels).
I've got hand-painted backgrounds projected on 3D. It's not efficient, but the dynamic lighting makes it worth it.
Hey i released a short 10 minute demo for my game on steam if you want to take a break and play it don't hesitate !
The effects of layoffs are beginning to show..
testing new hands mechanic for horror game
The most annoying thing here!
Every time i open up reddit i see the same question "HoW dO i GeT iNtO uNiTy AnD gAmEdEv?"
Let me tell you how to start and it only takes you 1minute:
Step 1: Give up if u dont know how to search up the other 10k posts that asked the same question this week ur not cut for gamedev!
And for all the others, can we pls stop responding and downvote those questions?
Ty byeeee
Flip Improved in my game. what should I do next?
After everything I've been though these past couple years I thought I'd lost my passion for game dev but I'm happy that I'm finally at a point where my game is now in NEXT FEST!!!
Hi folks! Here to show you the first release of Libre Fracture 2.0💥, my open source tool for object destruction. GitHub repo in the comments.
For the first time, I've created a four-legged walking robot. Later, I'll make a combat game featuring a steampunk-style four-legged walking robot.
You may not like it, but this what peak dodging looks like
Question for a level up
How would I make 3 random upgrades or new weapons appear in screen akin to vampire survivors in unity? What are some things I could make as rewards for leveling up?
I just made reload for my game - WIP
If you love something, set it free. We made our Unity3d game Decay of Logos FREE on Steam. No catch, hope you enjoy ❤
Every Unity project comes prelittered with this freak
Is there a better way to handle events?
Making a game where you can enslave a nest, slap thrusters on it, and create a mobile murder base. After 2 years of development, my vision is finally coming to light (regardless of the Geneva suggesti- I mean convention)
Tony Hawk in Space - What do you think of concept?
“Unity oyun cafe” is now closed
Finally wrapped up a new demo for our alchemic card adventure. What do you think?
Growing up with LucasArts and the adventure magic of the 80s and 90s, we started hand-drawing our 2D adventure game in Unity3D 11 years ago. We're releasing Elroy and the Aliens on April 2nd!
Growing up with LucasArts and the adventure magic of the 80s and 90s, we started hand-drawing our 2D adventure game 11 years ago. We're releasing Elroy and the Aliens on April 2nd!
directions don't work C# Unity
Any help please, rb.AddForce it works but the directions don't work, I tried and tried all the methods, but to no avail
How expensive is having tons of colliders? Cheapest collider?
Hi all, I'm making a tank game that has a huge map... and thousands upon thousands of trees. Each tree uses a single collider, so I'm curious to know if that'll be laggy on lower-end devices. If so, do you have any tips on making it run faster? I have practically no care for graphics or realism as long as the trees properly block tanks/bullets. Thanks!
PS any extra tips for making terrain run super fast too?
Unity Hover Bike (Star Wars Speeder Inspired)
2D Space Asteroids Get on Exploring, see down below!
Exploiting Joints for a "Good enough" rail system.
Check&Clean is taking part in the SteamNeoFest! Come try our demo for FREE!
Added armies to my roman city-builder... what do you think :)