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25 Dec 2024 12:29
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Ɍɦαρsσdy Dαílíҽs
24 Dec 2024 17:26
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Ɍɦαρsσdy Dαílíҽs
23 Dec 2024 01:03
📖 The law and the prophets were until John. Since that time the kingdom of God has been preached, and everyone is pressing into it (Luke 16:16 NKJV).
Pastor Chris Says
The Kingdom of God is a real Kingdom, howbeit, a spiritual one, and being born again, we’re progenies of the Kingdom. The Kingdom of God includes everything under God’s dominion, both on earth and in Heaven. But there’s also the Kingdom of Heaven, which is the earthly manifestation of the Kingdom of God, set up by Jesus.
So, when Jesus came and said, "The Kingdom of God is at hand" (Matthew 3:2, Mark 1:15), He was referring to the Kingdom of Heaven that He had come to establish or set up in the earth. This is the Kingdom that Jesus began to preach and to make known, something others couldn’t do because they hadn’t entered it themselves—it was promised to them.
But Jesus preached it and then brought us into it through the New Birth. Hallelujah! Colossians 1:12-13 says, “Giving thanks unto the Father… Who hath… translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son.”
So, today, the same Kingdom that Jesus Himself preached is what He’s commissioned us to preach to the ends of the earth: “And he sent them to preach the kingdom of God…” (Luke 9:2). But one day, very soon, this Kingdom, which is in the spirit realm right now, will manifest in this world and take over this world.
Intensify your efforts and stop at nothing in ensuring the good news of the Kingdom spreads to the ends of the earth; win more souls into the Kingdom. The Lord Jesus, referring to being born again, said in John 3:5, “…Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.”
It’s our responsibility to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom so that every man, woman, boy and girl on the face of the earth might hear, believe and be brought into the Kingdom. Remember the words of the Master in Matthew 24:14, “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.” Blessed be God!
PRAYER Dear Father, thank you, because now that I’m born again, your Kingdom is in my heart. I proclaim the glorious news of your saving power to those who’re held bound by the shackles of the adversary, bringing them out of damnation into the glorious liberty of your Kingdom, in Jesus' Name. Amen
Colossians 1:12-13;
Luke 12:32;
1 Corinthians 15:24;
Luke 16:16
Revelation 15 & Zephaniah 1-3
Revelation 18:1-12 & Zechariah 1-2
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Ɍɦαρsσdy Dαílíҽs
21 Dec 2024 01:03
📖 That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life (John 3:15).
Pastor Chris Says
Imagine preaching the Gospel to someone and the person asks you, “What is eternal life?” What will you say? I'll give you two simple statements that’ll help you understand what it is. The first one is that eternal life is the life and nature of God. This in itself isn’t a definition but an expression that describes what kind of life it is. Eternal life is a life that's different from other kinds of life; it’s the life and nature of God.
As a definition, eternal life is the organic and existential attributes of deity. Why is this important? It’s because all over the world, people talk about different gods. There’re so many deities in different cultures represented in so many ways. But none of them has eternal life.
Eternal life is the life that Jesus, in Scripture, declared the Father has, which essentially distinguishes Him from all others that may be called gods: "For as the Father hath life in himself; so hath he given to the Son to have life in himself" (John 5:26). The Bible declares, “… And now we are in God because we are in Jesus Christ his Son, who is the only true God; and he is eternal Life” (1 John 5:20 TLB). Jesus Christ is God! In Him, we find and can relate with the organic and existential attributes of deity.
When He walked the earth, He was life encapsulated in a human body and manifested to us: “For the life was manifested, and we have seen it, and bear witness, and shew unto you that eternal life, which was with the Father, and was manifested unto us” (1 John 1:2).
This eternal life is what He brought to the world (John 10:10). This is the message of the Kingdom of God: that Jesus Christ offers eternal life freely. That’s why it’s called Gospel; you don't have to pay anything for it.
CONFESSION I rejoice in knowing that I have the life and nature of God in me—the organic and existential attributes of deity. This divine life sets me apart and empowers me to live victoriously. I walk in the consciousness of this incorruptible, impregnable and invincible life in me, in Jesus' Name. Amen
John 17:3;
1 John 5:11-13;
Revelation 13:1-10 & Nahum 1-3
Revelation 17:1-10 & Haggai 1
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Ɍɦαρsσdy Dαílíҽs
19 Dec 2024 01:03
📖 Ye are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read of all men: Forasmuch as ye are manifestly declared to be the epistle of Christ ministered by us, written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God; not in tables of stone, but in fleshy tables of the heart (2 Corinthians 3:2-3).
Pastor Chris Says
What's an epistle? It’s a letter or written message. So, when Paul said, “Ye are our epistle…,” he was saying, “You’re our message, known and read of all men.” Jesus Christ was the message of God. He was the Word of God—God’s message—sent to the world to be read of all men. He was manifested in the flesh. When men encountered Jesus in Bible days, they encountered the Word of God. When He spoke, it was the Word speaking.
When He acted, it was God's Word in action. When He healed, it was God's Word performing the miracles. Everything He did was the manifestation of the Word of God in flesh. Therefore, He was manifestly declared to be the Word of God in the flesh.
Now, referring to us, Paul says exactly the same thing: “Forasmuch as ye are manifestly declared to be the epistle of Christ ministered by us…” (2 Corinthians 3:3). Did you see that? You are manifestly declared to be the epistle of Christ the same way Jesus was manifestly declared to be the Word of God in the flesh. This means you’re the message of Christ, and being the message of Christ means you’re the message of God.
If you are the epistle of Christ, then you’re the epistle of God. If you are the word of Christ, then you’re the Word of God. Knowing this amazing truth, how are you going to live your life? That’s why God has given us His written Word so we can learn His language and talk His language. The necessary result of that is an outflow of the God-life through you. That’ll be your experience every day. There’ll be no defeat in your life. Irrespective of who your adversaries are or the circumstances in which you find yourself, you’ll be an absolute victor. Glory to God!
PRAYER Dear Father, thank you for making me the epistle of Christ, your living message to the world. I acknowledge that I'm your Word in the flesh, manifesting your glory, grace and truth. As I study the Word meditatively and speak it forth, I experience an outflow of the God-life, living in absolute victory and dominion in Christ Jesus. Amen
John 1:14;
1 John 4:17;
2 Corinthians 3:2-3 NKJV
Revelation 11 & Micah 4-5
Revelation 16:1-10 & Zephaniah 1-2
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Ɍɦαρsσdy Dαílíҽs
17 Dec 2024 04:25
📖 To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory (Colossians 1:27).
Pastor Chris Says
When the Bible says “Christ in you,” what does it mean? “Christ in you” means Christ literally dwells in you. You’re His house; He lives in you, walks in you, and talks through you through the Holy Spirit.
The Bible says, “For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones” (Ephesians 5:30). You’re His feet, and you’re His hands. You’re the limbs of Christ: “Know ye not that your bodies are the members of Christ...” (1 Corinthians 6:15). As a Christian, you’re inseparably one with Christ; you’re fused as one with Him. Remember His words in John 14:20, “…I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you.” Hallelujah!
In 2 Corinthians 3:5, Paul wrote about his experience of the Gospel as inspired by the Holy Spirit. He said, “Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think anything as of ourselves; but our sufficiency is of God.” Here was a man writing about his life, and he says, “My sufficiency is of God.” The same is true about you.
In his letter to the Philippians, he said, “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me” (Philippians 4:13). How could he have such a mentality? It's because he understood the meaning of “Christ in you.” He knew he was no longer ordinary; he had become one with Christ, which means oneness with deity. The Word declares in 1 Corinthians 6:17, “But he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit.”
You’re one with the Lord; therefore, every so often, boldly declare: “My sufficiency is of God!” That means the ability of God is working in and through you; that’s the reason you’re invincible, ever prosperous, fruitful and productive. Glory to God!
CONFESSION Christ dwells in me, and I in Him. I’m inseparably one with Him, a member of His body, of His flesh and of His bones. I’m the vessel through which He manifests His glory and reveals His multifaceted wisdom without limits. My sufficiency is of Him and through Him, I can do all things. I walk in the consciousness of this divine reality today and always in Jesus’ Name. Amen
.FURTHER STUDY John 14:20;
1 Corinthians 6:15;
Philippians 4:131 YEAR BIBLE READING PLAN:
Revelation 9 & Jonah 1-4
Revelation 14:11-20 & Habakkuk 1-2
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Ɍɦαρsσdy Dαílíҽs
15 Dec 2024 05:02
“Healed Of Depression” ~ Z. O; United Kingdom
I experienced significant doubt regarding the existence of God as a result of the numerous challenges I encountered. This led to a period of depression, during which I attempted suicide at the age of nine and on several occasions thereafter. However, during my final attempt to end my life, I came across Rhapsody of Realities. The messages conveyed in each article profoundly transformed my life; I am now filled with joy.
“The Blood Flow Stopped!” ~ B.B; Nepal
I received a diagnosis of a blood condition that plunged me into despair. For five years, I experienced continuous bleeding, reminiscent of the woman with the issue of blood mentioned in the Bible. However, upon receiving my first copy of Rhapsody of Realities, I committed myself to diligent study and affirmation. Miraculously, the bleeding ceased. The teachings from Rhapsody of Realities restored my health. All praise be to God!
“Miraculously Released From Prison” ~ B.W; Cape Town
My brother faced an unjust arrest and subsequent imprisonment, yet I remained steadfast in my prayers for his well-being. On the day of his court hearing, I opened my Rhapsody and found that the day's article recounted the miraculous release of Paul and Silas from prison. Inspired by this, I began to declare that my brother would be freed that very day. Upon my arrival at the courthouse, the judge decided to grant my brother bail under his own conditions. Praise the Lord
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Ɍɦαρsσdy Dαílíҽs
14 Dec 2024 14:36
Tutorial is happening tonight! Join the WhatsApp group now for Free.
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Ɍɦαρsσdy Dαílíҽs
13 Dec 2024 18:19
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Ɍɦαρsσdy Dαílíҽs
11 Dec 2024 18:34
🔺 S T R E A M L I N K
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Ɍɦαρsσdy Dαílíҽs
11 Dec 2024 01:03
📖 …if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved (Romans 10:9).
Pastor Chris Says
When you confessed the Lordship of Jesus, believing that God raised Him from the dead, you received eternal life; you were born into Christ and Christ came into you. You now have His life, His nature, and His spirit. This also means you’ll never go to hell because Jesus Christ, the light of the world, lives in you. He already went to hell in your place and defeated Satan and his cohorts of darkness in hell (Colossians 2:15).
When He obtained the victory in hell, you were in Him. Accordingly, you have victory over hell, sin and death. No wonder the Bible says, “Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment: because as he is, so are we in this world” (1 John 4:17). In the Day of Judgment, you’ll boldly face the Master because as He is so are you. How is He? He’s righteous and holy; and so are you.
Colossians 1:21-22 says, “And you…hath he reconciled in the body of his flesh through death, to present you holy and unblameable and unreproveable in his sight.” 2 Corinthians 5:21 says, “For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.” It’s His doing; we didn’t ask for any of these: It pleased Him to make us partakers of the divine nature—associates of the God-kind (2 Peter 1:4).
1 John 5:11-12 says, “And this is the testimony: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. Whoever has the Son has life…” (NIV). When you made Jesus the Lord of your life, His divine life supplanted your human life. Like Him, you possess the organic and existential attributes of deity. You’re a God-carrying vessel; you’re one in whom all of divinity dwells. The Bible says concerning Jesus: “For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily” (Colossians 2:9). Then the very next verse says, “And ye are complete in him…” (Colossians 2:10).
This means you have what He has, for you’re a joint heir with Him (Romans 8:17). You’re where He is; you’re seated with Him in the place of dominion, great glory, power and authority (Ephesians 2:6). You can do all things (Philippians 4:13), for you function in His Name and in His sufficiency (2 Corinthians 3:5). These and more are the realities now that Jesus is Lord of your life
.PRAYER Dear Father, I thank you for my new life in Christ Jesus; I rejoice that I am now in Christ and He is in me. His life, nature and Spirit are at work within me. I have what He has, for I’m a joint-heir with Him. I’m where He is because I’m seated with Him in the place of dominion, great glory, power and authority. I can do all things because I act in His Name and in His sufficiency. Blessed be God!
2 Corinthians 5:17;
Colossians 3:3-4;
James 1:18
Revelation 3:7-22 & Hosea 7-10
Revelation 11:11-19 & Jonah 3-4
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Ɍɦαρsσdy Dαílíҽs
10 Dec 2024 01:03
📖 And many other signs truly did Jesus in the presence of his disciples, which are not written in this book: But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name (John 20:30-31).
Pastor Chris Says
When Jesus declared that He was the Christ, the Jews accused Him of blasphemy because they understood what the term “Christ” meant. Christ means “Son of God,” and that expression means “God in human flesh.” Recall that in John 10 the Jews asked Him, if He was the Christ? and Jesus said, “Yes.” Then they cried, “… blasphemy; you, a mere man, have declared yourself to be God” (John 10:33 TLB).
They understood the implication of Jesus saying He was the Christ and they vehemently opposed Him for making such a claim. But He was right; He is the Christ, the Son of God, and anyone who believes in Him has life. Hallelujah! Many years ago, as I took the Gospel to different places, I often would announce to the people that our purpose for coming to them was so they might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing, they might have life through His Name.
Then, I’d give an altar call. Many believed in Him and the moment they did, they received eternal life for He has said, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life” (John 6:47). In Romans 6:11, Paul tells us how to respond to this: “Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord.”
So, today, if you believe in Jesus, it means you’re dead to sin but alive to God. You have eternal life. The Bible says through the Gospel, He brought life and immortality to light (2 Timothy 1:10). You’ve passed from death to life: “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life” (John 5:24).
PRAYER Dear Father, I thank you for giving me eternal life! I walk in the full blessings and consciousness of this divine life, filled with your glory, power and love. I impact my world and those around me with your divine nature, as I live triumphantly each day, manifesting fruits of righteousness in Jesus’ Name. Amen
John 6:47;
1 John 5:11-12;
John 20:30-31 NKJV
Revelation 2:18-3:1-6 & Hosea 3-6
Revelation 11:1-10 & Jonah 1-2
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Ɍɦαρsσdy Dαílíҽs
08 Dec 2024 18:53
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Ɍɦαρsσdy Dαílíҽs
07 Dec 2024 02:49
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Ɍɦαρsσdy Dαílíҽs
25 Dec 2024 01:03
📖 To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory (Colossians 1:27).
Pastor Chris Says
For some people, Christmas is all about food and family. So, on Christmas day, they make sure to get around family, eat, feast and be merry. But beyond the merry-making, Christmas is about Christ: who He is, what He came to do, and the fact that He actually accomplished His purpose. Had He not accomplished His purpose, life would have been empty.
He came, lived, died, and came back to life that you might live. He said in John 10:10 (AMPC), “…I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows).” 1 John 3:8 says, “…For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.” This same Jesus is coming again, and it's time to serve Him truly; it's time to know Him for sure.
Titus 2:13 tells us something beautiful about who He is—He’s the great God and our Saviour: “Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ." Did you see that? Jesus is God. When He was born among us, He was called “Emmanuel,” God with us.
In Colossians 1:19, the Bible says, the fullness of Deity resides in Him. The totality of divinity dwells in Jesus Christ: “For in him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily” (Colossians 2:9). Jesus Christ is the body of God; everything that God is, is in Jesus.
But here’s the most inspiring part: this Jesus, the great God and our Saviour, isn’t just with you today but in you. That’s what we read in our opening scripture: Christ in you the hope of glory. This is the actual meaning of Christmas. Christmas is the celebration of Christ in you. You haven't known what Christmas is and how to celebrate Christmas until you have the understanding that Christ literally dwells in the quarters of your heart.
The real celebration begins when you arrive at God's revelation for Christmas, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. This was God's plan from the beginning; this was what He always wanted—that we be filled or replete with all the fullness of God, just as Jesus was.
CONFESSION I rejoice in the divine truth that Jesus is the great God and our Saviour who has extricated humanity from death, hell and shame and brought life and immortality to light. I celebrate my oneness with Christ and His divine life in me, which means victory, strength, triumph, glory and dominion over sin, and the powers of darkness. Amen
Colossians 1:26-27;
Titus 2:13-14;
Colossians 1:19;
Colossians 2:9;
Ephesians 3:19
Revelation 17 & Zechariah 1-3
Revelation 19:1-10 & Zechariah 5-6
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Ɍɦαρsσdy Dαílíҽs
24 Dec 2024 01:03
📖 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord…And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men (Luke 2:11-14).
Pastor Chris Says
Often at Christmas time, there’s a lot of singing; it’s that time of the year when people gleefully sing “Christmas Carols.” Many of these songs, even though popular and have existed for centuries, lack spiritual substance; a lot of them don’t make spiritual sense or have any spiritual meaning.
Take for example songs like “Jingle Bells” or “Dashing Through The Snow”; they’re very popular Christmas songs sung around the world, but they have no spiritual meaning. The fact that they make you happy and lighten your mood doesn’t mean they bless you.
Christmas is about Jesus, and He is the living Word. So, on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, or whenever, know the Word, think the Word, and sing the Word. Sing songs that bear consistency with the Scriptures. Whether you're making merry about Christmas or singing in praise to God, let your worship be consistent with God's Word and truth, and you'll be amazed at the transformation this would bring to your life.
You can join us tonight from 8pm GMT+1 for another beautiful opportunity to experience God’s love and the true meaning of Christmas at the “Christmas Eve Service with Pastor Chris.” The colourful and life-changing service will hold in various churches and will be transmitted LIVE on satellite and terrestrial TV stations, and across all the Loveworld networks. It promises to be an exclusive time of fellowship with God’s Word as we sing to His praise and unveil deeper truths about Christmas. For more information, visit www.christembassy.org
PRAYER Dear Father, my heart is filled with joy and gratitude as I celebrate the birth of Christ with a deeper understanding of who Jesus is and what He came to do. Even now, I receive divine revelations, counsel, direction and guidance from your Spirit as I fellowship with you in psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Your purpose is fulfilled in my life, and your glory is revealed in and through me, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen
Luke 2:11-14 NIV;
John 1:14;
Psalm 95:1-2;
Revelation 16 & Haggai 1-2
Revelation 18:13-24 & Zechariah 3-4
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Ɍɦαρsσdy Dαílíҽs
22 Dec 2024 01:03
📖 And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God (Ephesians 3:19).
Pastor Chris Says
I like the fact that at Christmas time many profess love; they say it’s a season to love one another. But most only assume to know what love is, whereas they really don’t. What most have experienced and understood is tolerance, not love. Tolerance is your ability to bear with others; it’s a good thing, but it shouldn’t be confused as love. That you tolerate people doesn’t mean you love them.
Even the Jews had difficulty understanding love. The Jewish mind was complex, and one of the ways God could get their attention was to give them the golden rule: “Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people, but thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself: I am the LORD” (Leviticus 19:18). He said to them, “Love your neighbour as yourself.” But how could a man love his neighbour as himself when even he isn’t conscious of loving himself?
This wasn’t God's best delineation of love, but He had to work with them from the "outside." So, He said to them, “Do unto others as you want them to do to you" (Matthew 7:12, Luke 6:31). After a while, they began to abuse this. A man could take another’s wife and say, “I don't mind if you do the same to me. Take my rude wife.”
But when Jesus came, He manifested God’s love in a way that was different. He said, “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13). He showed them love from God’s perspective, and not only did He preach this love, He proved it. You can’t show or manifest true love if you don’t know Jesus.
When you hear someone say, “I can’t please you and displease myself,” such a person is quoting from the Old Testament. But Jesus says no; it's not about pleasing yourself; it's about laying down your life for others. It’s about making others happy even at the expense of your own feelings. There's no greater love than this. Your understanding of this will completely change your life and your commitment to Jesus Christ, and to those for whom He died.
CONFESSION By the Spirit, I have an understanding of the dimensions of God’s love. I’m filled with the love of Christ, which surpasses all knowledge. I love others as Christ has loved me; my actions are motivated by genuine love, and I serve others with joy and compassion, following the example of the Lord Jesus. Hallelujah
1 John 4:7-10;
Romans 12:10;
1 Corinthians 13:4-5 NIV
Revelation 13:11-14:1-20 & Habakkuk 1-3
Revelation 17:11-18 & Haggai 2
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Ɍɦαρsσdy Dαílíҽs
20 Dec 2024 01:03
📖 You know the way to the place where I am going. Thomas said to him, Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way? (John 14:4-5 NIV).
Pastor Chris Says
The Lord Jesus, just before His crucifixion, had a meeting with His disciples where He told them He would be going away to Heaven. They were saddened by the news, but Jesus comforted them, saying, “...I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going” (John 14:3-4 NIV).
Notice His language: always succinct, always positive. It shows you the Master’s mentality. He said, “You know the way to the place where I am going.” But Thomas, who was thinking in the flesh, said, “Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way?” Jesus’ response to him was profound. He said, “...I am the way, the truth, and the life…” (John 14:6). What an answer!
Jesus was speaking by the Spirit, and His answer probably made Thomas more confused because Thomas was reasoning in the flesh. Then Jesus said in the next verse, “If ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also: and from henceforth ye know him, and have seen him” (John 14:7). Remarkable!
Notice that Jesus didn't say, “Okay, Thomas, from henceforth, I'm going to try to introduce the Father to you”; no! Rather, He said, “You know Him.” This is the way He wants you to think. He doesn't want you arguing and declaring your lack of knowledge. Respond in the spirit. The Bible says you have an unction from the Holy One and you know all things (1 John 2:20). Hallelujah!
The Lord has said you know the Father; therefore say, “Yes sir! I know Him.” Blessed be God! When you agree and affirm the Word like that, suddenly, the knowledge of God will well up in your spirit, and you’ll discover the truth. Remember, He is the way, the truth, and the life. What He tells you is truth. If He says you know Him, that's the truth. Moreover, He also said it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the Kingdom (Matthew 13:11, Luke 8:10), and that includes knowing the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Hallelujah!
PRAYER I thank you Father, for you’ve revealed yourself to me in the Lord Jesus and by your Spirit. I declare with confidence that I know you, and I walk in that truth always. This knowledge transforms my life, my language and interactions. I walk as a victor, and your grace in my life is multiplied as a result of my knowledge of you, in Jesus’ Name. Amen
John 14:16-17;
John 17:3;
1 John 2:13;
Revelation 12 & Micah 6-7
Revelation 16:11-21 & Zephaniah 3
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Ɍɦαρsσdy Dαílíҽs
18 Dec 2024 01:03
📖 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils…(Mark 16:17).
Pastor Chris Says
There’re people who say they don’t believe in the existence of demons, saying that devils or demons only exist in the imagination of certain people. Such folks are ignorant because the Bible tells us that Satan and demons are real. 1 Peter 5:8 says, “…your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.”
Jesus taught about demons and how they operate, and He cast out demons on several occasions. In fact, the very first sign He said would follow those who believe in Him is what we read in our opening scripture: the ability to cast out demons.
Once, He was teaching in the synagogue and the Bible tells us that a certain woman who was bent double and couldn’t straighten up herself came into the synagogue. The Bible says, “And when Jesus saw her, he called her to him, and said unto her, Woman, thou art loosed from thine infirmity” (Luke 13:12). In the 11th and 16th verses, it’s clearly stated that the woman’s condition was caused by the devil, and Jesus proved it when He touched her and commanded her to straighten up, and she was restored instantly.
There were also instances where He commanded deaf spirits to come out of people who were deaf and dumb, and they instantly began to hear and speak. Many of us have done the same thing over the years in His Name. We’ve cast out deaf and dumb spirits, and instantly, the people who were afflicted started to hear and to speak. We did exactly what Jesus said to do and what He did. Glory to God!
He told us to cast out demons because they are real and are responsible for many of the troubles and infirmities that people suffer with and that we see around us. So, don’t be deceived by Satan’s incognito; if he can get you to believe he doesn’t exist, then he can mess up your life and mess up things around you. The Bible says we’re not ignorant of his devices (2 Corinthians 2:11). Ephesians 4:27 tells us to give him no place, no foothold.
Satan and his demons may be real, but they’re powerless, defenceless and paralyzed before us. Whenever they show up, cast them out; truncate their activities, manoeuvres and manipulations. You have absolute dominion over them; exercise it.
PRAYER Dear Father, thank you for the authority I have in the Name of Jesus to cast out demons and to destroy their works and schemes. Thank you for the victory and dominion I have over all the power of the enemy. I walk in this authority today and always, in Jesus' Name. Amen
Luke 10:17-19;
Luke 13:10-13 NKJV;
Revelation 10 & Micah 1-3
Revelation 15:1-8 & Habakkuk 3
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Ɍɦαρsσdy Dαílíҽs
16 Dec 2024 01:03
📖 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth (John 1:14).
Pastor Chris Says
In one of our previous studies, I explained to you that Jesus is the Son of God—God in human flesh! The Bible shows us something more about who He is in John 1:1. It says, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” The 14th verse says, “…the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us....” But a more accurate rendering is “the Word became flesh”; Jesus Christ is the Word of God become flesh.
It’s easy to accept that Jesus is the living Word, the Word become flesh, but do you know that the same is true about you? The Bible says: “Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth forever” (1 Peter 1:23). You were born again by the Word of God, which lives and abides forever.
Think about it: Jesus Christ is the Logos of God, the Word of God, become flesh. Now, that same Word that became flesh gave birth to you. That makes you God's Word in flesh. Paul understood this and called us the epistles of Christ—the words of Christ: “Forasmuch as ye are manifestly declared to be the epistle of Christ ministered by us, written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God; not in tables of stone, but in fleshy tables of the heart” (2 Corinthians 3:3).
Then he points out something extraordinary in the 18th verse: “But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord” (2 Corinthians 3:18). He says as you reflect on God’s Word, as you ponder and meditate on it, you see yourself—as the reflection of God’s glory, for you’re the offspring of the Word. Hallelujah!
PRAYER Dear Father, I thank you for your Word that has given birth to me; now I have and live the life of the Word. I'm influenced and transformed by your Word to live the glory-life. I walk in the consciousness of this truth as I manifest your righteousness, wisdom, grace and truth in my daily life. Thank you for this divine life that I have in Christ Jesus. Amen
2 Corinthians 3:2-3;
James 1:18;
Revelation 8 & Obadiah
Revelation 14:1-10 & Nahum 1-3
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Ɍɦαρsσdy Dαílíҽs
15 Dec 2024 01:03
📖 Rejoice in the LORD, O ye righteous: for praise is comely for the upright (Psalm 33:1).
Pastor Chris Says
The Bible says, “Praise is comely for the upright.” This is wonderful. It means that praise is consistent with, or befitting to, the custom of our Kingdom. We live to praise. No wonder the Bible says, “In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you” (1 Thessalonians 5:18).
Now, “Praise is comely” also means that praise is beautiful. The New King James Version says, “Rejoice in the Lord, O you righteous! For praise from the upright is beautiful.” In fact, The Passion Translation says, “... Praise him with all you have, for praise looks lovely on the lips of God’s lovers.”
This means that God loves to receive our praise. When we praise Him, we actually position ourselves where we ought to be as a people of praise: “But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light” (1 Peter 2:9). We’re called to show forth His praise.
The meaning of praise according to the Scriptures is the offering of thanks through our lips: “By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name” (Hebrews 13:15). That means we see His goodness in the things that happen in and around us, and in our world, and for that we praise Him lavishly.
God intended that our whole life would be full of praise. You were created for His praise. When we express our praise to Him, sometimes it’s with deep emotions, and at other times it’s with an effulgence of joy that others may not see. But God sees it all; we do these in the light of the Spirit and in the place of His holiness. In such an atmosphere of praise, you’re conscious of His love because in His presence is fullness of joy, and at His right hand are pleasures evermore (Psalm 16:11). Hallelujah!
PRAYER Heavenly Father, I worship and adore you for your great love, your faithfulness, kindness and tender mercies. How gracious you are, for you’ve filled the earth with your goodness; you’ve blessed the nations and their peoples, causing your grace for salvation to appear unto all. Unto you be honour and everlasting power and dominion, forever, in Jesus' Name. Amen
Hebrews 13:15;
Psalm 33:1-4 TPT
Revelation 7 & Amos 5-9
Revelation 13:11-18 & Micah 7
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Ɍɦαρsσdy Dαílíҽs
14 Dec 2024 01:03
📖 ...Father, the hour is come; glorify thy Son, that thy Son also may glorify thee: As thou hast given him power over all flesh, that he should give eternal life to as many as thou hast given him (John 17:1-2).
Pastor Chris Says
What confidence Jesus had, to state that God had given Him power over all flesh to give them eternal life. This means Jesus is the One who gives eternal life. If He’s the Lord of your life, you have eternal life in you because He gives eternal life to all those over whom He’s Lord.
You can only know and understand life when you know the source of life, and that’s Jesus Christ. The next verse says, “And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent” (John 17:3). Notice how Jesus classifies Himself here with God because He is Himself God. He didn't say, “that they might know thee, the only true God,” and stop there. He said “and Jesus Christ”; meaning you’ve got to know God and you’ve got to know Jesus Christ. You can't have one without the other.
Jesus is eternal life; that’s the reason He can give it. So, if you don't know Him, you can’t know life. The Bible says, “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 6:23). Again, we see that God gives eternal life through Jesus Christ.
This truth gets even clearer in 1 John 5:11-12, which says, “And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life.” He says, “…this life is in his Son. He that hath the Son hath life….” Observe the tenses. It doesn’t say if you have the Son, God will give you life. Rather, it says, “If you have the Son, you have life.” That’s the same thing Jesus said in John 6:47: “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life.” Glory to His Name forever!
PRAYER Dear Father, I thank you for the eternal life that I have received through Jesus Christ. I rejoice that I have your life and nature in me, making me more than a conqueror. I walk in the consciousness of this divine life, and I manifest your glory, love and power as I share this truth with others, in Jesus' Name. Amen
John 3:36;
John 10:26-27;
1 John 5:11-13 NIV
: Revelation 6 & Amos 1-4
Revelation 13:1-10 & Micah 5-6
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Ɍɦαρsσdy Dαílíҽs
13 Dec 2024 01:03
📖 Let no man beguile you of your reward in a voluntary humility and worshipping of angels, intruding into those things which he hath not seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind (Colossians 2:18).
Pastor Chris Says
In Christianity, we don't worship angels, neither do we ask angels to pray for us. No matter how much you call on them to pray for you, they won’t pray for you because they can't pray for you. Jesus told us how to pray; He said, “…Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you” (John 16:23). We pray to the Father in the Name of Jesus.
We’re the only ones with the right, privilege and blessing to use His Name in prayer. We don’t even ask Jesus to pray to the Father for us. Jesus said, “At that day ye shall ask in my name: and I say not unto you, that I will pray the Father for you: for the Father himself loveth you, because ye have loved me, and have believed that I came out from God” (John 16:26-27). So, we don't say, “Lord Jesus, please talk to the Father for me.” No; the Father Himself loves us, so we talk to Him directly.
I’ve always pointed out the difference between praying to God through Jesus Christ and praying to God in the Name of Jesus. They're not the same. Praying to God in the Name of Jesus is what Jesus told us to do. Praying to God through Jesus Christ is making Jesus a medium, and after you're born again, He's not a medium to you. He's a medium to God only for the sinner.
Remember what He said: “...I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me” (John 14:6). But when you come by Him to the Father, you don't need a medium anymore because you’re now in the presence of the Father. Praying in the Name of Jesus is a matter of authority. It means you’re using His authority.
Why do you use His authority? Because He saved you, and He owns everything. His Name is on all creation; everything was created in His Name. Everything belongs to Him. The Father put the Name of Jesus as the stamp on all of His creation: “Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature: For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him” (Colossians 1:15-16). Therefore, everything listens to Jesus (Matthew 17:5). Everything! So, use His Name today with boldness.
PRAYER Dear Father, I thank you for the authority you've given me to use the Name of Jesus in prayer. I exercise this authority with boldness, knowing that I have direct access to you and that all creation listens to me as they listen to Jesus. I walk in health, dominion, strength, victory, peace and the abundant life, because I live in the Name of Jesus. Hallelujah
John 14:13-14;
Philippians 2:9-11;
Colossians 2:18 NIV
Revelation 5 & Joel 1-3
Revelation 12:11-17 & Micah 3-4
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Ɍɦαρsσdy Dαílíҽs
12 Dec 2024 01:03
📖 …But is now made manifest by the appearing of our Saviour Jesus Christ, who hath abolished death, and hath brought life and immortality to light through the gospel (2 Timothy 1:10).
Pastor Chris Says
What we just read in our opening scripture is extraordinary. There's no better way to explain it than how it’s already stated. The message is very clear: Christ has abolished death and has brought life and immortality to light through the Gospel. The Church has to come to the knowledge and profundity of this truth.
Now that you’re born again, you’ve passed from death to life; you’re in the place of immortality—deathlessness: “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life” (John 5:24). You have the transcendent life—the overcoming life that makes you superior to Satan, darkness, disease, sickness, failure, defeat, and death.
Now, if this is true, and thank God it is, why are there still so many in the Church today struggling with their health and being buffeted by the elements of this world? The reason is their lack of understanding, consciousness and knowledge of this truth. God said in Hosea 4:6, “My people are destroyed for their lack of knowledge.”
It brings to mind the lamentation of the psalmist, Asaph in Psalm 82:5-7, “They know not, neither will they understand; they walk on in darkness: all the foundations of the earth are out of course. I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High. But ye shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes.” How sad! Being born again, you’re a god because you’re born of God; therefore, you have the Godlife! That life isn’t subject to sickness; it’s death-proof and disease-proof! This is the truth, and unless you accept this reality, you’ll never live it.
This is what Jesus came to accomplish for us, and He fulfilled it. He “finished” the work. On the Cross, before He died, He said, “It is finished”; in other words, mission accomplished; death is abolished; life and immortality are now unveiled! The Bible says, “But this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins forever, sat down on the right hand of God” (Hebrews 10:12). Glory to God!
He made life and immortality available through the Gospel and sat down at the right hand of God. Now the Bibles says whosoever believes in Him has everlasting life (John 3:16). Having believed, you have life and immortality. Blessed be God!
CONFESSION I was born into the realm of life and immortality; I have passed from death to life. I have the transcendent life— the overcoming life—that makes me superior to Satan, darkness, disease, sickness, failure, defeat and death: a life that’s beyond this world! I reign gloriously over circumstances and live triumphantly every day, in Jesus’ Name. Amen
John 11:25-26;
Romans 8:10-11;
1 Corinthians 15:53-57
Revelation 4 & Hosea 11-14
Revelation 12:1-10 & Micah 1-2
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Ɍɦαρsσdy Dαílíҽs
11 Dec 2024 06:09
By “good life,” I mean living in a good environment, driving good cars, 2 travels a year, health insurance, feeding well, wearing nice clothes etc
From my calculation that will be an average of: N550k a month for single person ?
N850k a month for a family of three?
N1.3m or MORE a month for a family of four??
There are 2 ways to afford this:
(1) It is either you have a high-income job
(2) Or a high income business
A high-income job is rare and may be difficult to get, and most high income business cost a lot to start
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Click on the WhatsApp Link below to get started ⤵️https://chat.whatsapp.com/KeneOp4LjMuDngO0LnoAoX
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Ɍɦαρsσdy Dαílíҽs
10 Dec 2024 06:01
Earn with your Smart Phone
"If you want to make at least 1Million monthly, you must be into business"
And not just any business, you've got to learn certain skills which can guarantee you make 7 figures consistently.
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With how bad the economy is, there are so many things the money will do for you right now.
Click on the link below to join the WhatsApp Group where I'll be showing you step by step on how to do this ⤵️📱 https://chat.whatsapp.com/KeneOp4LjMuDngO0LnoAoXIf you make this important decision now, by this time in the next 30 days, you could be on a beach or at a nice restaurant somewhere, sipping a cold drink while your phone is printing money for you in the background, earning over 10 million naira in one year, All because you listened to me.!!!!
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Ɍɦαρsσdy Dαílíҽs
09 Dec 2024 01:03
📖 In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins (Colossians 1:14).
Pastor Chris Says
Our opening verse says in Christ Jesus we have redemption (riddance) through His blood, and then in the concluding part, it says, “…even the forgiveness of sins.” That word “even” is in parenthesis, which means it wasn’t in the original text. The translators inserted it by their own prerogative, but it was wrongly applied.
The correct conjunction is the word “and”: “In whom we have redemption through his blood, and the forgiveness of sins.” To say “In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins” suggests that “we have redemption of sins through His blood, meaning the forgiveness of sins.” But that’s not true, because they are two different things: first, in Christ Jesus, we have our riddance or redemption, and secondly, we have our freedom from sins (forgiveness). We’re free from sins.
That means you don’t have to sin. You don’t have to keep watching to be sure that you don’t sin; rather, just keep walking in righteousness; keep walking in the light—in His Word—His Word is light (Psalm 119:105). 1 John 1:7 says, “But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.” This happens automatically.
As you walk in the light of God’s Word, and in fellowship with other Christians, He automatically cleanses you from all sins. Sin is everywhere because man’s world has been polluted. But the Lord cleanses you from all sins, including sins you didn’t necessarily commit but rubbed off on you.
This was the reason they had all kinds of ceremonial “washings” in the Old Testament. If they wanted to go into the presence of God, they’d wash their hands and their feet; they had to wash all the time. But it’s not so today: the blood of Jesus Christ Himself cleanses us from all sin automatically. He takes care of any sin, whether from someone else, from the environment, etc., so that you can keep walking your way through life in victory, from glory to glory. Hallelujah!
Then in John 15:3, He says, “Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you.” It’s the ministry of the Word to cleanse you of sin, guilt, and all unrighteousness so you can walk in perfection and excellence, producing works and fruits of righteousness
.PRAYER Dear Father, I thank you for my new life in Christ, a life of righteousness with freedom from sin. Thank you for the continuous cleansing that comes from walking in the light of your Word. I walk in perfection and excellence, producing works and fruits of righteousness, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
1 John 1:9;
Romans 3:24-26 NIV;
Acts 13:38-39
Revelation 2:1-17 & Hosea 1-2
Revelation 10:1-11 & Obadiah 1
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Ɍɦαρsσdy Dαílíҽs
08 Dec 2024 01:03
📖 And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son (1 John 5:11).
Pastor Chris Says
The term “record” in our opening verse also means testimony. The New International Version and a few other versions put it more clearly: “And this is the testimony: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son” (1 John 5:11 NIV). To get a better understanding of what John was discussing here, you’ll have to read the ninth and tenth verses as well. Let’s read: “We accept human testimony, but God’s testimony is greater because it is the testimony of God, which he has given about his Son. Whoever believes in the Son of God accepts this testimony. Whoever does not believe God has made him out to be a liar, because they have not believed the testimony God has given about his Son” (1 John 5:9-10 NIV).
God’s testimony is that you have eternal life because you have Jesus Christ. You don't have to feel it to know you have it. All you need is God's testimony that you already have it. If you don't accept His testimony, then you make Him a liar, and God cannot lie. That testimony also says anyone who doesn’t have the Son of God doesn’t have life.
The 13th verse in the New International Version is so beautiful. There, the apostle John says, “I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life.” Glory to God! If you believe in the Name of the Son of God, this was written to you so you can accept God’s testimony, and that testimony is that you have eternal life. Therefore, even now, say with confidence, “I have eternal life because I have the Son of God!” Hallelujah!
PRAYER Dear Father, I rejoice in your testimony that I have life because I have Jesus Christ. I walk in this consciousness today as I manifest your divine nature and power. I’m full of life, health and strength, and I live victoriously because eternal life is at work in me, in Jesus' Name. Amen
John 5:24;
John 3:36;
1 John 5:11-13
Revelation 1 & Daniel 11-12
Revelation 9:11-21 & Amos 8-9
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Ɍɦαρsσdy Dαílíҽs
07 Dec 2024 01:03
📖 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils…(Mark 16:17).
Pastor Chris Says
When it comes to exercising your authority in Christ, it’s important to understand that you’re not doing it in your name but in the Name of Jesus. The focus is on Jesus. He didn’t say, “These signs shall follow them that believe they can do it”; no! Rather, He said it will “follow them that believe”; believe what? The Gospel!
As a christian, you’re qualified, empowered, authorized and accredited to cast out devils, heal the sick, cleanse the lepers and raise the dead. So, it’s not about your ability but the authority of the one who designated you to do it. His Name is Jesus, and He has all power in heaven and in the earth. He said in Matthew 28:18, “...All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.” Hallelujah!
On the basis of that authority, He said to us in the ensuing verse 19, “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations….” You represent Him. He’s given you the legal authority, the power of attorney, to act in His stead. When you speak, when you make demands or issue decrees to demons and circumstances in the Name of Jesus, they hear and obey you as though Jesus Himself were speaking.
Because you’re the “believing” one, and Jesus Christ is Lord of your life and you’ve received eternal life into your spirit, you don’t need to exercise any more believing or faith to cast out devils. Just exercise the authority Christ has given you. Don’t try to believe; you already believe.
It often helps to use the traffic police officer at the road junction to explain this. All he does is motion to oncoming vehicles to stop and they grind to a halt. If they don’t, they’d face the wrath of the law. That officer doesn’t have to first “believe” he can get the vehicles to stop. By his physical ability or personal power, he can’t. But as long as he’s in that uniform, he has the authority of the state that he represents.
You sit on Jesus’ seat; that means you act in and by His authority. All creation—animate and inanimate—according to God’s sovereign decree have been commanded to hear and obey Jesus: “…and behold a voice out of the cloud, which said, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye him” (Matthew 17:5). This applies to you because the Bible says, “...as he is, so are we in this world” (1 John 4:17), and we do all things in His Name. Blessed be God!
CONFESSION I’ve been qualified, empowered, authorized and accredited to cast out devils, heal the sick, cleanse the lepers and raise the dead. My dominion over Satan and the principalities of darkness is absolute because I live in and by the authority of the Name of Jesus. I’m a victor now and always. Amen
Matthew 28:18-20;
Luke 10:19;
John 14:13-14
Jude & Daniel 9-10
Revelation 9:1-10 & Amos 7
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