Dr Roger Hodkinson is the CEO of Western Medical Assessments, and has been the Company’s Medical Director for over 20 years.
WATCH: Pfizer Cannot Explain Why COVID Jabs Cause Myocarditis
“You clearly don’t understand the pathway,” asserted Australian Senator Gerard Rennick after continually asking Pfizer reps for the mechanism in which COVID vaccines cause myocarditis.
Pfizer repeatedly avoided the question and referred to the benefit-risk ratio.
So, if Pfizer cannot explain why the shots cause myo/pericarditis, “how then can it guarantee that it’s also not injuring other organs?”
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🚨 New Peer-Reviewed Study Finds ‘More Neonatal Vaccinations May Have Unintended Consequences That Increase Childhood Mortality’
“Highly developed nations requiring the most neonatal vaccine doses tend to have the worst mortality rates in children under age 5, according to a peer-reviewed study published July 20.
The study found that developed nations requiring more neonatal vaccinations may have unintended consequences that increase childhood mortality, challenging the idea that more vaccines administered always results in fewer deaths.
In addition, vaccines have ‘non-specific effects’ that can increase or decrease mortality from infectious diseases not targeted by the vaccine. ‘Some deaths associated with neonatal vaccines may be delayed, possibly through some priming mechanism or cumulative toxicity that increases the risk of a severe or fatal reaction to subsequently administered vaccines’”
Full Article: https://www.theepochtimes.com/health/developed-nations-requiring-the-most-infant-vaccines-linked-with-higher-childhood-mortality-rates-study-5439374
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Dr. Paul Offit on the ‘Relatively Rare’ Serious Side Effects of mRNA COVID Vaccines
“I don’t know of any deaths from the mRNA vaccine because the myocarditis was so mild”
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"The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction .. and the distinction between true and false .. no longer exist.” - Hannah Arendt
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Baby Dies After Flu Shot
Corbyn got a flu shot at 9:30 in the morning, and he was dead between 9 and 11 p.m. that evening.
Corbyn’s mother said that when she was laying him on the table to be vaccinated, something inside her screamed “NO, don’t do it!” But the moment had passed.
Corbyn’s photograph is now placed in memoriam at the front of the # CHDBus, where CHD will be collecting similar vaccine injury stories from across the country.
Vaccine injury is real, not rare.
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“I think we have to really recognize that there was a real attempt by the leadership of NIH and some of the major scientists across the world to cover up the fact that this virus was in fact the consequence of science.”
Former CDC Director Robert Redfield calls out Fauci, Collins et al. in response to newly-unredacted Fauci email on COVID-19 origins.
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Dr. Mike Yeadon Part I: "The treatment protocols contained two drugs that never go together. Medozolam and morphine are two of the three ingredients used to carry out the death penalty. Isn't that strange?"
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NEW — The Biden Administration Has Created the ‘Office of Long COVID’
“It’s estimated up to 23 million people in the U.S. are dealing with long COVID”
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Damning Report Finds COVID Vaccines Are 24 Times More Dangerous Than Other Vaccines
2021 Western Australia Dept of Health Data:
Non-Covid Vaccines: 1.8 million doses, 200 adverse events.
COVID vaccines: 3.94 million doses, 10,428 adverse events.
Article: https://www.theepochtimes.com/health/covid-vaccines-show-24-times-more-adverse-reactions-than-other-vaccines-5423426
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“I knew that I wasn’t going to die of COVID. I felt I was going to be murdered in this hospital... I wanted to go home, even if I died.” — Gail Seiler
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Broncos waive KJ Hamler with NFI designation after WR diagnosed with pericarditis
“Hamler posted on Instagram that he felt chest pains while working out and was diagnosed with pericarditis, a mild heart irritation. He's currently undergoing treatment.”
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Deadly dangerous corrupted CDC is at it again & my reponse to CDC is 'up yours' with your inept corrupted 'guidance'; 'CDC likely to recommend annual COVID booster shot, director says'
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RFK Jr. Exposes Fauci’s $150K/Year Perk from the Moderna Vaccine
“NIH is collecting billions of dollars on the Moderna vaccine, which they developed. And people who work for Tony Fauci, four to six individuals who work for them have margin rights for those patents so that they will collect now $150,000 a year for life. And their children and heirs will collect that money as long as that vaccine is being sold.”
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CDC Detects Coronavirus, HIV, Hepatitis and Herpes at Unlicensed California Lab
Local and federal authorities spent months investigating a warehouse in Fresno County, California, that they suspect was home to an illegal, unlicensed laboratory full of lab mice, medical waste and hazardous materials.
The Fresno County Public Health Department has been "evaluating and assessing the activities of an unlicensed laboratory" in Reedley, the health department's assistant director, Joe Prado, said in a statement Thursday. All of the biological agents were destroyed by July 7 following a legal abatement process by the agency...
"Certain rooms of the warehouse were found to contain several vessels of liquid and various apparatus," court documents said. "Fresno County Public Health staff also observed blood, tissue and other bodily fluid samples and serums; and thousands of vials of unlabeled fluids and suspected biological material."
Hundreds of mice at the warehouse were kept in inhumane conditions, court documents said. The city took possession of the animals in April, euthanizing 773 of them; more than 175 were found dead
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention tested the substances and detected at least 20 potentially infectious agents, including coronavirus, HIV, hepatitis and herpes, according to a Health and Human Services letter dated June 6.
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UK scientists have begun developing vaccines as insurance against a new pandemic caused by an unknown "Disease X". The work is being carried out at the government's high-security Porton Down laboratory complex in Wiltshire by a team of more than 200 scientists. They have drawn up a threat list of animal viruses that are capable of infecting humans and could in the future spread rapidly around the world.
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Dr. Paul Offit on Why ‘Safe’ is a Relative Term for Vaccines
“The term safety, at least in the medical sense, is that the benefits clearly outweigh the risk…Nothing is absolutely safe…Regarding COVID, the choice was easy.”
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“We have tried to get through to administrators. We have tried to get through to students to push back on this very issue. We’re coming up against a brick wall.” — Lucia Sinatra, No College Mandates
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Ethical Failures of the COVID-19 Era
The two narratives about the Covid-19 pandemic continue to clash as evidence mounts about the actual outcomes of the extraordinary strategies governments deployed to try and contain the epidemic. Has the emerging evidence vindicated the decisions governments have been making over the past three years? In particular, were they ethically justified in imposing harsh mandates on their populations?
At the outset, of course, there was actually no evidence whatsoever that lockdowns would work – zero. Because they had never been tried before, there was no accumulated knowledge to go on.
There was only theory and modelling, and it is important to stress that modelling is not empirical evidence.
And even the initial modelling did not show that universal lockdowns were the preferable strategy...
This is serious, as evidence of the ‘collateral damage’ or adverse effects from lockdowns has been mounting.
The World Bank estimated that the combined effects of the pandemic itself and lockdowns led to 97 million more people being in poverty in 2020 than the previous year. It is likely that most of these adverse effects derived from the lockdowns, as the poorer countries predominantly have a younger population that are less susceptible to the disease. They were made to endure harsh interventions that were not remotely justifiable given their lower risk profile.
Li et al. reviewed 256 studies worldwide on the effects of lockdowns on older people, children/students, low-income populations, migrant workers, people in prison, people with disabilities, sex workers, victims of domestic violence, refugees, ethnic minorities, and people from sexual and gender minorities and summarised their findings:
"We show that prolonged loneliness, mental distress, unemployment, income loss, food insecurity, widened inequality and disruption of access to social support and health services were unintended consequences of physical distancing that impacted these vulnerable groups and highlight that physical distancing measures exacerbated the vulnerabilities of different vulnerable populations."
We can be sure that increased unemployment and mental stress will increase the burden of illness for years to come.
SOURCE: Brownstone Institute
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"Then what happens to the mosquitoes? They get inside of crates. They get shipped around the world [and] they go with people places.... So now you’re going to vaccinate the entire world without the world’s consent by using this science.” — Kim Iversen
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“[Bjorklund’s] problems have been so severe that she’s been to the emergency room multiple times, including last weekend. She’s actually even thrown up so violently that she’s lost teeth.” — Paul Pennock + Jonathan Sedgh, attorneys
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🚨 We Tried to Warn You: Vax Shedding is a REAL Phenomenon
“... vaccinated individuals can transmit antibodies generated through mRNA COVID-19 vaccination to unvaccinated individuals through aerosols, according to a peer-reviewed study.”
“The study suggests that if Ig antibodies can be transmitted person-to-person, there is a possibility the spike protein generated by COVID-19 vaccines could be transmitted as well.”
Article: https://www.theepochtimes.com/health/new-evidence-suggests-mrna-covid-19-vaccine-transmission-of-aerosols-by-vaccinated-to-unvaccinated-5436722
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“If researchers say there were 200 patients in the study, then you assume there were. But we have increasing evidence that that’s not the case — there are a lot of zombie trials that never happened or have been manipulated..." — Richard Smith, former editor at The BMJ
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“Completely Safe!” - You Are More Likely to Die from Tylenol Than You Are From Ivermectin
• Its discovery won the Nobel Prize in 2015
• Recognized, 2nd to penicillin, for having the greatest impact on human health
• Has brought river blindness to the brink of elimination
• Over 3.7B doses administered
Dr. Marik @DrPaulMarik: “If you have a sick patient, [and] you have a drug that’s completely safe, a drug that is cheap, what in the heck have you got to lose by trying this drug?”
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An audit shows that New York City health officials regularly overpaid a contractor to administer COVID 19 tests and vaccines, paying as much as $14,000 for a single vaccination.
City officials have wasted taxpayer dollars on a drug that was neither safe nor effective. They are both ethically and fiscally irresponsible.
Do you still think politicians make decisions that are in your best interests?
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Dr. McCullough: “The Vaccines Actually Never Worked to Begin With”
“The original clinical trials by Pfizer and Moderna now have been analyzed, and the companies took so many shortcuts. There were so many violations of good clinical trial conduct that, in the end, the vaccines actually never worked to begin with. And they were rolled out before they were adequately safety tested.”
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🔥 Dr. Vinay Prasad Exposes the Flawed Data Used by the FDA to Support Booster Mandates
"The FDA is like Pfizer's lap dog. It's a little puppy dog that does whatever Pfizer says. It's enriching Pfizer and screwing the American people...There is no credible data that ever supported the booster that I was compelled by my employer to get at the risk of being fired...We caught them red handed. They slipped up. They gave us a piece of data that they didn't want to give us."
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NEW — A Mysterious Chinese Lab Has Been Uncovered in California w/ ‘Mice Bioengineered to Incubate the COVID-19 Virus’
“I’ve never seen anything like this…According to court documents experts determined that at least 20 potentially infectious viral, bacterial, and parasitic agents were being stored inadequately including E. Coli, malaria, and even COVID.”
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Vivek Ramaswamy Issues Stark Warning to FDA: “We’re Delivering Accountability to Everyone”
“When it comes to agencies like the FDA, boy, do I know their corruption,” remarked Ramaswamy.
He detailed the agency’s hypocrisy on Twitter: “The corrupt FDA says you don’t have the right to even *try* medicines that haven’t been through 10+ years of testing, yet the government *mandated* Covid vaccines that sailed through FDA approval in less than 1 year. You can’t believe both things at once.”
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"If we are truly the land of the free, the only thing that should be mandated is that we will never trample the civil liberties and bodily autonomy of our citizens again.” — Allison Williams, reporter
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