WOW! Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts completely Destroys the Covid-19 Propaganda Machine.
Regarding the mice injected with vaccine that died.
"How many of these studies showing fatal outcomes from covid products are needed before the government accepts the 30,000 excessive deaths are in part caused by these injections."
"1 in 35 recipients of a Moderna Covid booster experienced Myocarditis"
"Average age of the subjects was under 37 years. This is an age where a heart attack is far from their mind. It's an age where someone would get the injection and go about their life, including exercising. And in so doing risk serious heart complications or even being another DIED SUDDENLY STATISTIC. Safe and effective was two lies."
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Thousands of YouTubers Sponsored by Pfizer Have Died From mRNA Poisoning - Media Blackout
YouTubers and social media influencers played a crucial role in spreading Big Pharma’s propaganda during the pandemic, fuelling the mass formation psychosis that left a large portion of the population practically hypnotized into blindly following the draconian COVID measures.
Fast forward three years, and karma is catching up with those same YouTubers who pocketed Big Pharma’s money and promoted the shots.
Now, the devastating consequences are unfolding right before our eyes, as tens of thousands of young, healthy influencers are being diagnosed with rare and aggressive “turbo cancers,” and many others are dropping like flies of heart attacks and catastrophic brain bleeds.
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I’m absolutely with Jessica Hockett on this point. I’m appalled that Jay Bhattacharya is unwilling to examine the counter proposition that there was no pandemic and that contagion is not a thing.
Unfortunately, I am preaching to the choir, in the main. My voice is effectively excluded from public discourse and has been since late 2020. The means is digital censorship. I know of no way to circumvent it. Wearing a sandwich board while walking up & down my high street?
Best wishes
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The UK government has been forced to release documents showing that thousands of British citizens have been left disabled by Covid mRNA shots.
A Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request forced the government to admit the devastating impact of the vaccination campaign.
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A leading cardiologist is sounding the alarm after publishing a peer-reviewed study that found “severe heart attacks” are still surging among those who have received at least one dose of a Covid mRNA shot.
The major new peer-reviewed study was published in the renowned journal Vaccine.
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HUGE: The mainstream media is now covering Alexis Lorenze's horrific vaccine injury.
Fox News 11 Los Angeles calls what Alexis suffered an “extreme adverse reaction.”
“Alexis says she ultimately agreed to the hospital's requirement of receiving three vaccines: meningitis, pneumonia and tetanus. Within 10 minutes, she had an extreme adverse reaction.”
Nurse Angela, who has honorably stayed at Alexis's bedside, reports, “She lost vision in both eyes. She started bleeding out of her nose, she started vomiting, and then these purple patches under her skin started appearing at the top of her head, and then just started spreading. And it's now covering pretty much all of her body.”
Fox News 11 tried contacting UCI Medical Center for comment, but “despite repeated calls and e-mails, UCI Media Relations has not responded.”
Thankfully, “Alexis is slowly getting better. She has regained vision in both eyes ... It could take several weeks before she is well enough to be released.”
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You can’t talk about this on YouTube, Facebook, or liberal communities.
Nicole Shanahan reveals that she “gave birth to a healthy baby girl” but everything changed after “a shot at seven months of age.”
“She was a different kid.”
Andrew Wakefield was canceled 25 years ago for pointing out that “the MMR causes gut inflammation in certain children, which leads to symptoms like autism.”
Autism rates in kids are 1 in 36 nationally, compared to 1 in 1500 in the not-so-distant past.
In California, it's even worse: Autism rates are 1 in 22.
Whatever is causing this, the problem is only getting worse. Why are we not allowed to talk about this?
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Important Legal Wins
Several precedents have now been set, which will make it all the more difficult for government to replicate what they did during the COVID pandemic.
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The Faces & Names of 150+ Bilderbergers who controlled COVID-19 “Pandemic” Response
Over 150 Bilderbergers (of the 1,861 who are still alive) have played important parts in the Covid-19 event. Many, perhaps most, of the below have been active in various roles; this page attempts to name and shame them and reveal the roles they have played...
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A U.K. independent review found that a 27-year-old man who died of blood clots three weeks after receiving the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine in 2021 should NOT have received the shot, the BBC reported today.
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Florida’s Department of Health has just issued a bulletin warning members of the public not to take Covid mRNA “booster” shots.
Health officials in the state are warning that the new shots are not effective against the current dominant strain of Covid.
In addition, the health department warns that the shots carry a very high risk of multiple side effects.
Florida’s Surgeon General Joseph A. Ladapo is advising people against taking any mRNA “vaccines” for Covid.
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COVID Vax Mandate Ruled Unconstitutional
On May 7th, the US Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit ruled that the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus’ COVID-19 vaccine mandate violates the US Constitution.
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‘Forest of the Fallen’: Tribute to Australians Killed or Injured by COVID Shots ‘Planted’ in Front of mRNA Factory Site
“None of the guilty parties have been punished for things that they’ve done. In fact, they’ve been given medals, for example, Dan Andrews presided over the longest lockdowns almost in the world.” — Alison Bevege, journalist
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WATCH: New whistleblower video shows Pfizer's principal scientist admitting that the company skipped 10 years of safety testing, had significant knowledge of mRNA vaccine side effects, but released the COVID-19 jab anyway.
Justin Leslie, a former Pfizer employee and whistleblower, is the man recording this private conversation with Kanwal Gill, a principal scientist at Pfizer. He has just released the video recording and claims to have signed a sworn affidavit, which is provided on his X account.
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Vaccination Required For Baby Upon Agreement To Be Hospitalized To Give Birth
Whether you understand it or not, somewhere in the agreement to be hospitalised for the birth of your baby, You have legally given up the right to decide for your baby and a hospital can legally vaccinate your child against your wishes.
Dr Paul Thomas and Doula and Midwife Salli Gonzalez are advocating for alternate options than giving birth in hospitals which Dr. Thomas says, "has become so medicalised" in recent years.
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🚨 30 Lawmakers Sponsor Bill to End Liability Protection for Vaccine Makers
A bill introduced late last week in the U.S. House of Representatives would end the liability protections Congress gave vaccine makers under the 1986 Childhood Vaccine Injury Act.
“The … vaccine makers are criminal enterprises that have paid tens of billions in criminal penalties over the past decade,” Children’s Health Defense (CHD) founder and chairman on leave Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said in a statement on the bill.
CHD CEO Mary Holland said the 1986 Childhood Vaccine Injury Act effectively left parents and children injured by vaccines with no substantive way to get any compensation while giving vaccine makers a free pass.
“For over 35 years, parents of children injured and killed by government-recommended vaccines have been left with no meaningful redress — only a complex, sham compensation program that pits grieving families against the government, while Big Pharma enjoys no liability,” she said.
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"I was vax-injured … It gave me humility. I couldn’t believe that I didn’t trust mothers." — Candace Owens
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🚨 Witness to Tragedy: ‘Huge’ Financial Incentives Led Hospitals to Use COVID Treatments That Killed Patients
"We all believe that this is where people are supposed to go to get better … the hospital is supposed to help you. That’s not what was happening. Patient comes in, patient gets COVID diagnosis, patient [is] given a dose of remdesivir. Pretty soon, they’re on vents. Pretty soon they have kidney failure and then they’re circling the drain and nothing that we could do would save them.” — Zowe Smith
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Dr. Rodger Hodkinson with a huge warning on mRNA fertility dangers
The health authorities knew of these dangers, but hid it from the public
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Alexis Lorenze is incredible 🔥
She says as soon as she starts getting “a little bit of strength back,” she's going to join forces with the vaccine-injured community to take down the criminal medical system.
“This is not something I'm just gonna sit here and a few months go by and act like everything is back to normal. This is gonna be something I fight for my whole life. As soon as I'm able to stand again. I can't even stand for more than a minute without my whole body convulsing, so as soon as I get a little bit of strength back, at least, even if I got to wheel myself in a wheelchair around forever, I'm fighting. And I will join whoever else I need to, to get these things in order because this is absolutely terrifying.”
“People of my generation have a harder time being spoken to and being convinced that these things can go wrong because the media is very heavily influencing how people my age think. And unfortunately, it had to be me. But if it's gonna be me that has to speak up and get people my age to understand, I will fight, and I'm never, ever, ever gonna back down.”
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A recent pre-print study by a team of Japanese researchers has ignited a heated debate within the medical community, revealing serious risks associated with blood transfusions taken from individuals who have received COVID-19 vaccinations. The study highlights six key areas where COVID jabs destroy the continuity and biochemistry of human blood. The study has called into question the safety of using such blood in medical procedures.
According to the researchers, the COVID-19 vaccines — which have failed to stimulate a meaningful immune response to the SARS-CoV-2 virus — have unintended consequences that affect blood integrity. The team’s findings suggest that the vaccines can induce harmful changes in blood, which could pose risks not only to recipients of blood transfusions but also to those receiving organ transplants from vaccinated donors.
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After transporting a stroke patient to the hospital, the Scott mentioned the man was vaccinated the day before. The doctor snapped, dismissing any link to the vaccine and saying, "It's a perfectly fine vaccine."
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PCR tests do not work
In 2022 a US Army Sergeant Laboratory Technician blew the whistle about the flaws in the covid-19 PCR tests. He spoke of the high false positive rate resulting from running the test at high cycle thresholds mandated by the CDC. Furthermore, the PCR test cannot identify any specific pathogen as it is only testing…
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Eliminating Spike Protein, Blood Clots & Protecting Cardiovascular Health.
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Penis Cancer is rising, a study has found. We have details pertaining to Penis Cancer symptoms and early detection.
Covid-era taught us about health emergency and the magnitude of the threat that medical hazards pose. Such an alarming development has been detected by BBC in its study which claims that penis cancer cases are on the rise globally. Experts have predicted a worrying 77 per cent increase over the next 26 years, as per a New York Post report.
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Bill Gates Defends Free Speech — Unless It Hurts His Investments 🤨
“No individual, and certainly not the state, has the authority in our system to be the arbiter of what can be read or said. Our First Amendment has very few and limited exceptions, such as threats of violence. ‘Misinformation’ is not one of them. History shows that censorship never works ultimately to repress the truth.” — Naomi Wolf @naomirwolf, DailyClout
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RFK Jr. explains how Big Pharma can dictate what news content is talked about.
Their advertising helps to censor the truth about the harms of pharmaceuticals.
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Two Ways to Get Rid of Spike, as Shared by ICU Physician Dr. Paul Marik @DrPaulMarik
“How do you get rid of spike? There are only really two ways of doing it,” Dr. Marik denoted.
• The first way to get rid of spike is to induce autophagy via intermittent fasting (time-related feeding). And the process of autophagy acts like the garbage collection system of the cell.
• The second solution is through the intake of nattokinase, which is an enzyme produced from the fermentation of soy.
“And what nattokinase does is it breaks down extracellular spike,” Dr. Marik explained. “If spike protein is in the cell, the only way to get rid of it is through autophagy. If it’s outside of the cell, nattokinase ... breaks down the spike.”
While both therapies are helpful, Dr. Marik suggests you take advantage of the benefits of both intermittent fasting and nattokinase.
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A group of leading scientists is calling for everyone who received Covid “vaccines” to be placed under medical monitoring after a major study linked the injections to the global surge in sudden deaths.
The study was led by medical microbiologist Professor Kai Wei Lee at the Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM).
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“Vaxxed III: Authorized to Kill” This Stunning New Documentary Exposes The Human Atrocities Committed During COVID Lockdowns
"The hospital protocol deaths...came in so fast and so thick that it almost put down the COVID-shot looks like they're targeting the unvaccinated...the vaccinated never were put on the remdesivir-ventilation-death protocol."
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