Dr Roger Hodkinson is the CEO of Western Medical Assessments, and has been the Company’s Medical Director for over 20 years.
Joe Rogan & Brian Simpson on Governments Closing Businesses During COVID Just for 'Optics'
"My friend's brother worked for the city and worked in the COVID department [with] one of the women who was in charge of making the decision to close down outdoor dining. He said to her, 'There's no evidence that outdoor dining causes a spread.' And she said, 'Yeah, but it's about optics.'...She didn't give a f*ck about just stopping millions and millions of dollars in business and stopping all of these restaurants from being able to stay alive."
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“Drs. Doran Fink and Jaya Goswami: Two former U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) staffers who oversaw the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines now work at Moderna.
A FOIA document illustrates the process involved when FDA employees decide to transfer to pharmaceutical companies.
The problem with this revolving door is that public-serving agencies may gradually be co-opted from serving the public to serving the private industries, Ms. Wastila warned.
The FDA has proprietary information that is valuable to the industry, and hiring a specific former senior FDA staffer may allow pharmaceutical companies to learn all the regulatory pathways and shortcuts. ‘Knowing who in the agency is a tough sell or an easy touch, and simply understanding the fastest way to get a product to approval at the lowest cost’ could be useful information for pharmaceutical companies, said Ms. Wastila.
‘Having a former FDA advisor provide that information to pharmaceutical companies imparts unfair competitive advantage and begins to take the FDA’s purview ‘to serve the public interest’ to a private one,’ she explained.”
Full Story: https://www.theepochtimes.com/health/foia-documents-reveal-how-2-fda-vaccine-oversight-staffers-sought-employment-with-moderna-5621518
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Sage Steele Exposes ESPN’s Ban on Forbidden COVID Vaccine Questions
STEELE: “I had to lie a lot about things that I didn’t agree with that we were doing on the air.”
CARLSON: “Like, tell me.”
STEELE: “Well, to not be able to ask specific questions about, you know, when we had athletes all of a sudden collapse. Lebron’s son, it’s a fair question to ask if he had had the vaccine.”
CARLSON: “He’s a young man.”
STEELE: “Yes, healthy as possible. That’s one example. But to not be able to go there and ask the questions.”
CARLSON: “They wouldn’t let you ask?”
STEELE: “Oh, no, And it wasn’t just me. It was other pieces that were done on ‘Outside the Lines’ about it. But to me, I don’t care if you’re LeBron’s son, or if you’re my neighbor ... if an 18-year-old kid is suddenly collapsing ... like, any potential reason for this sudden collapse, you’re going to ask as a journalist. I’m not saying it was the vax because I don’t know. I’m not a doctor. I get it. But we must ask this question. But those questions were absolutely not allowed, and they were never asked on the network.”
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Dr. McCullough @P_McCulloughMD: “It’s a Complete Crime That Americans Were Denied Ivermectin”
“Countless numbers of lives were lost based on the irresponsible actions of the US FDA.”
Dr. McCullough says, “Ivermectin is safer than Tylenol” and “has over 100 supportive studies” proving its effectiveness in the treatment of C19.
Moreover, recent discoveries suggest it’s a “powerful drug” for fighting cancer.
“They intentionally deceived America on ivermectin, but additionally, also on hydroxychloroquine ... and it’s a complete crime,” expressed Dr. McCullough.
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Judge Forces CDC to Release Hidden COVID-19 Vaccine Injury Reports
🇺🇸💉The CDC has released previously hidden reports of facial paralysis and other adverse events following COVID-19 vaccination.
The 780,000 reports were received shortly after the COVID-19 vaccines were rolled out, and show people experienced a wide range of post-vaccination problems, including heart inflammation, miscarriages, and seizures.
“Loss of consciousness and seizure immediately following injection. Went to ER by ambulance,” one person reported. “Diagnosed with Bells Palsy today due to left-sided facial numbness and paralysis,” another said.
People lodged the reports with V-safe, a text-message system created by the CDC to monitor for possible side effects of COVID-19 vaccines. The CDC, for years, declined to make the V-safe data public, instead publishing studies that described the reports as providing reassurance about the safety of the shots.
Judge Kacsmaryk’s order came in litigation brought by the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN), a nonprofit that has compelled the release of a number of government files since the COVID-19 pandemic started.
“ICAN had to sue the Centers for Disease Control in order to gain access to the COVID-19 shot V-safe adverse event data, which is yet another shameful chapter in the decades-long history of federal health officials trying to cover up vaccine risks by ignoring patterns of vaccine reaction symptoms in reports made to the government,” Barbara Loe Fisher, co-founder and president of the National Vaccine Information Center, told The Epoch Times after reviewing the new data.
“When people report the same symptoms over and over again after getting a biological product—in this case ’shortness of breath‘ and ’heart palpitations,' which are both symptoms of myocarditis that has been causally linked to mRNA COVID shots—the public should be warned, not kept in the dark. It raises questions about what else government health officials are hiding,” she added.
Full story:👇
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When Lilly initially tried to get Prozac approved in Germany, it was rejected because they had concluded Lilly could neither prove what fluoxetine actually did, nor show which clinical picture Lilly was using to diagnose depression.
To "fix" this issue, the pharmaceutical industry banded together to “expand the definition” of depression and over the years sponsored a variety of initiatives and patient groups to do so.
The corruption and greed of Big Pharma are on full display. Repost if you agree!
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Bill Gates requested the Danish government to support DTP vaccination for 161 million African children, claiming it saved 30 million lives. Having conducted their own studies, the Danish government discovered that vaccinated girls died at 10 times the rate of unvaccinated girls.
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“Children as young as six will get powerful slimming jabs in a new trial, MailOnline can reveal today.
Slimming jabs have been linked to cancer, gallstones and suicidal thoughts, though exact long-term effects remain a mystery since they are relatively new.
Officials also recommend they are taken for life, otherwise users may simply pile the pounds back on.
Critics have also said such a move, while tackling the problem of childhood obesity, fails to address the drivers which are making British children fat in the first place.
More than 200 children will be recruited as part of the global study, which will involve four NHS hospitals in Birmingham, Bristol, Leeds and Liverpool.”
Full Story: https://dailymail.co.uk/health/article-13249291/Now-KIDS-going-Ozempic-NHS-affiliated-trial-dozens-fat-children-young-SIX-powerful-slimming-jabs.html
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Dr. Peter Breggin @PeterBreggin exposes how much Sexual Freedom is Based on Scientific Fraud; Peter talks to Judith A. Reisman PhD & exposes scientific fraud & outright child abuse perpetrated by Alfred Kinsey
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⚠️ Are Babies Born to Moms Who Take This Anti-seizure Drug at Higher Risk of Developing Autism?
Topiramate has been the center of controversy for more than a decade.
Research shows that prenatal topiramate exposure can cause babies to be born smaller than expected for their gestational age + may also cause congenital malformations, particularly oral clefts.
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“The researchers analyzed data from nearly 1 million anonymous patients who had endoscopies between January 2018 and December 2020.
They found that those who were prescribed GLP-1 medications like Ozempic and Wegovy had a 33 percent higher chance of experiencing aspiration pneumonia than those who didn't take these medications before their endoscopy.
'When we apply this risk to the more than 20 million endoscopies that are performed in the US each year, there may actually be a large number of cases where aspiration could be avoided if the patient safely stops their GLP-1RA medication in advance,' Dr Rezaie said.
Aspiration pneumonia is an infection caused by inhaling food, saliva, bacteria, or liquid and it getting stuck in the respiratory tract.
Dr Rezaie said that GLP-1 medications may lead to aspiration pneumonia ahead of an endoscopy because the drugs slow digestion, which makes food sit in the stomach longer.
As a result, the stomach may not be completely empty while a patient fasts, which is required before an endoscopy to get a clear picture.
This could cause choking because while a person is under general anesthesia, contents from the stomach may move up to the mouth and enter the trachea and the lungs.
Dr Yee Hui Yeo, lead study author and clinical fellow in the Karsh Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology at Cedars-Sinai, said: 'The results of this study could change clinical practice.’”
Full Story: https://dailymail.co.uk/health/article-13244573/ozempic-wegovy-deadly-complication-lungs-choke-patient.html
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This was quite the sales pitch back in 2020 # ThrowbackThursday
Source: https://cnbc.com/amp/2020/12/16/covid-vaccine-side-effects-compensation-lawsuit.html
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Worried that the WHO Pandemic Agreement will be rejected in May, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus denies that "it's a power grab by [the] WHO, that it will give [the] WHO power to impose lockdowns or vaccine mandates on countries, or stop travel"—labelling such concerns "fake news, lies and conspiracy theories".
"These claims, as you know, are completely false. [The] WHO does not have the power to impose anything on anyone. We don't want it, and we're not trying to get it.. Just like other international agreements, it won't give [the] WHO any power over sovereign states."
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The "misinformation experts" got it dead wrong about:
• The origins of COVID
• The lethality of COVID
• Natural immunity
• The safety and efficacy of the so-called COVID vaccines
• Hunter Biden's laptop
• January 6
• The 2020 election
• And on and on and on
However, anti-free speech zealot Kate Starbird went on '60 Minutes' to argue the need to control MORE speech.
Kate Starbird is not new at this. She has been working with government agencies to stifle free speech in America for years now. She is a key player in the government censorship complex.
Journalist Michael Shellenberger responded to the '60 Minutes' segment. He said:
"Everybody from the New Yorker to the New York Times to NBC are suggesting that the only people who worry about government censorship are Trump supporters, which is obviously false ... Leslie Stahl never mentioned the mass censorship of accurate information about COVID origins — about COVID vaccines or the lockdowns ... And she suggested that if the government didn't do more to censor misinformation, Trump supporters would overthrow the government, which is truly a form of disinformation aimed at scaring people into giving up our first and most fundamental freedom."
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Justin Trudeau is not only a liar but one of the worst human beings on this planet.
He says that his infamous comments painting “anti-vaxxers as “racists” and “misogynists” have been “taken out of context” on “one particular day.”
What Justin Trudeau isn’t telling you is that he made such comments on MANY days.
• In a Quebec television interview, Trudeau stated, “They don’t believe in science/progress and are very often misogynistic and racist. It’s a very small group of people, but that doesn’t shy away from the fact that they take up some space.”
• During an event in Welland, Ontario, Trudeau remarked, “There is a small fringe element in this country that is angry, that doesn’t believe in science, that is lashing out with racist, misogynistic attacks.”
• In the context of the protests and his campaign, Trudeau said, “Yes, there is a small fringe element in this country that is angry, that doesn’t believe in science, that is lashing out with racist, misogynistic attacks. But Canadians, the vast majority of Canadians, are not represented by them, and I know will not allow those voices, those special interest groups, those protesters – I don’t even want to call them protesters, those anti-vaxxer mobs – to dictate how this country gets through this pandemic.”
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🚨 ‘Autism Epidemic Is Real + Overvaccination Is Its Cause’: A Conversation With Mark Blaxill
There was a “sharp inflection point in 1990” after which autism rates exploded. The most obvious change that affected children “across the country at a very clear point in time was the change in the childhood immunization practices.” — Mark Blaxill
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🚨 Moderna Developing mRNA Vaccines for Diseases Linked to COVID Shots
Some scientists + doctors are concerned about the dangers of mRNA + question whether Moderna is attempting to profit from solutions for diseases its products are causing.
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Top Virologist Issues Grave Warning to the COVID Vaccinated
Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche @GeertVandenBossche, who accurately predicted that the C19 injections would cause escape variants, now warns that a “huge, huge wave” of illness and deaths is now “imminent.”
He says, “What I am predicting is a massive, massive tsunami of illness and death among highly-vaccinated populations with compromised immune systems.”
Bossche added, “It is very, very clear that when this starts, our hospitals will collapse. And that means the chaos in all kinds of layers of society — financial, economic, social, you name it — will be complete.”
“And that is what I’m very clearly predicting … It’s very strange for me to make such statements, but I’m not hiding it because I’m 200% convinced that it will happen.”
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🚨 ‘Shocking Cover-up’: DOJ Attorneys Committed Fraud in Vaccine Injury Case, Denying Justice for Thousands of Children With Autism
“Vaccines most definitely do cause autism + the government has been lying about this reality for decades. How many hundreds of thousands of children + families would have been spared the heartaches + crushing financial burdens of autism had the government come clean?” — Mary Holland, CHD President
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The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit dismissed a lawsuit filed by a group of students who raised constitutional challenges against Rutgers University's policy mandating that all students and employees be required to take the COVID-19 shot.
It is ILLEGAL to mandate any drug under EUA. The fundamental right to refuse vaccination falls under bodily integrity which is a human right.
Any school that violates human rights is not worth attending. Repost if you agree!
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‘Misinformation’ specialist apologizes for her Covid-related misinformation and criticism of other doctors
PSA: Industrial meat producers are using “antibiotic-free” messaging + labeling to allay consumers’ fears about the use of antibiotics in industrial meat production — but many of those producers are substituting mRNA vaccines for antibiotics, without telling consumers.
No, this is not an April Fools' Day joke.
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Dr. Paul Offit Criticizes 'Conspiracy Theorists' Who Believe COVID-19 Came from a Lab Leak in His New Book
"All the evidence points to that [natural spillover]...You have responsible people like Marty Makary...Rand Paul...or the FBI or the head of the Dept. of Energy all get up and say this was a lab leak without any evidence...When have we ever created a pandemic virus in a laboratory?... It's never happened."
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'Tucker Carlson Says Doctors Should APOLOGIZE for Wrongly Recommending the COVID Vax' (VNN); WRONG Tucker, we have to HANG them too! we let courts get a go with judges but we hang all the doctors who
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Dangerous Gain-of-Function Research in Wuhan Lab Demands Transparency, Argues Rand Paul
Senator Rand Paul seeks unclassified information about the deliberations on gain-of-function research in Wuhan.
“Once upon a time, what would happen is the chairman of the Appropriations for HHS would call the White House. And they would simply say you give the records, you quit getting money.”
Senator Paul asserts that agencies ignoring Congressional requests should face financial penalties or job loss to ensure compliance.
“If you just tell them what to do, they will ignore it. So ya have to take their money or take their job or punish them financially if they’re not if they’re breaking the law.”
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🚨 ‘Misleading’ Letter Urges Support for Pandemic Treaty, as Louisiana Becomes First U.S. State to Reject WHO Power Grab
“There is no logical reason a disease 20x more virulent will appear out of nowhere, unless it comes from a gain-of-function lab which the WHO proposes to supervise in the February 2024 version of the pandemic accord." — Meryl Nass
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“Heart scarring was detected more than one year after COVID-19 vaccination in some people who suffered myocarditis following receipt of a shot, researchers reported in new studies.
A third of 60 patients with follow-up cardiac imaging done more than 12 months after their myocarditis diagnosis had persistent late gadolinium enhancement (LGE), which is, in the majority of cases, reflective of heart scarring, Australian researchers reported in a preprint of a new study, published on March 22.
‘We found that the incidence of persistent myocardial fibrosis is high, seen in almost a third of patients at >12 months post diagnosis, which could have implications for the management and prognosis of this predominantly young cohort,’ the researchers wrote.”
Full Story & Study Link: https://www.theepochtimes.com/health/heart-scarring-detected-over-1-year-after-covid-19-vaccination-studies-5615322
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Joe Rogan & Kurt Metzger on Not Being Able to Discuss the Elephant in the Room About Vaccines
"The connection between vaccines and autism, if you just bring it up, people's hackles will get up and they'll start getting upset at you. Everybody feels complicit because they vaccinate their kids. And everybody feels like they don't want to be attacked by being 'anti-science'."
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