بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ Bismillah Al Rahman Al Rahim Anti-Imperialist & Anti Zionist content - World Geopolitics & MENA - War, News, updates, memes, sources, links 📍Beirut God is for All - الله كريم
Ramadan is a month of reflection, clarity, and shaping destiny - in the words of Sayed Musa al-Sadr.
Читать полностью…🇺🇸 US State Department: We support the political transition in Syria, which proves that non-sectarian governance is best for avoiding conflict.
This video should be shared more - explains Idlib and will put a lot of context to what's currently happening in Ottoman free Syria
Читать полностью…It is noteworthy that the Ansarallah (Houthis) are able to conceal details of their army's development.
Despite the efforts of foreign intelligence agencies, the composition and number of its missile arsenals remain unknown. Even the precise origin of the weapons, their production sites, and their transportation routes remain subject to suspicion, and the Ansar Allah and their allies have succeeded in concealing this information, significantly diminishing the capabilities of their adversaries.
They also don't have the sectarian problem of the Levant much to the dismay of the Saudis, Emiratis, and Qataris and their zionist masters
This wasn't shared enough
- this is not addressed enough
🏴☠🇺🇸🇸🇾🇹🇷 Enemy Channel 12: "Israel" has fire control and surveillance capabilities in Syria all the way to the capital, Damascus
• 40,000 Syrian civilians are now in areas controlled by "Israel" in Syria
• The goal of the regional division in Syria is to prevent the new regime from consolidating its control.
Free Syria for everyone but free Syrians - get it 😭🤣
🇷🇺⚡🇺🇦 همزمان با اعلام توافق آمریکا و اوکراین بمبافکنهای روسی توپولوف Tu-160 موشکهای کروز KH-101 را به سمت خاک اوکراین پرتاب کردند.
🇷🇺⚡🇺🇦Simultaneously with the announcement of the US-Ukraine agreement, Russian Tupolev Tu-160 bombers launched KH-101 cruise missiles towards Ukrainian territory.
One thing I know about Russians: they are the worst losers - like Russians do not know how to lose at all kek
Slava Rossiya always
🇮🇷⚔️🇺🇸 Pezeshkian to Trump: Now that you're threatening, I'm not coming to negotiate with you at all, do whatever you want to do
As in, we don't care for your threats
🏴☠🇺🇸🇸🇾🇹🇷 Haaretz: The Israeli "army" has decided to begin rehabilitating infrastructure in Syrian Druze villages near the border.
🏴☠🇺🇸🇸🇾🇹🇷 Katz: When al-Jolani opens his eyes every morning, he will see the Israeli "army" watching him from Mount Hermon and he will remember that we are here
🏴☠🇺🇸⚔🇱🇧 Follow up: We got 5 Lebanese back - all with high spirits and are now receiving medical care
This is the guy the ziotards want you to hate - God protect him and keep him in our midst 🙏❤️🤲
Palestinian martyr Nizar Banat on sectarianism and stupidity
Ghadi Francis on the massacres in Syria - its not just the Alawites (they have it the worse) but all sects, including the Sunnis who defend minorities
🇮🇱🇺🇸 WATCH: The goyim know about ISIS
🏴☠🇺🇸⚔🇱🇧 Rockets that were thrown and remained burning for hours in the eastern sector by the occupation army in South Lebanon - the occupation would claim it was bombing weapons depots when in fact they were bombing civilians
Happy Ramadan to the Ummah - God sees everything
🇸🇾🇹🇷🏴☠🇺🇸 Friction and tension erupted between al-Jolani's Takfiri gangs and armed Druze factions, leading to the closure of the Damascus-Suwayda road.
To "Israel's" favor - Ottoman Free Syria
Palestinians who cry about their ethnic cleansing but support Al Jolani's ethnic cleansing in the Syrian coast - yea you read that right 🤣😭
بيانٌ صادرٌ عنِ القواتِ المسلحةِ اليمنية
بسمِ اللهِ الرحمنِ الرحيمِ
قال تعالى: { وَإِنۡ عُدتُّمۡ عُدۡنَاۚ وَجَعَلۡنَا جَهَنَّمَ لِلۡكَـٰفِرِینَ حَصِیرًا } صدق الله العظيم
إسناداً وانتصاراً لمظلوميةِ الشعبِ الفلسطينيِّ ومجاهديهِ الأعزاءِ وبعدَ انتهاءِ المدةِ المحددةِ للمهلةِ التي منحها السيدُ القائدُ عبدُالملك بدرِالدين الحوثي يحفظه الله للوسطاءِ لدفعِ العدوِّ الإسرائيليِّ والضغط عليه لإعادةِ فتحِ المعابرِ وإدخالِ المساعداتِ إلى قطاعِ غزةَ ونظرا لعدمِ تمكنِ الوسطاءِ من تحقيقِ ذلك فإنَّ القواتِ المسلحةَ اليمنيةَ تؤكدُ على ما يلي:
أولاً: استئنافُ حظرِ عبورِ كافةِ السُّفُنِ الإسرائيليةِ في منطقةِ العملياتِ المحددةِ بـالبحرينِ الأحمرِ والعربيِّ وكذلك بابُ المندبِ وخليجُ عدن.
ثانياً: يبدأُ سريانُ هذا الحظرِ من ساعةِ إعلانِ هذا البيان.
ثالثاً : إنَّ أيَّ سفينةٍ إسرائيليةٍ تحاولُ كسرَ هذا الحظرِ سوفَ تتعرضُ للاستهدافِ في منطقةِ العملياتِ المعلنِ عنها.
رابعاً: يستمرُّ هذا الحظرُ حتى إعادةِ فتحِ المعابرِ إلى قطاعِ غزةَ ودخولِ المساعداتِ والاحتياجاتِ من الغذاءِ والدواءِ.
تحيي القواتُ المسلحةُ اليمنية الشعبَ الفلسطينيَّ الصامدَ في قطاعِ غزةَ وكذلكَ في الضفةِ الغربيةِ وتؤكدُ أنَّها بعونِ اللهِ ستكونُ إلى جانبِ المقاومةِ الفلسطينيةِ الباسلة.
واللهُ حسبُنا ونعمَ الوكيل، نعمَ المولى ونعمَ النصير
عاشَ اليمنُ حراً عزيزاً مستقلاً
والنصرُ لليمنِ ولكلِّ أحرارِ الأمة
صنعاء 11 من رمضان 1446للهجرة
الموافق للـ 11 مارس 2025م
صادرٌ عنِ القواتِ المسلحةِ اليمنية
In support of and triumphing for the oppressed Palestinian people and their Mujahideen, and following the expiration of the deadline granted by Sayyid Abdulmalik Badr al-Din al-Houthi (may Allah protect him) to mediators to pressure and persuade the Israeli enemy in order to reopen the crossings and allow back the entry of aid into the Gaza Strip, and given the mediators' inability to achieve this, the Yemeni Armed Forces affirm the following:
First: Resuming the ban on the passage of all Israeli ships in the designated operations zone in both Red and Arabian Seas, as well as Bab al-mandab strait and the Gulf of Aden.
Second: This ban shall take effect from the time this statement is issued.
Third: Any Israeli ship attempting to violate this ban shall be targeted in the declared zone of operations.
Fourth: This ban shall continue until the crossings to the Gaza Strip are reopened and aid, food, and medicine are allowed in.
The Yemeni Armed Forces salute the steadfast Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank and affirm that, with Allah's help, they will stand by the valiant Palestinian resistance.
Ramadan 11, 1446 AH
March 11, 2025 AD
Issued by the Yemeni Armed Forces.
🏴☠🇺🇸🇸🇾🇹🇷 The occupation decided to prevent any reinforcement of Syrian military capabilities within 65 kilometers of the border - reaching Damascus
🇺🇸 Trump: I will invite Zelensky to the White House again
🇸🇾🇹🇷🏴☠🇺🇸 Hmeimim military airport, Syria - Alawite Syrian men appear asking for international protection with signs, and Saudi owned Al Arabiya, which is whitewashing the massacres on the Syrian coast by the new free Syria government, does not want to film them, as reported by the man recording the video: Al Arabiya is reporting the complete opposite of what is actually happening - and the Alawite men shout "Russia" to expose them as Al Arabiya is filming
🇸🇾🇹🇷🏴☠🇺🇸 Demonstrations in Qamishli (on Syrian-Turkish border) condemn the massacres against Alawites and minorities on the Syrian coast
🇮🇷🇷🇺🇨🇳مانور Photo-EX توسط ناوشکنهای روسیه، چین و ناوهای نیروی دریایی ارتش ایران و سپاه انجام شد.
تمام مراحل رزمایش با نظارت و پایش هوایی منطقه توسط بالگردهای نیروی دریایی ارتش و سپاه پاسداران انقلاب اسلامی انجام میشود.