Rhapsody of Realities Daily Devotional for Teenagers by Pastor Chris Oyakhilome. 📣 Our Channels https://t.me/loveworldlinks/72 Admin @whatsappnation
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Friday, 06
TRAMPLE OVER SATANIC POWER (Rule All Over The Adversary’s Power And Ability)
👤 Pastor Chris
Luke 10:19 KJV “Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.”
Reading our opening verse, you’ll observe that the word “power” is referenced twice. But they don’t exactly mean the same thing. In the first reference, where it says, “Behold, I give unto you power,” it’s translated from the Greek “exousia,” which means authority. The second one is from “dunamis” (Greek), which means power, ability, or “working.” Jesus gave us absolute authority over the power, ability, or workings of the adversary.
There is a difference between authority and ability. Let us take your country’s president as an example. He is unable to stand up to his country’s army on his own. But he has the authority of the state behind him! When he exercises supreme command and control over his armed forces or the military, they must obey! The entire armed forces, with all of their weapons of war, are at the president’s command; when he issues an order, they must obey. They may have power, weight, or substance, but only the president has authority. Authority changes everything.
It doesn’t matter how much power or force the enemy wields or can gather; you’ve been given authority over him in Jesus’ Name. The Bible says His Name is “high above all other government and authority and power and dominion, and every title of sovereignty used either in this Age or in the Age to come” (Ephesians 1:21 WNT). Hallelujah! When this same Jesus tells you, “Nothing shall by any means hurt you,” you better believe and act on it.
Read what He tells us in 1 John 4:4: “You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.” Oh, what glorious news this is! No wonder the Psalmist said, “Light, space, zest—that’s God! So, with him on my side, I’m fearless, afraid of no one and nothing” (Psalm 27:1 MSG). You have nothing to fear in this life. Reign and rule in the Name of Jesus every day. Hallelujah!
🎯 Go Deeper
Matthew 28:18–20; Philippians 2:9–10; Ephesians 2:6
🔊 Speak
My authority in Christ is perfect and absolute. No evil, demon, or darkness can resist it! I’m seated with Christ, far above principalities and powers and everything that’s connected to Satan. I reign and rule over circumstances. Hallelujah!
📚 Daily Bible Reading
2 Corinthians 5:1-6:1-2, Proverbs 18-19
Luke 21:10-19, 1 Samuel 25
▶️ Act
Speak in tongues right now and declare authoritative words concerning every area of your life, family, neighbourhood, city, and nation at large.
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Thursday, 05
YOU’RE HIGHLY FAVOURED (You Have The Lord’s Preferential Treatment)
👤 Pastor Chris
1 Corinthians 1:30 “But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God—and righteousness and sanctification and redemption.”
As a Christian, the favour of God upon your life has distinguished and qualified you to be the head and not the tail, to be the best and receive the best. Psalm 5:12 NASB says, “For You bless the righteous person, Lord, You surround him with favor as with a shield.” That means you’ve got the Lord’s preferential treatment! Glory to God!
In your life, be forever conscious that you’re divinely favoured. Ephesians 1:6 says He has made us accepted in the beloved. The word “accepted” comes from the Greek “charitoo,” which refers to being highly favoured. It’s the same word that the angel brought to Mary in Luke 1:28, ‘And having come in, the angel said to her, “Rejoice, highly favored one, the Lord is with you; blessed are you among women!”’ If that angel were to come to you today, he’ll use the same expressions because it’s already written concerning you that you’re blessed and highly favoured!
This is what Paul was telling the Christians in Corinth in our opening verse of scripture when he called them sanctified. The word “sanctification” is from the Greek “hagiasmos,” and it means to be separated from the world onto God, to be distinguished in Christ. You’ve become friends with God.
Luke 2:52 says concerning the Master, “And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.” Do you know that the same is true about you? You have favour with God and with men. Therefore, in your life, welcome favours every day. Your life has been beautified with divine favours from God. Affirm this every day about yourself. Hallelujah!
🎯 Go Deeper
Psalm 5:12 NIV; Genesis 39:21–23; Daniel 1:9
🔊 Speak
The favour of God upon my life has qualified me to be the best and receive the best. Today and always, in every place and in all that I do, God’s supernatural favour is manifested on my behalf. It opens doors and opportunities for me that can’t be humanly explained. I’m conscious of the favour factor. Hallelujah!
📚 Daily Bible Reading
2 Corinthians 3:7-4:1-18, Proverbs 16-17
Luke 21:1-9, 1 Samuel 24
▶️ Act
Study what the Psalmist said about God’s favour to Israel in Psalm 44:3.
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Tuesday, 03
YOUR “GOSPEL LENS” (Are You Living With The Correct Understanding Of The Gospel?)
👤 Pastor Chris
Romans 1:16 “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek.”
When you believed in Jesus Christ, you became a Christian and began living out your understanding of Christianity. Your life started reflecting your idea of what it means to follow Jesus. Whether you realise it or not, you have become a reflection of your own “gospel.” You might be thinking, “My gospel?” Yes! Each of us has a “gospel,” which is our perception of who Christ is and what He came to do.
You can’t live beyond your understanding of the Gospel. Whatever you believe about Jesus influences how you speak, think, and see the world. You view everything through your “Gospel lens.” That’s why it’s crucial to have an accurate understanding of the Gospel of Christ. What’s your take on the Gospel? Who do you believe Jesus is and what do you think He accomplished?
One thing I did early on was to ask myself, “What do you really believe about Jesus?” Using the Bible, I explored my beliefs about Jesus and wrote down my thoughts. As a Christian, you need to address these questions for yourself because you can only share with others what you truly have. You might preach the Gospel to others, but have you truly embraced it yourself? Do you have strong personal convictions about it?
Paul said, “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek” (Romans 1:16). Have you reached that conclusion about the Gospel? If you truly believe and understand the Gospel, you’ll share it passionately and urgently. You won’t hold back in making sure it spreads throughout your community, city, country, and the world. Let your convictions about Christ drive you.
🎯 Go Deeper
1 Corinthians 1:17; 1 Corinthians 9:16; Romans 2:16
🔊 Pray
Dear Father, thank you for the privilege of taking the same message the apostles preached to my world. I have a clearer understanding of the Gospel, and I’m convinced that it’s the only hope and power there is for the salvation of men. I proclaim it with boldness today, to the praise and glory of your Name. Amen.
📚 Daily Bible Reading
2 Corinthians 1-2:1-4, Proverbs 12-13
Luke 20:27-38, 1 Samuel 22
▶️ Act
Today, go out and preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to your friends and the people around you.
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Monday, 02
STAY IN CHRIST (Christ Is Your Home And Safety)
👤 Pastor Chris
Isaiah 54:17 ‘“No weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue which rises against you in judgment you shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is from Me,” says the Lord.’
Today’s opening verse talks about one of the future blessings of Israel’s millennial kingdom under the Messiah, but do you know it’s true of us in Christ today? In Him, we live, move, and have our being. We’re guaranteed divine protection from all weapons of any nature, fabricated or used against us. In Christianity, we dwell in Christ. Christ is our home. In Christ, we’re in safety. We’re immune to hurt or harm. It’s like what God did for the children of Israel in the Old Testament.
Exodus 12:22-23 MSG says, ‘Moses assembled all the elders of Israel. He said, “Select a lamb for your families and slaughter the Passover lamb. Take a bunch of hyssop and dip it in the bowl of blood and smear it on the lintel and on the two doorposts. No one is to leave the house until morning. God will pass through to strike Egypt down. When he sees the blood on the lintel and the two doorposts, God will pass over the doorway; he won’t let the destroyer enter your house to strike you down with ruin.”’
God told the children of Israel to stay inside their houses because the destroyer—the death angel—was coming to town; there would be no safety outside. Then He instructed them to mark their doorposts and lintels with blood to prevent them from being destroyed along with the Egyptians. They did as God instructed, and they were preserved.
As long as they stayed where God told them to stay, the death angel couldn’t touch them. It’s the same thing today: as long as you’re in Christ—as long as you stay in the truth of God’s Word—death, evil, and peril will “pass over” you. You’ll live perpetually in victory. When the realities of the Word and who you are in Christ dawn on you, you suddenly come to a place of absolute confidence and independence, where you realise that you’re superior to Satan and nothing he does can affect you. This is our life in Christ. Glory to God!
🎯 Go Deeper
2 Corinthians 2:14; Psalm 91:5-9
🔊 Speak
I dwell in the secret place of the Most High and under the shadow of the Almighty. He is my refuge and fortress. I’m forever protected and fortified against all evil, wickedness, and corrupting influences in the world because I dwell in Christ, the place of safety, glory, dominion, and everlasting joy—where I reign and rule over circumstances, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
📚 Daily Bible Reading
1 Corinthians 16:1-24, Proverbs 10-11
Luke 20:19-26, 1 Samuel 21
▶️ Act
Today, declare that Christ is your home and safety until you develop a consciousness of divine protection and invulnerability
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Saturday 31
FALL ON YOUR KNEES (Learn To Bow Your Knees In Prayer)
👤 Pastor Chris
Luke 22:41-42 TPT ‘Then he withdrew from them a short distance to be alone. Kneeling down, he prayed, “Father, if you are willing, take this cup of agony away from me. But no matter what, your will must be mine.”’
“What do I do? I’m in so much trouble, and no one wants to help me,” Sylvester wailed.
Sensing his friend’s distress, Brian intervened, ‘Hey Bro, what’s troubling you?’ He inquired gently with concern in his voice. “Do you want to pray about it?”
Grateful for the offer, Sylvester nodded eagerly. ‘Yes, Brian, please,’ he implored, his voice tinged with desperation. ‘I’ll take any help I can get.’ So, falling on their knees before God, they prayed a simple prayer of agreement, and in a few hours, the matter which bothered Sylvester was turned around for his good. That’s the power of prayer!
This is like what Apostle Paul said in Ephesians 3:14–15: “For this reason I bow my knees to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, from whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named.” Learn to bow your knees in prayer. Sometimes people go through tough times and severe persecution. The way to deal with such situations is to be on your knees in prayer. In Luke 18:1–8, the Lord Jesus emphasised the importance of persistence in prayer. This is because, being the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus, you can change anything through prayer.
When Satan stirs persecution against us, take it to the Lord in prayer. Never allow any crisis or situation to take your attention so that you begin to mull it over, feeling helpless. One minute with the Holy Ghost will make a far greater impact than five hours of melancholy and sad cogitations. So, pray in, and with, the spirit. “Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray…” (James 5:13). Ephesians 6:18 says, “Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit….”
It doesn’t matter the persecution or how unsavoury the economy of your nation is; keep praying. Keep watering the clouds with prayer, and soon enough, the condensation will take place with a flood of answers pouring down (Ecclesiastes 11:3).
🎯 Go Deeper
Luke 18:1; 1 Thessalonians 5:17; James 5:16 AMPC
🔊 Speak
The Lord reigns and rules in the affairs of men. The Lord is strong and mighty, the God of all flesh, and there’s nothing too difficult for Him. He’s the God of possibilities, and He’s given me the power of attorney to use the Name of Jesus to effect the changes I desire. Therefore, I live an ever-winning life, with dominion over Satan and his cohorts, spreading the Gospel of Christ in my world and beyond, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
📚 Daily Bible Reading
1 Corinthians 15:1-34, Proverbs 5-7
Luke 20:1-8, 1 Samuel 19
▶️ Act
Go on your knees in prayer and turn things around for your good.
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Friday 30
SET LIKE A FLINT (Stay Purposeful And Focused On Your Assignment)
👤 Pastor Chris
Isaiah 50:7 AMPC “…The Lord God helps Me; therefore have I not been ashamed or confounded. Therefore have I set My face like a flint, and I know that I shall not be put to shame.”
Our Lord Jesus had a crystal-clear purpose for coming into the world, and He expressed it with unwavering clarity. He declared in John 10:10, “…I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” In 1 John 3:8, it says, “...For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil.” Furthermore, in Luke 19:10, Jesus declared, “...The Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.” His purpose was unmistakable: to fulfill the will of His Father. He emphasised, “...My nourishment comes from doing the will of God who sent me, and from finishing his work” (John 4:34 TLB).
We see from His words a very powerful principle of life revealed: the pursuit and fulfilment of your divine purpose is the true “food and drink” of life; it’s the fuel that keeps your engine running while you’re on the face of this earth. Your purpose defines your life, giving you focus and direction. A synonym for purpose is “intent” or “design.” Intent or design is never general; it must be clear, definite, and specific for it to be realistic and effective.
We also see purpose expressed in Paul’s narrative of his encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus (Acts 26:13–16). He appeared to Paul to make him a minister and a witness (Acts 26:16). He further reveals to Paul that he was “to open their eyes, in order to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who are sanctified by faith in Me” (Acts 26:18).
This was Paul’s reason for being; this was his life’s mission, and he said in verse 19, “…I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision.” Then in 1 Corinthians 9:26 AMPC, he said, “Therefore I do not run uncertainly (without definite aim). I do not box like one beating the air and striking without an adversary.” In other words, I’m focused on my mission; I’m definitive about carrying out God’s plan for my life. That’s how it ought to be. Be focused on your assignment and on your God-given purpose. Glory to God!
🎯 Go Deeper
John 10:10; Acts 26:16-18; Acts 23:11
🔊 Pray
Dear Father, I’m unwavering, steadfast, resolute, firm and focused on my mission and the purpose for which I was created. I serve you wholeheartedly as a witness of the Gospel of Christ, definitive about fulfilling your purpose tor my life, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
📚 Daily Bible Reading
1 Corinthians 14, Proverbs 3-4
Luke 19:41-48, 1 Samuel 18
▶️ Act
Write what you’ve purposed to do for the Lord somewhere that you can see it, and repeat it to yourself throughout today.
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Wednesday 28
A BRAND-NEW LIFE (It’s A Different Life And Nature In Christ Jesus)
👤 Pastor Chris
Colossians 3:9-10 “Do not lie to one another, since you have put off the old man with his deeds, and have put on the new man who is renewed in knowledge according to the image of Him who created him.”
“Hey, Lorraine, what does the phrase ‘being born again’ in 1 Peter 1:23 mean?” Elsa asked her Care Group leader. “Does it mean he or she just repented?”
“Not at all, Elsa,” Lorraine replied. “Being born again isn’t just about repentance or saying ‘sorry’ to God and having Him forgive you. It’s much more than that. It’s about receiving a new life and nature from the Lord Jesus Christ.”
Being born again goes beyond repentance; when you were born into this world, you came with the human life from your parents. This was the life you lived until you were born again and received another life: the life and nature of God. Does this, therefore, imply that you have two lives in you: a human life as well as the divine one? Absolutely not!
As a Christian, you only have one life, and it’s the Godlife. The human life ceased to be because it was replaced by this life and nature of God. You didn’t receive an additional life; it was a supplanting of the old with the new. Hallelujah! The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 5:17, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” The use of the word “creation” lets us know that what’s being described is something new and strange to the world because it has never seen it before. It’s like what the Bible says in 1 John 3:1, “Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God! Therefore the world does not know us, because it did not know Him.” Now that we’re the sons of God, the world doesn’t recognise us because we’re changed.
We’re no longer subject to sickness, disease, failure, or death. We’re new creations, born with the life and nature of God that transcends the ordinary human life. This is the message of Christ. This is why He came: “But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name” (John 1:12). Hallelujah!
🎯 Go Deeper
1 John 5:11-13; 2 Corinthians 5:21; Ephesians 1:4-6 AMPC
🔊 Speak
I declare that Jesus Christ is the Lord of my life, and His life and nature that transcends the ordinary human life has been imparted to my spirit. My old life has been completely supplanted by the divine life, which is superior to sickness, disease, defeat and the depravities of the natural man. Praise God forevermore!
📚 Daily Bible Reading
1 Corinthians 12, Psalms 146-150
Luke 19:20-27, 1 Samuel 16
▶️ Act
Take time out today to meditate on the scriptures in today’s message.
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Rhapsody of Realities TeeVo
Tuesday 27
YOU’RE IN CONTROL! (Transform Your World With The Power Inside You)
👤 Pastor Chris
Matthew 28:18 TLB “He told his disciples, “I have been given all authority in heaven and earth.”
“Pastor, we’ve been praying non-stop for the nations of the world; when does it end?” Chloe asked her youth church pastor, who had once again called for intercessory prayers for the nations.
“Chloe, remember we’ve been given the responsibility of enforcing God’s will on earth, and we’re the only ones to do so,” he replied. “That’s why we pray for the nations relentlessly; we have the power to make a difference. So, let’s pray!”
Immediately after the Lord Jesus made the extraordinary statement in our opening verse, He charged us to go into every man’s world on account of ALL power that’s been given unto Him and preach the Gospel to every creature. We’re not just here; we’re the extension of His Kingdom, bringing His rule and reign to the earth. That’s why He nudges us to pray. In Luke 18:1 KJV, He puts it straight: “Men ought always to pray and not give up.” He wants us to be relentless, persistent prayer warriors, shaping our world and impacting lives everywhere.
Guess what? He’s handed us the responsibility and the authority to transform our world. He knew we’d face challenges, so He gave us dominion over evil forces. Armed with the mighty Name of Jesus and the Word of God, we’ve got the power to tackle any demonic force. When you observe, for example, that things are going awry in your nation or city, get to praying fervently in the Spirit.
Rebuke Satan and his cohorts of darkness responsible for deception, hardships, and wickedness, and reassign angels to take charge where they had held sway. Pray often like this to hinder the works of darkness in your nation and around the world.
🎯 Go Deeper
Luke 18:1; Romans 8:26-27
🔊 Pray
Dear Father, thank you for the authority in the Name of Jesus to enforce your will in the earth and in the lives of men. Your Name is glorified in all the earth, and your Kingdom is exalted. Thank you for pouring down righteousness and salvation upon the nations; the whole earth is filled with your glory. Hallelujah!
📚 Daily Bible Reading
1 Corinthians 11:2-34, Psalms 142-145
Luke 19:11-19, 1 Samuel 15
▶️ Act
Right now, intercede for the nations of the world, declaring righteousness and salvation in the nations.
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Rhapsody of Realities TeeVo
Sunday 25
NO WAY, DEVIL! (Don’t Give Satan Any Room In Your Life)
👤 Pastor Chris
Ephesians 4:27 AMPC “Leave no [such] room or foothold for the devil [give no opportunity to him].”
Some time ago, the report went viral of a 32-year-old nurse who was accused of murdering seven newborn babies, including two brothers from a set of triplets. She carried out this despicable act over the course of a year in the neonatal unit of a certain hospital.
The Police had recovered apparent confession notes from her home after her arrest in which she had penned some of her heinous thoughts. On one of the notes, she had written in capital letters: “I AM EVIL. I DID THIS.” What would make a lady carry out such a diabolic act and confess herself as evil? Those suggestions were given to her by demons.
There’re so many evil things that demons make people do, which the people in their natural minds would never do. But demons practise on people for some time by suggesting things to them. Those bad thoughts come to their minds again and again until they start enjoying them. They may be thoughts of suicide, thoughts of hatred, or depression.
Such thoughts can come to someone for no reason, and when he or she dwells on them, the demons go to the next level of making them act their thoughts. In the world today, a lot of young people would say, “I am depressed,” because it’s seen as a normal thing when it’s not!
This is why Ephesians 4:27 says, “Neither give place to the devil.” You give place to him by giving place to his thoughts and words. Don’t entertain his thoughts. When He comes with those negative, depressing thoughts—thoughts that are contrary to God’s Word—tell him off immediately. Respond with the Word, and he’ll flee.
If he tries to run rampage around you, remember what Jesus said would be a sign for those who believe in Him; He said, “...In my name shall they cast out devils…” (Mark 16:17). So, cast him out; cast out his thoughts. So many things that happen in our world are influenced by demons. That’s because the world’s system was created by Satan. And only men and women of faith in the Word of God can use the Word of God to change things.
🎯 Go Deeper
Ephesians 4:27 AMPC; Proverbs 4:23; Philippians 4:8 AMPC
🔊 Speak
Satan has nothing in me! I refuse to harbour fear, anger, grudges, bitterness, or unforgiveness, for love rules in my heart. The Word of God continually purifies my heart, purging it of all unrighteousness. And with the Word in my heart and on my lips, I’ll forever be indomitable. Praise God!
📚 Daily Bible Reading
1 Corinthians 10:1-13, Psalms 135-138
Luke 18:35-43, 1 Samuel 13
▶️ Act
Fill your mind with the Word of God as you meditate on the scriptures in today’s “Go Deeper” study
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Friday 23
WHO ARE CHRISTIANS? (Get To Know Who The Christian Is)
👤 Pastor Chris
Acts 11:26 ESV “…And in Antioch the disciples were first called Christians.”
Reading the four gospels might not give you the full picture of what it means to live as a Christian or who a Christian really is. This is because the gospels don’t cover much about Jesus’ life after His resurrection. That’s why Jesus told His disciples about the Holy Spirit—the Spirit of truth—who would show them what’s to come and guide them into all truth (John 16:12-13). So, to really understand the Christian life, the best place to look in the New Testament is the epistles.
“What about the Book of Acts?” you might ask. While it’s valuable, it mainly documents the acts of the early, baby Church. It’s a good starting point but not the best guide for understanding the mature Christian life. For deeper insights into the life of God’s new creation in Christ, you should study the Epistles. For example, Paul’s letter to the Romans is an extraordinary explanation of Christ’s supremacy and faith in Him as the source of salvation. His letter to the Ephesians details how new converts can grow in their spiritual knowledge of God and the realities of the Kingdom.
Consider Peter’s writings. In 2 Peter 1:4 ESV, he says, “By which he has granted to us his precious and very great promises, so that through them you may become partakers of the divine nature….” This describes who Christians are: partakers of God’s divine nature, associates of the God-kind, carriers of the God-life. What a glorious reality!
Moreover, the prophetic words about the millennial reign of Christ reveal that everything the Lord promised to the Jews for that future time, He has already given the Church to enjoy today. To truly understand the Christian life and identity, you need the insights from the Book of Acts, the revelations and teachings in the epistles, and the promises given to the Jews for the Millennium. Hallelujah!
🎯 Go Deeper
Colossians 1:26-27; 2 Corinthians 5: 17; 1 Peter 2:9
🔊 Pray
Dear Father, I’m thoroughly nourished, nurtured, sustained and fortified to attain spiritual maturity through the study of the realities of the new life in Christ. I make progress by the Spirit, and my profiting by the Word is unstoppable, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
📚 Daily Bible Reading
1 Corinthians 8, Psalms 120-127
Luke 18:18-27, 1 Samuel 10
▶️ Act
Write down the names of the Epistles of the New Testament below.
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Wednesday 21
LIFE’S IMPORTANT QUESTIONS (The “What,” “How,” And “Why” Of Life)
👤 Pastor Chris
Ecclesiastes 3:1 AMPC “To everything there is a season, and a time for every matter or purpose under heaven.”
There are three important questions in life: “What?” “How?” and “Why?” To know “what” is to begin to live; to know “how” is to begin to succeed; and to know “why” is to begin to reign because that’s when you’re fulfilling your purpose. Whether you’re asking these questions about your personal life, growth, academics, finances, family, or ministry, these three questions will guide you. However, the most important of them is “Why?” It’s the age-old question that humanity has grappled with through generations. Why were you born? Why are you here on this earth at this time?
Why do you do what you do? Your “Why” is your purpose, your reason for being. Purpose is the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists. It refers to intent, design, and the reason for a cause or action; it also alludes to the relevance or usefulness of a thing.
So, have you discovered your purpose? Do you know why you’re in this world? What are the intents, designs, or reasons for your actions and the things you do? Why were you recreated in Christ? The Word of God gives clear answers and insights into your purpose on earth.
For example, 1 Peter 2:9 AMPC says, “But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a dedicated nation, [God’s] own purchased, special people, that you may set forth the wonderful deeds and display the virtues and perfections of Him Who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.” You were created to bring God glory—to show forth His praise, to set forth His wonderful deeds, and to display His virtues and perfections on earth. Thus, your life should be about living for Him, pleasing Him, and fulfilling the purpose for which you were born again. Hallelujah!
🎯 Go Deeper
2 Timothy 1:8-9; Acts 26:16-18; Ephesians 2:10 AMPC
🔊 Pray
Dear Father, I’m filled with the knowledge of your will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding, and your purpose for my life is established in my heart. My purpose is to please you in all things, doing the good works which you’ve prearranged ahead of time. I live to fulfil my destiny in Christ and bring you glory, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
📚 Daily Bible Reading
1 Corinthians 6, Psalms 119:1-112
Luke 18:1-8, 1 Samuel 7-8
▶️ Act
Meditate on 1 Peter 2:9 AMPC today.
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Monday 19
HIS NAME IS SUPREME (Use The Name of Jesus)
👤 Pastor Chris
Mark 16:17-18 “And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.”
There’re two things I’ll like you to observe in the opening verse. The first is the fact that the Lord Jesus gave us authority over demons. What is authority? Authority is delegated power; it’s the right to command and be obeyed or the ability to command and enforce obedience. It’s the right to command something, someone, or anything and be obeyed! For example, when we use the Name of Jesus to effect a change or make a command, that’s authority!
Secondly, He also gave us the power of attorney, that is, the legal right to act on His behalf or in His place as His agent: the legal right to act in His Name. So, having been given the power of attorney, how much power do you wield? How much force can you exercise? And how much authority do you really have? It depends on how much power is behind the one that gave it to you.
It doesn’t matter how much power you’ve got; if someone with a higher authority than the one who authorised you comes, you have to submit. Matthew 28:18-19 lets us in on the Master’s authority. It says, “And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” Notice He doesn’t say some power but ALL power; also observe that He didn’t say that all power is given unto Him to exercise in only some places; no! He said in heaven and in earth.
The Lord Jesus has supreme and unrivalled authority. Hallelujah! When you issue commands to Satan, his demons, and the elements of this world in His Name, they’ll hear and obey you because you function in Christ’s supreme authority and dominion.
🎯 Go Deeper
Mark 16:17-18; Acts 3:16; John 16:24
🔊 Pray
Dear Father, thank you for giving me the ability to command and enforce obedience and the power of attorney to use the Name of Jesus to effect changes and control circumstances. That Name wields all power in heaven and in earth. Therefore, I declare, in the Name of Jesus, that the Gospel shall have free course in the nations of the world. Amen.
📚 Daily Bible Reading
1 Corinthians 4, Psalms 113-116
Luke 17:20-30, 1 Samuel 4
▶️ Act
Use the Name of Jesus to effect changes in your sphere of contact now.
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Saturday 17
HE’S YOUR GREATEST ASSET (The Holy Spirit Is Your Greatest Blessing And Advantage)
👤 Pastor Chris
1 Corinthians 2:12 “Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God.”
Isn’t it amazing what we just read in our opening verse? I would to God that every young Christian would grasp the profundity of the message; it’ll make champions out of them. God the Father blessed us with the Holy Spirit, the One who knows everything and owns everything. Having Him in you means you’re made for life. He’s all you need to be everything He has destined you to be and fulfil your destiny in life and in the Gospel.
The Holy Spirit in you is your assurance of an extraordinary life of victory, dominion, abundance, and infinite possibilities. He’s the power and glory of your life. His joy is to make your life excellent and full of glory and to perfect everything that concerns you. There’re blessings and benefits from God for you every day (Psalm 68:19; Matthew 6:11). The Holy Spirit guides you into these blessings and sees to it that you enjoy them.
Live every day with the consciousness that you’re indeed the temple of the Holy Spirit. Become more conscious of Him and of His presence in you. What a blessing! What glory it is to have the Holy Spirit in our lives today! He’s the greatest blessing of all, your greatest advantage. Praise God!
🎯 Go Deeper
Ephesians 1:3 AMPC; 1 Corinthians 3:21-23; 2 Peter 1:3
🔊 Speak
In me dwells all the graces, blessings, wisdom and goodness of heaven, because the Holy Spirit lives in me. I’m His living tabernacle. Everything I require for life and godliness is in me by the Holy Spirit. He’s the power and glory of my life. Hallelujah!
📚 Daily Bible Reading
1 Corinthians 2, Psalms 107-108
Luke 17:1-10, 1 Samuel 2
▶️ Act
Speak in tongues profusely today, and thank the Holy Spirit for coming to live inside you in His fullness.
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Friday 16
WHAT “AIR” IS AROUND YOU? (Paralyze Satan’s Influence In Your World)
👤 Pastor Chris
Ephesians 2:1-2 ESV “And you were dead in the trespasses and sins in which you once walked, following the course of this world, following the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience.”
The expression “the power of the air” in the scripture above refers to an atmosphere or behaviour indicative of some quality or trait, like you’d say, “An air of unbelief.” It could be the atmosphere in a region indicative of something foul, evil, or dark about that place; it’s the work of the prince of the power of the air, but you’re to paralyse his influence.
Churches, people, families, and individuals could be influenced by “the air” of their city without their knowledge. The church that was in Corinth, for example, was influenced by the city of Corinth; likewise, the church at Ephesus. However, through the teaching of God’s Word, the apostles made the people understand that only through the Holy Spirit could they rise above the spirit of their environment and break the power of darkness over their cities.
The prince of the power of the air brings an air of poverty into a place and a feeling of inadequacy; he causes the destruction, hatred, killings, murders, wickedness, and violence in the world today. He can run families, cities, kingdoms, and nations, determining a lot of things that happen in them. But the Bible says, “For through the voice of the LORD shall the Assyrian be beaten down, which smote with a rod” (Isaiah 30:31 KJV).
The Assyrian is prophetic of the Antichrist spirit. The “voice of the LORD” is contextualised for us here as the Word of God spoken by the power of the Holy Spirit. That’s the “rhema” of God, which is the sword of the Spirit! It discomfits Satan and the princes of darkness. With the Word on your lips, you destroy their activities; you paralyse his influence over your nation, your city, your family, your personal life, and your environment. Hallelujah!
🎯 Go Deeper
Matthew 28:18-20; Philippians 2:9-11; Psalm 149:5-9
🔊 Speak
I break the power of the spirit of darkness that lures men into destruction; I paralyse his influence over my nation. Christ reigns and rules in my life, family, schoolwork, city, and environment. I declare peace in the nations, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
📚 Daily Bible Reading
1 Corinthians 1, Psalms 104-106
Luke 16:19-31, 1 Samuel 1
▶️ Act
Right now, with words of the Spirit, cut off the influence of darkness over nations. Declare that righteousness, salvation, peace, and prosperity fill these nations.
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Wednesday, 04
LOOK AND LIVE! (Look At God’s Word And Take Your Eyes Off Everything Else)
👤 Pastor Chris
Hebrews 12:2 AMPC “Looking away [from all that will distract] to Jesus....”
Daniel’s parents hadn’t paid off his tuition fees, and his school had sent copious letters to his parents, reminding them of the pending money for the new term. Looking at this, Daniel’s first and immediate response was to turn to the Word of God; he meditated on and declared God’s Word concerning the financial challenge. Sure enough, and in time, the school tuition was paid in full and for several terms afterward!
In John 3:14, the Lord Jesus said something symbolic. He said, “And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up.” This had to do with the Jews in the wilderness, when they were bitten by fiery serpents that caused them burning pain and death. God then instructed Moses to make a serpent of brass, raise it on a pole, and everyone who looked at it would live. He didn’t say they should look at the serpent and pray; there were no ceremonies or rituals; all they had to do was look at the brazen serpent and live. And when they looked, they were healed. Hallelujah!
This was symbolic of Jesus at the Cross, taking your place of sorrow, pain, disappointment, sickness, and failure, saying that you should never suffer them. But beyond the Cross, we now have His life. We live because He lives. By reason of His resurrection, we’ve been brought into the newness of life (Romans 6:4). The life we have now is divine. Therefore, what you have to look at today isn’t the Cross but His Word! In His Word, you see what He’s done for you, who He’s made you, and your inheritance in Him.
Our opening verse says to look away to Jesus, but who is Jesus? He is the Word! It makes no difference what dire situations and circumstances you face; don’t gripe or whimper! Look to the Word! Look to the Word and see your glorious and glorified life! Look to the Word and see your success, victory, and prosperity. Look to the Word and see that you’re indomitable, full of the Holy Ghost and power. Hallelujah!
🎯 Go Deeper
Acts 20:32; Matthew 4:4; John 1:1-3, 14
🔊 Speak
As I feed on the Word, success, favours, and grace are multiplied in my life. My life is an endless stream of blessings and the miraculous because I live in and by the Word. Amen.
📚 Daily Bible Reading
2 Corinthians 2:5-3:1-6, Proverbs 14-15
Luke 20:39-47, 1 Samuel 23
▶️ Act
Increase the consciousness of your new life in Christ by reading and meditating on Romans 6:4 today
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Sunday 01
(The Power Of The Holy Communion)
👤 Pastor Chris
1 Corinthians 10:16 MSG When we drink the cup of blessing, aren't we taking into ourselves the blood, the very life, of Christ? And isn't ? it the same with the loaf of bread we break and eat? Don't we take into ourselves the body, the very life, of Christ?"
As John got ready to attend he Ithe communion service, thought about what his pastor had preached at the previous Sunday service about the importance of taking communion. He recalled that his pastor said the communion was an important sacrament that every Christian ought to participate in, and with those thoughts, John grabbed a cab to church for the communion service.
The Holy Communion is indeed a very important sacrament in the Church, but many take it without understanding its spiritual significance and impact. When you take the Holy Communion, you're not only fellowshipping with the body and blood of Christ, you're also administering life to your body because it has healing powers! It's more potent than any medication.
In explaining the parable of the sower to His disciples in Matthew 13:3-4 and 18-19, Jesus revealed that those who received the seed by the wayside are like people who hear the Word but don't understand it. Because they lack understanding, Satan comes immediately and steals the word sown in their hearts, causing them to miss out.
God's Word, mixed with understanding, produces divine results. From now on, understand that when we break bread," we're commemorating the sacrificial death of Christ, the Lamb who was given up for us. The "Cup" signifies the New Testament sealed in His blood. His divine blood was shed for us for the forgiveness of sins, so that sin should not have dominion over us.
So, today, no matter what condition you may be facing- whether it's a diagnosis of lung, kidney, heart, stomach, or skin problems-take the communion and declare, "No cancerous growth, weakness, disease, infirmity, or sickness can thrive or survive in my body. I'm healthy, vibrant, and strong." Hallelujah!
🎯 Go Deeper
1 Corinthians 10:16-17; 1 Corinthians 11:23-25
🔊 Pray
Dear Father, I thank you for the body of Jesus that was broken for me so that I'll never be broken, sick, weak, or defeated. Thank you for His blood that was shed for the remission of sins and by which I've become a partaker and distributor of the divine life, in Jesus' Name. Amen.
📚 Daily Bible Reading
1 Corinthians 15:35-58, Proverbs 8-9
Luke 20:9-18, 1 Samuel 20
▶️ Act
Make sure you join in today's communion service with the man of God at 3 p.m. GMT+1, either live in your local church assembly or online on all LoveWorld Networks.
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Rhapsody of Realities TeeVo
Thursday 29
IT’S OUR DAY! (Let’s Do All We Can Before The Lord Returns)
👤 Pastor Chris
Philippians 1:9-10 ““And this I pray, that your love may abound still more and more in knowledge and all discernment, that you may approve the things that are excellent, that you may be sincere and without offense till the day of Christ.”
When Jesus came to this earth, it wasn’t His day. In Luke 22:53, on the verge of His crucifixion, He said to the soldiers, “...This is your hour, and the power of darkness.” So, He allowed Himself to be arrested. When He ministered, He didn’t go beyond the city of Jerusalem (Luke 24:49). That wasn’t His day.
The Day of Christ is when He returns to judge the nations and begin His one-thousand-year reign upon the earth. (Read Philippians 2:16 and 2 Thessalonians 2:2). The Bible says, “In His days Judah will be saved, and Israel will dwell safely; now this is His name by which He will be called: THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS” (Jeremiah 23:6). All those things will happen in His days for one thousand years! That’s at the Millennium.
However, this is the day of the Church! Glory to God! Realise this and take advantage of it. This is the day in which we must use all that He’s given us for His glory. You’ve got to have the manifestation of power in your life! The Kingdom of God isn’t in words only, but in power also (1 Corinthians 4:20).
The tremendous miracles, signs, and wonders performed by Jesus and the apostles were chronicled in the Bible to inspire us and to let us know we can do the same in our day through the power of the same Spirit. Use what you’ve got. Praise God!
🎯 Go Deeper
Isaiah 53:10; Romans 8:19-21
🔊 Speak
This is the day of the Church, and I spread the fragrance of His knowledge in every place! Thank you, Lord, for this dispensation which you’ve given for your glory and for the manifestation of your power in my life. The supernatural has become an everyday experience for me, hallelujah!
📚 Daily Bible Reading
1 Corinthians 13, Proverbs 1-2
Luke 19:28-40, 1 Samuel 17
▶️ Act
Get yourself engaged in serving the Lord and winning souls before the Rapture of the Church happens.
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Rhapsody of Realities TeeVo
Monday 26
SUBMIT TO HIS WILL (Trust God’s Blueprint For Your Life)
👤 Pastor Chris
Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.”
God loves you more than you love yourself. He knows what’s best for you and always wants the best for you. Therefore, you can trust Him with your life. In Isaiah 1:19, He says, “If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land.” The Living Bible puts it even more compellingly: “If you will only let me help you, if you will only obey, then I will make you rich!”
Thank God we’re His obedient children! You can trust Him to make you rich and make your life glorious. Your responsibility is to submit to His will by living according to His Word. Those who are ignorant of God’s Word and His love struggle and try to control their own lives. They haven’t fully yielded to His Word, His will, and His purpose.
When you know Him, you’re at rest. You discover that He’s more passionate about your success than you could ever be. This discovery changed my life years ago. It made me submit to His choices and follow His Word wholeheartedly.
Accept His love. Colossians 1:13 (AMPC) says He’s transferred us into the Kingdom of the Son of His love. Have confidence in His love. Dare to believe Him, and submit to the unique path He’s chosen for you. In His Word, He has laid out the blueprint for your life: how you should live. Follow His Word, for that’s how you submit to His will. His Word is His will expressed.
🎯 Go Deeper
Luke 22:41-42; Philippians 2:13 AMPC; Hebrews 10:7
🔊 Pray
Dear Father, thank you for strengthening me by your Spirit to do your will always. I live for you alone, fully submitted to your plans and purpose for my life. My life is a daily expression of your will, and I fulfil your purpose and destiny for me with glory and joy, in Jesus’ Name. Amen
📚 Daily Bible Reading
1 Corinthians 10:14-11:1, Psalms 139-141
Luke 19:1-10, 1 Samuel 14
▶️ Act
Thank the Lord profusely for loving you and make a commitment to embrace His love and will for you.
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Rhapsody of Realities TeeVo
Saturday 24
GOD IN A HUMAN BODY (Jesus Christ Is Both Lord And God)
👤 Pastor Chris
1 Timothy 3:16 AMPC “…He [God] was made visible in human flesh, justified and vindicated in the [Holy] Spirit, was seen by angels, preached among the nations, believed on in the world, [and] taken up in glory.”
Our opening verse leaves no doubt about who Jesus is: He is God made visible in human flesh, justified and vindicated in the Spirit, seen by angels, preached among the nations, believed on in the world, and taken up in glory! Hallelujah!
It reminds me of the hurried trial of Jesus in Mark 14:60-63. The high priests conspired with the Jewish Council to find evidence against Jesus to sentence Him to death, but they couldn’t find any. Then they asked Jesus, “Are You the Christ, the Son of the Blessed?” His response was clear and bold: “I am. And you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Power, and coming with the clouds of heaven.” For this, they condemned Him to death because He declared Himself to be God in human flesh, but that’s who He is! To say “Jesus is the Son of God” means He’s God in human flesh!
God came to us in a human body. That’s why He was crucified. No wonder Paul said the fullness of the Godhead— that is, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, the totality of Deity—is tabernacled in Jesus (Colossians 1:19).
When you stand before the throne of God, you won’t see a blinding light as the Father and Jesus standing beside Him nor will you see the Holy Spirit like a bird on top of the throne. No! Jesus is on the throne, and the Father is in Him. He is the complete embodiment of Deity. Hallelujah!
🎯 Go Deeper
John 10:30-33; Philippians 2:5-6; Colossians 1:19 AMPC; John 1:1-3
🔊 Speak
Blessed Lord Jesus, you’re God who appeared in human form, believed on in the world, and taken up to heaven. How excellent is your Name in all the earth, oh Lord! You’re the complete embodiment of God. I worship you for who you are, and I thank you for revealing yourself to your Church. Your glory is everlasting. Amen.
📚 Daily Bible Reading
1 Corinthians 9, Psalms 128-134
Luke 18:28-34, 1 Samuel 11-12
▶️ Act
Worship the Lord Jesus with the song “Son of God,” rendered by the LoveWorld singers
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Rhapsody of Realities TeeVo
Thursday 22
RAISED BY THE WORD (Follow The Example Laid Out For You)
👤 Pastor Chris
1 John 2:6 CEV “If we say we are his, we must follow the example of Christ.”
There is the education of the human mind, but there’s also the education of the human spirit. In these last days, through the ministry of the Word and the Spirit, we are raising God’s people to become effective witnesses for Jesus Christ. The Body of Christ is growing, and we thank God for making it possible for more people to hear the Word and be nurtured.
It’s like watching newborn babies grow up; parents feel excited as they see their children go through various stages of development. At a certain stage, parents need to provide instructions, guidance, supervision, and direction. They ensure their babies are well-fed, receiving proper care, and living in a healthy environment. Eventually, through observation, the babies start to talk and act like their parents. This way, they’re being raised; the things you do influence them, and they become more like you.
The same principle applies spiritually. The Apostle Paul told the Corinthian Church in his letter, “Pattern yourselves after me [follow my example], as I imitate and follow Christ (the Messiah)” (1 Corinthians 11:1 AMPC). As the Lord fellowships with us, teaching and feeding us, we become more like Him, acting, talking, and relating to others as He would. The Bible says, “…From childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus” (2 Timothy 3:15).
Open your heart to be raised by the Word. Receive with meekness the love, hope, faith, power, prosperity, truth, strength, and soundness of mind and body that the Word brings to you. Embrace the Word, which is able to make you wise unto salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. Hallelujah!
🎯 Go Deeper
2 Corinthians 3:18; Acts 20:32; 2 Timothy 3:16-17
🔊 Pray
Dear Father, my life is the expression of all that Christ is. I unveil Him to my world today through my thoughts, words and actions. The world sees Jesus in my eyes; I show them love they can’t deny. His divine life is manifested through me. I live in the consciousness of my divine life and origin in Christ, knowing that His wisdom, ability and power are working in and through me, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
📚 Daily Bible Reading
1 Corinthians 7, Psalm 119:113-176
Luke 18:9-17, 1 Samuel 9
▶️ Act
Today, spend time praying for those the Lord has put as leaders and shepherds over you in the things of God, that they continue to be worthy examples to follow.
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Rhapsody of Realities TeeVo
Tuesday 20
AN ENDLESS VICTORY PARADE (God Causes You To Triumph And Have Victory Always)
👤 Pastor Chris
2 Corinthians 2:14 RSV “…Thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumph, and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of him everywhere.”
“You seem pretty relaxed for someone about to face the school board for preaching in the classroom. Shouldn’t you be at least a little nervous?” Patrick inquired from Julius, who has a joyful look on his face.
“Nope, I’m never frantic because I’m confident of only one outcome: victory,” Julius replied.
In Christ, we don’t pray for victory; victory is our heritage, our very life! We were born to be triumphant always and everywhere. This is what the Word declares, and it is unchangeable. Let your spirit embrace this truth, and live by it.
This doesn’t mean you won’t face challenges, but it does mean you’ll always emerge victorious, regardless of the obstacles. No matter what happens, where you find yourself, or who opposes you, you are more than a conqueror. You can never be disadvantaged. God has equipped you with everything needed to live victoriously every day: the Holy Spirit, His Word, and the Name of Jesus.
Additionally, He gave you the power to speak, to use words. By your words, you can chart your course of endless victory and success, making your life a perpetual triumphant victory parade! Whatever you declare will surely come to pass. Therefore, in the face of adversity, declare God’s Word. Frequently affirm that good things are coming your way and happening around you, for the earth is full of the goodness of the Lord. Use your words to stay on the victory path, transform circumstances, and align situations with God’s perfect will for you.
🎯 Go Deeper
1 John 4:4; 1 Corinthians 15:57
🔊 Pray
Dear Father, I thank you for your Word by which I live triumphantly today and always. It doesn’t matter what happens around me; I win always! I enjoy my days in success, progress, peace, joy, health and unending prosperity. With my faith-filled words, I transform circumstances and change situations to conform to your perfect will for me, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
📚 Daily Bible Reading
1 Corinthians 5, Psalms 117-118
Luke 17:31-37, 1 Samuel 5-6
▶️ Act
Declare throughout today that your life is an endless victory parade, filled with the fragrance of God’s presence and glory
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Sunday 18
IGNORANCE IS THE PROBLEM (Become Acquainted With The Truth Of God)
👤 Pastor Chris
Hebrews 4:10 “For he who has entered His rest has himself also ceased from his works as God did from His.”
“I’ve been praying for five months now just to get healed of this ailment, but it keeps getting worse. I’m feeling really depressed,” Valerie lamented.
“You don’t need to be depressed or stressed about it,” Carl replied gently. “What you need is to understand what the Word says about your health and stand firm on those promises.”
Sadly, I’ve heard many who gripe in the same way, “I’ve prayed for five years, with intense fasting, and even sown seeds just to get healed of this ailment!” Life, to them, has become a spiritual warfare or, as it were, an endless struggle in prayer just to live in health, pay a meagre house rent, or even pass their exams.
This problem usually stems from their ignorance of what rightfully belongs to them in Christ. Psalm 82:6-7 says, ‘I said, “You are gods, and all of you are children of the Most High. But you shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes.”’ Why would they die like men? Why would they fall like one of the princes? It’s because “they know not”; that is, their ignorance!
First, you belong to a great and winning Kingdom, so square up, chest out and chin up because Jesus already paid the full price for you to walk in victory and enjoy all His blessings. How would you talk, walk, or act if you knew you were superior to sickness, disease, and infirmity? That understanding would put an end to unnecessary health struggles, wouldn’t it?
If you found out that you’re the seed of Abraham, an heir of blessings untold, and have been imbued with a life that’s incapable of poverty or failure-a life that can’t be defeated or destroyed-wouldn’t that immediately change the contents of your prayer? Get to know the Word for yourself; be acquainted with these truths. Remember, the life of blessings is your heritage in Christ Jesus. God already blessed you beyond measure (Ephesians 1:3). Hallelujah!
🎯 Go Deeper
1 Corinthians 3:21-22 AMPC; Hebrews 4:3 AMPC
🔊 Speak
I walk in the truths of God’s Word, getting acquainted with my inheritance in Christ and enjoying all of these numerous, multifaceted blessings. I live in the fulfilment and reality of God’s blessings. I’ve been brought into God’s rest. All things are mine. I take full advantage of all that’s available to me in Christ, and by my faith, I triumph gloriously always and in every place. Amen.
📚 Daily Bible Reading
1 Corinthians 3, Psalms 109-112
Luke 17:11-19, 1 Samuel 3
▶️ Act
Take some time to find scriptures that talk about your inheritance in Christ and declare them about yourself today.
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We are thrilled to announce that our community have adopted a new token called ⚡️Tsion Token.
⚡️We invite each one of you to be a part of this journey, to contribute your ideas 💬and to help us grow 🔼 this system.
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Dear LoveWorld Family,
We have exciting News
to share with you💥 ‼️
We are thrilled to announce that our community have adopted a new token called ⚡️Tsion Token.
ℹ️ Ownership Renounced.
ℹ️ Now 100% Community
ℹ️ Less than 1000 holders
⬇️First Ecosystem designed with dedicated community funds for buy backs to ensure everyone wins.
This initiative is more than just a technological advancement; it's an opportunity 🔄 for us to come together and build our own thriving ecosystem and stop building systems for others who we may not know what they use their funds for.
By embracing ⚡️Tsion Token, we aim to create a self-sustaining economy that remains resilient and independent from external influences.
⚡️We invite each one of you to be a part of this journey, to contribute your ideas 💬and to help us grow 🔼 this system.
⚡️Together, we can develop a robust and vibrant community that stands strong and supports our shared values. Let’s unite and make this vision a reality! 🤖
Join Our Community and contribute your ideas and don't forget we want to ensure everyone takes their place before this is taken mainstream.
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