Rhapsody of Realities Daily Devotional for Teenagers by Pastor Chris Oyakhilome. 📣 Our Channels https://t.me/loveworldlinks/72 Admin @whatsappnation
Rhapsody of Realities TeeVo
Friday, 18
DON’T COPY DEMAS (Love The Father With A Pure Heart)
👤 Pastor Chris
1 Timothy 1:5 ESV “The aim of our charge is love that issues from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.”
A pure heart is one that loves the Lord truly and believes His Word absolutely (without any questions or doubts). It’s important to regularly check the condition of your heart to ensure that your love for God is real and sincere. Your love for Him should be without any pretence.
In reviewing what we read in our opening verse, the example of Demas, a certain character in the Bible, readily comes to mind. Demas worked closely with Luke, the writer of the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles. He also worked very closely with the great apostle Paul. In fact, Paul listed him among his fellow-labourers in the Gospel: “Epaphras, who is one of you and a servant of Christ Jesus, sends greetings. He is always wrestling in prayer for you, that you may stand firm in all the will of God, mature and fully assured… Our dear friend Luke, the doctor, and Demas send greetings” (Colossians 4:12-14 NIV).
Paul also mentioned him in Philemon 1:23-24: “Epaphras, my fellow prisoner in Christ Jesus, greets you, as do Mark, Aristarchus, Demas, Luke, my fellow laborers.” So, Demas was a co-labourer with Paul. He was in very good company and had a ministry to fulfill. But in 2 Timothy 4:9– 10, Paul tells Timothy: “Be diligent to come to me quickly; for Demas has forsaken me, having loved this present world, and has departed for Thessalonica....”
This explains why some people start well and end up badly: their love for the Lord is not genuine. Apostle Paul said Demas forsook him because he loved the world. You can’t love the Father and love the world at the same time. To love this world is to not have the love of the Father in you.
Demas might have been working alongside Paul and other Christians, but deep down, his heart was more focused on the world and what it offered. Because of that, he couldn’t fulfil his divine destiny and purpose, and he missed out on what God had planned for him. So, love the Lord with a pure heart. Serve Him genuinely, and let Him be the most important thing in your life.
🎯 Go Deeper
Galatians 6:14; Colossians 3:1-2; 2 Peter 3:11-14
🔊 Pray
Lord Jesus, you reign in my life; you’re all that matters to me. Thank you for the grace to live for you and serve you with a perfect heart; you’re everything to me. You’re holy, pure, righteous, loving and true! You’re the only true God; and I love you forever. Amen!
📚 Daily Bible Reading
2 Thessalonians 3:1-18, Isaiah 48-49
John 6:30-40, 2 Kings 4
▶️ Act
Study and meditate on Ephesians 6:24: “Grace be with all those who love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity. Amen.”
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Wednesday, 16
HOW TO DEAL WITH TEMPTATION (Condition Your Spirit Through Prayer)
👤 Pastor Chris
Luke 22:40-42 AMPC “And when He came to the place, He said to them, Pray that you may not [at all] enter into temptation. And He withdrew from them about a stone’s throw and knelt down and prayed, Saying, Father, if You are willing, remove this cup from Me; yet not My will, but [always] Yours be done.”
No one exemplified the power of prayer in overcoming temptation better than our Lord Jesus. Hebrews 5:7 gives us an idea why He prayed to the Father the way He did in our opening scripture: He (Jesus) “...shrank from the horrors of separation from the bright presence of the Father” (AMPC). That separation from the Father was what He never wanted to experience, even for a moment. As a result, He knelt and prayed, and as He did, something remarkable happened: “Then an angel appeared to Him from heaven, strengthening Him” (Luke 22:43).
The 44th verse says, “And being in agony, He prayed more earnestly....” Jesus, being in agony, prayed more earnestly. His prayer was so intense that the Bible says, “...His sweat became like great clots of blood dropping down upon the ground” (Luke 22:44 AMPC). Thank God; His prayer was answered. He submitted Himself to the will of the Father by becoming sin for us so we would become the righteousness of God in Him. Hallelujah!
When He was done praying, He said something instructive to His disciples, as seen in Luke 22:45–46: “When he rose from prayer and went back to the disciples, he found them asleep, exhausted from sorrow. ‘Why are you sleeping?’ he asked them. ‘Get up and pray so that you will not fall into temptation’” (NIV).
The problem isn’t being tempted but falling into the temptation. Jesus here shows us we must pray to avoid falling into temptation. Remember, He was about to experience the horror of being separated from the Father and had to wrestle with the temptation to say, “No, I’m not doing this!” He knew He had to pray because He had Himself taught that “...men always ought to pray and not lose heart” (Luke 18:1).
Like the Master, give yourself to prayer. In the place of prayer, your spirit is conditioned to discern and walk in God’s perfect will, and your faith is strengthened to overcome temptations and rule over circumstances. You’re invigorated with the might of the Spirit to live victoriously every day. Hallelujah!
🎯 Go Deeper
1 Corinthians 10:13; Hebrews 5:5-7 AMPC; Matthew 26:41
🔊 Speak
Dear Lord, thank you for the privilege and blessing of prayer— a place where my spirit is conditioned to discern and walk in your perfect will always and my faith is strengthened to overcome temptations and rule over circumstances. I’m fully equipped and fortified, strong in the Lord and in the power of His might to triumph gloriously today, and always. Amen.
📚 Daily Bible Reading
2 Thessalonians 1:1-12, Isaiah 44-45
John 6:15-21, 2 Kings 1-2
▶️ Act
Visit the Pastor Chris Digital Library and listen to the message, “The Importance Of Prayer.“
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Rhapsody of Realities TeeVo
Sunday, 13
HE CALLED US TO FELLOWSHIP (The Fellowship Of The Heavenly Pantheon)
👤 Pastor Chris
1 Corinthians 1:9 AMPC “God is faithful (reliable, trustworthy, and therefore ever true to His promise, and He can be depended on); by Him you were called into companionship and participation with His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.”
I’m ever so grateful to the Lord for all that He’s made possible and available to us in Christ Jesus. Think about the possibility of fellowship with God. You wouldn’t find that in any religion, as no religion offers you fellowship with God. But Jesus brought us into fellowship with God. What an amazing reality!
In our prayers, for example, there’re special kinds of communication with God that help us build our spirits because we’re in a rich fellowship with the Lord. The Bible says in 1 John 1:3, “That which we have seen and heard we declare to you, that you also may have fellowship with us; and truly our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ.” Also, 1 Corinthians 1:9 NIV says, “God, who has called you into fellowship with his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, is faithful.”
The Apostle Peter takes it further in 2 Peter 1:3-4. He says, “…His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue, by which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature....” The Greek word that’s translated “partakers” comes from the same root word as fellowship; it’s “koinonia.” Thus, “partakers of the divine nature” is translated from “koinonos theias phuseos,” and that means associates of the God-kind.
This implies that we’ve been brought into the fellowship of the divine, heavenly pantheon. No wonder the Bible says, “... You are gods...” (Psalm 82:6). The Lord Jesus, quoting the psalms, reiterated this truth in John 10:34, “…Is it not written in your law, ‘I said, “You are gods”’?” This is the wonder of Christianity; it’s the whole essence of the Lord’s death, burial, and His glorious resurrection.
How beautiful it is to know that we’re in fellowship with the Sovereign King, the Monarch of the universe, as John so succinctly puts it in 1 John 1:3. You’ve been translated from the ordinary realm of mankind to the supernatural class of the Godkind, where you can enjoy true, deep, and quality fellowship and union with divinity. What a blessing!
🎯 Go Deeper
2 Corinthians 13:14 AMPC; 1 John 1:1-3; 1 Corinthians 6:17
🔊 Pray
Dear Father, thank you for the vital nature of divinity and the inseparable oneness with you that I have in Christ. What an honour, blessing and privilege to be in fellowship with the blessed and only Potentate, the Monarch of the universe and only true and righteous God!
📚 Daily Bible Reading
1 Thessalonians 2:17-3:1-13, Isaiah 38-39
John 5:28-32, 1 Kings 20
▶️ Act
Talk to the Lord as you would do with a dear friend; fellowship with Him as you study and talk His Word.
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Rhapsody of Realities TeeVo
Monday, 07
WHAT IS GOD’S WORD? (Knowing What The Word Of God Is)
👤 Pastor Chris
Psalm 19:8 NASB “The precepts of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart; the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes.”
“James, what do you mean by ‘the Word of God?’ I’ve heard you use that phrase over and over again; please explain it to me,” Dennis asked James, his care group leader.
“That’s simple!” James responded. “God’s Word is that message from Him that reveals or communicates His works, will, thoughts, plans, purposes and pursuits to bring people into or promote fellowship with Him in love. It’s His message of truth with the content and power to build His image into the lives of those who hear it. So that’s why you get to know how God thinks when you study His Word.“
When we talk about the importance of knowing the Word of God, some people think it means just having “Bible Knowledge” from a school or religious class. While that has its place, knowing the Word through revelation and the guidance of the Holy Spirit is different. There are Bible scholars who studied the Bible but don’t understand what the Word of God truly is.
All scripture is inspired by God; the contents and message of the Bible come from Him and are trustworthy and dependable. 2 Timothy 3:16 AMPC says, “Every Scripture is God-breathed (given by His inspiration) and profitable for instruction, for reproof and conviction of sin, for correction of error and discipline in obedience, [and] for training in righteousness (in holy living, in conformity to God’s will in thought, purpose, and action).”
Hebrews 4:12 also tells us something amazing about the Word of God: “For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.”
The Word embodies Christ’s revelations, provisions, perfections, and instructions; and it is profitable for teaching, reproof, correction, instruction, and training in righteousness. Knowing the Word means knowing God’s thoughts about anything. It’s looking into God’s mind or His heart about anything and knowing His thoughts, opinions, ideas, and plans. How amazing is that?
🎯 Go Deeper
Psalm 19:7; 2 Peter 1:21; 2 Timothy 3:14-17
🔊 Pray
Dear Father, thank you for your Word that propels, empowers, inspires, uplifts, motivates and gives me clarity of purpose. I’m educated to know your thoughts, opinions, ideas and agenda in the earth, as your Spirit guides me into all truth, teaching me to make the right choices and decisions that are consistent with your perfect will always, in Jesus’ Name. Amen
📚 Daily Bible Reading
Colossians 1:1-23, Isaiah 25-26
John 4:19-29, 1 Kings 13
▶️ Act
Study and meditate on 2 Timothy 3:16-17.
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Rhapsody of Realities TeeVo
Saturday, 05
LIVE LIFE FULL OF GRACE (Let Your Life Exude God’s Grace Every Day)
👤 Pastor Chris
John 1:14 “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth. “
“All favour and earthly blessings come to me unhindered and in abundance; I refuse to be disadvantaged. I’m full of grace,” Tom would always affirm to himself every morning before setting out for the day. And he always found good things happening for him— things he could only attribute to the grace of God working in his life.
The opening verse is one of the ways the Bible describes Jesus: He’s full of grace and truth. Did you know that the same is true for you? In verse 16, it says, “And of His fullness we have all received, and grace for grace” (John 1:16). The Amplified Classic Version says, “For out of His fullness (abundance) we have all received [all had a share and we were all supplied with] one grace after another and spiritual blessing upon spiritual blessing and even favour upon favour and gift [heaped] upon gift.” Now that you’re in Christ, your life is filled with favor upon favor, grace upon grace.
Every day, you can confidently say, “Of His fullness, I have received abundant grace—grace heaped upon grace. I have grace before God, grace before people, and grace for every task. I have grace everywhere I go, and I’m walking in increased grace every day.” The Christian life is a life of endless grace; there’s more than enough grace for you every day. There’s no need to be overwhelmed or stressed out by life’s challenges. There is no need to struggle. Act on the Word. Hebrews 4:16 says, “Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.”
What grace do you need? Is it grace for your academic studies? Grace for your family? Grace for your friendships? Grace to manage your time? That grace is available to you in abundance; receive it. Always affirm that you’re full of grace and that your life is full of divine favour, everywhere and every day
🎯 Go Deeper
Romans 5:17; John 1:14-16 AMPC; James 4:6
🔊 Pray
Dear Father, thank you for the outworking of your grace in my life, which causes me to grow and manifest the beauty, character and blessings of your Spirit. My life is full of grace heaped upon grace, favour upon favour, and blessings upon blessings, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
📚 Daily Bible Reading
Philippians 3:12-4:1-3, Isaiah 19-22
John 4:1-9, 1 Kings 10-11
▶️ Act
Boldly affirm, “Of His fullness, I have received abundant grace— grace heaped upon grace. I have grace before God, grace before men, and grace for every assignment; I have grace everywhere I go, and I’m walking in increased grace every day.”
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Rhapsody of Realities TeeVo
Friday, 04
THE BENEFITS OF HIS NAME (The Name Of Jesus Is For The Benefit Of The Church)
👤 Pastor Chris
Ephesians 1:20-21 AMPC “…He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His [own] right hand in the heavenly [places], far above all rule and authority and power and dominion and every name that is named [above every title that can be conferred], not only in this age and in this world, but also in the age and the world which are to come.”
Many people today don’t understand the power and authority that’s in the Name of Jesus and the power of attorney we have to use it. That’s why they haven’t fully enjoyed its benefits. The Lord Jesus has a Name that’s superior to all titles of authority in this world and the next. So, learn to use His Name. The Weymouth New Testament describes the transcendent greatness of His power and might, the supremacy and dominion of His Name, His reign and glory both in this age and in the age to come. It says He’s in the “...heavenly realms, high above all other government and authority and power and dominion, and every title of sovereignty used either in this Age or in the Age to come” (Ephesians 1 :20-21 WNT).
The most beautiful part is that His authority, rulership, reign and dominion are for the good of the Church: “...Christ rules over all forces, authorities, powers, and rulers. He rules over all beings in this world and will rule in the future world as well. God has put all things under the power of Christ, and for the good of the church he has made him the head of everything” (Ephesians 1:21-22 CEV). He is all that He is for our advantage. His Name wields all the power that it wields for our benefit “...God has put all things under the authority of Christ, and he gave him this authority for the benefit of the church” (Ephesians 1:22 NLT).
With this knowledge at the fore of your mind, never live as a victim. Don’t live an ordinary life. Use the Name of Jesus. He said, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.” Then on the basis of that authority, He said, “Go therefore...” (Matthew 28:18-19). Devils, angels, life, death, hell, the world, circumstances, living and non-living things hear and respond to us in His Name. Therefore, be conscious of the transcendent greatness of His Name; live and do all things in His Name.
🎯 Go Deeper
Isaiah 45:23; Ephesians 1:17-23 AMPC
🔊 Speak
The Lord Jesus is set in the heavenly places, far above all rule and authority and power and dominion and every name that’s named. Therefore, all of nature, angels and demons hear and obey when I speak because I stand and speak in the authority of Jesus Christ. Glory to God!
📚 Daily Bible Reading
Philippians 2:19-3:1-11, Isaiah 15-18
John 3:22-36, 1 Kings 9
▶️ Act
Study and meditate on Colossians 3:17.
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Rhapsody of Realities TeeVo
Wednesday, 02
GOD’S KINGDOM HAS BEEN OFFERED (You Are An Heir Of The Kingdom Of God)
👤 Pastor Chris
Mark 1:14-15 NASB ‘Now after John was taken into custody, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of God, and saying, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.”’
“Dad, why is there so much conflict in Israel? Doesn’t God love His people anymore?” Dave asked.
“No, Dave, He still loves them more than they realise; the thing is, they rejected God’s Son and His kingdom when He came to them, and He couldn’t take care of them as He would have.”
You see, the Lord Jesus brought and offered the Kingdom to the Jews; He preached to them, saying, “The kingdom of God is at hand” (Matthew 3:2; Matthew 4:17; Mark 1:14–15; Luke 10:9). However, they rejected His message and turned down His offer of the Kingdom. As a result, He declared to them, “Therefore I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people who will produce its fruit” (Matthew 21:43 NIV).
The Kingdom was offered, and all those who accepted its message received eternal life. Christians are those who have accepted the message of the Kingdom, received eternal life into their spirits, and are now members—citizens and heirs of that Kingdom. No wonder the Bible tells us in Romans 8:16–17, “The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ....”
Despite living in a world filled with wickedness and evil, He has granted us this extraordinary privilege to be heirs of His
Kingdom. We’re not of this world. We don’t belong in Satan’s realm; we’re not under Satan’s jurisdiction or authority. The Bible says in Colossians 1:13 that God has delivered us from the power of darkness and translated us into the Kingdom of His Love-son. Glory to God!
Also, He’s made us kings and priests in His glorious Kingdom to produce fruits of the Kingdom—fruits of righteousness and eternal life. We’re the ones Peter referred to when he said, “But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light” (1 Peter 2:9). Hallelujah!
🎯 Go Deeper
Romans 8:16-17 AMPC; Ephesians 1:18-21; Colossians 1:13
🔊 Pray
Dear Father, I thank you for making me an heir of your glorious Kingdom. I recognise that I have received eternal life and have become a citizen and member of this Kingdom; therefore, I’m alienated from the depravities, corruption and decadence in this present world. I’m enthroned with you, far above principalities and power, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
📚 Daily Bible Reading
Philippians 1:1-30, Isaiah 11-12
John 3:1-8, 1 Kings 7
▶️ Act
Declare the words in 1 Peter 2:9, understanding that they are true about you.
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Pastor Chris Says
“When you come to Christ, He doesn’t destroy your personality. Instead, He puts power in your personality and makes you effective and influential. He loves you the way you are. When you come to Him, He takes away the sin nature and all that’s associated with it, and He puts in you the desire and ability to be a righteous person (the ability to do right) and the freedom to choose. He sets you at liberty to serve God as you should. Glory to God!”
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Rhapsody of Realities TeeVo
Thursday, 17
DON’T MISS THE LORD (Follow The Leading Of The Holy Spirit Always)
👤 Pastor Chris
Colossians 1:9 “For this reason we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding.”
The Book of Genesis tells a touching story about Abraham and his nephew Lot. When God called Abraham to leave his homeland and go to a new country, Lot decided to go with him (Genesis 12:4). As God blessed Abraham on his journey, Lot was also blessed. They both had so much that the land they were living on couldn’t handle all their herds and flocks.
This led to arguments between Abraham’s herdsmen and Lot’s, until Abraham finally said, “Let’s not have fighting between us, between your shepherds and my shepherds. After all, we’re family. Look around. Isn’t there plenty of land out there? Let’s separate. If you go left, I’ll go right; if you go right, I’ll go left” (Genesis 13:8–9 MSG).
This is where Lot’s trouble began. He saw the lush, green plains of Jordan on one side and the dry, less appealing land on the other. He chose the greener side and set up camp near Sodom, a city known for its wickedness, not realising that God’s judgement was about to come upon Sodom.
When God sent fire to destroy Sodom because of its evil, Lot’s life was spared thanks to Abraham’s prayers. But Lot lost everything he had and ended up hiding in a cave. This happened to Lot not because he was a bad person— the Bible actually calls Lot a righteous man (2 Peter 2:7-8)— but because he missed God’s guidance.
So, in your life, the best place to be is always in the centre of God’s will. Don’t get carried away by what looks good on the surface or by the flashy things in this world. Your decisions shouldn’t be based on what your flesh wants but on the leading of the Holy Spirit. For instance, don’t move to a new city or country just because it seems like there are better opportunities. You could be making a huge mistake. The Bible says, “There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death” (Proverbs 14:12).
🎯 Go Deeper
Colossians 1 :9-1 0 AMPC; Proverbs 3:5-7 MSG; Romans 12:2
🔊 Pray
Dear Father, I lay down my goals, ambitions, aspirations, desires and dreams at your feet. I trust your Word, which is the light that guides me in the path of success, victory, and greatness. Through your Word, I receive direction, illumination and insight into the mysteries and realities of the Kingdom. I recognise and act on God-given opportunities alone, yielded only to the guidance of your Spirit, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
📚 Daily Bible Reading
2 Thessalonians 2:1-17, Isaiah 46-47
John 6:22-29, 2 Kings 3
▶️ Act
Talk to the Lord in prayer, and ask Him for guidance in every decision you make today.
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Rhapsody of Realities TeeVo
Tuesday, 15
YOUR PRAYERS ARE POWERFUL (The Power Of Prayer Isn’t In Its Volume Or Shouting)
👤 Pastor Chris
James 5:16 TLB “Admit your faults to one another and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The earnest prayer of a righteous man has great power and wonderful results.
There’s no situation too hopeless for us to change through prayer. Check out what James 5:16-17 says in the Amplified Classic version: “…Pray [also] for one another, that you may be healed and restored [to a spiritual tone of mind and heart]. The earnest (heartfelt, continued) prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available [dynamic in its working]. Elijah was a human being with a nature such as we have [with feelings, affections, and a constitution like ours]; and he prayed earnestly for it not to rain, and no rain fell on the earth for three years and six months.”
Our prayers aren’t just words—they’re powerful. Think about Paul and Silas for a second. They were captured, beaten, and thrown into a dungeon with their feet locked up. But in Acts 16:25-26, the Bible says, “About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them. Suddenly there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the prison were shaken. At once all the prison doors flew open, and everybody’s chains came loose” (NIV).
How remarkable is this! Two guys prayed and sang to God, and there was an earthquake! It’s not like they were singing so loud that it caused the earthquake and broke everyone’s chains. It lets you know that it certainly wasn’t the volume of their singing; it was the power of their prayers!
There’s nothing you can’t change through prayer. So, make prayer a big part of your life and your daily routine. It will keep you strong and help you stay focused, even when you’re facing the toughest challenges and pressures.
🎯 Go Deeper
Ephesians 6:18 AMPC; Romans 8:26-27; Luke 18:1
🔊 Pray
Dear Father, thank you for the privilege to pray and side with you to enforce your will in the earth and in the lives of men. Even now, I declare peace, progress and prosperity for the nations of the world, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
📚 Daily Bible Reading
1 Thessalonians 5:1-28, Isaiah 42-43
John 6:1-14, 1 Kings 22
▶️ Act
Speak in the tongues of the Spirit for at least fifteen minutes right now.
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Rhapsody of Realities TeeVo
Monday, 14
SEEK THE KINGDOM (Establish And Extend God’s Kingdom)
👤 Pastor Chris
Matthew 6:33 “...Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.
Sofia dedicated considerable time to praying for her neighbourhood after a threat arose that mercenaries would raid the homes, farms, and lands of the residents. These mercenaries had already carried out similar threats in neighbouring areas. However, through her prayers, Sofia drove away the spirits influencing the band of mercenaries, protecting her town. Her prayers powerfully impacted her community, establishing peace and spreading the influence of God’s Kingdom upon it.
In our walk with God, it’s super important to remember why we’re here on earth. What’s our main purpose as Christians? Well, it’s to establish and spread God’s Kingdom to the ends of the earth. The Bible says, “For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea” (Habakkuk 2:14 ESV). It’s our responsibility to make this happen—it’s our job!
Matthew 28:19 gives us clear instructions from the Lord: “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” Basically, He wants us to make students or pupils of the nations. What a calling; what an incredible mission!
Some people think God is running the world on His own, and whatever happens is just His will. But if that were true, why would Jesus teach His disciples to pray in this manner: “…Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:9-10)? Why admonish them to pray that way if God’s will is always being done in the earth? We pray that way because it’s our responsibility to enforce His will in the earth.
God’s will is always done in heaven, but in the earth, only God’s people can pray His will into manifestation. So, in prayer, speak forth salvation in your city, state, and country. Pray that righteousness fills the land and the Gospel has free course and is glorified, resulting in a massive harvest of souls into the Kingdom. Amen.
🎯 Go Deeper
Luke 1 1:2; Matthew 6:33 AMPC
🔊 Pray
Dear Father, your Kingdom reigns and is established in the earth and in the hearts of men as the Gospel is proclaimed around the world today. The light of the Gospel shines evermore in all nations, resulting in great testimonies of salvation, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
📚 Daily Bible Reading
1 Thessalonians 4:1-18, Isaiah 40-41
John 5:33-47, 1 Kings 21
▶️ Act
Spend time in prayer for your neighbourhood and also for the nations of the nations, including yours.
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Rhapsody of Realities TeeVo
Saturday, 12
ALWAYS REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE (Keep Looking Into The Mirror Of God’s Word)
👤 Pastor Chris
2 Corinthians 3:18 “But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.”
Before all the hustle and bustle of each day, Liam would always look into the Scriptures to see his real self in Christ. He would spend time looking into the Word, personalising scriptures, and declaring them about himself. As a result, he radiated a joy unknown to others whose minds were burdened by the issues of each day.
God gave us His Word to enable us to see ourselves the way He sees us, understand things from His perspective, and live to fulfil His perfect will. God’s Word reveals God’s image and opinion of you, which is the image and opinion He wants you to have of yourself. So, as you study the Word and see your true image and identity, retain the picture; don’t forget who you are.
James 1:23–24 says, “For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man observing his natural face in a mirror; for he observes himself, goes away, and immediately forgets what kind of man he was.” Observe the underlined portion. Interestingly, it doesn’t say that the one who doesn’t do the Word forgot what he looked like; rather, it says such a fellow is like a man who looks carefully at his own natural face in a mirror, thoughtfully observes himself, and then goes off and forgets “the kind” or “the type” of man that he saw.
God’s Word reveals the type or kind of person you are—the “species” of being that you are. That’s extraordinary. For example, in 2 Peter 1:4, the mirror—the Word—shows that you’re a partaker of the divine nature, an associate of the God-kind. In Ephesians 1:22, the mirror shows that you’re seated together with Christ, and all things are under your feet. You have dominion over all things. You reign victoriously over Satan, sickness, failure, and death. Hallelujah! This is who you are according to God’s Word; live accordingly. Praise God!
🎯 Go Deeper
2 Corinthians 3:18 AMPC; James 1:22-25
🔊 Pray
Dear Father, your Word is the reflection of your immense glory, greatness, excellence and success deposited in my spirit. I’m the expression of your righteousness and the unveiling of your goodness to the world. I’m the effulgence of your glory, perfections, beauty and grace, and I’m conscious of your supernatural life in me. My life is indeed an unveiling of the virtues and perfections of divinity. Hallelujah!
📚 Daily Bible Reading
1 Thessalonians 1-2:1-16, Isaiah 35-37
John 5:19-27, 1 Kings 19
▶️ Act
Write down some truths God’s Word says about you as you look into the mirror of the Word today
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Friday, 11
YOU’RE THE LORD’S GLORY (Answer Your Name And Manifest God’s Glory Everywhere You Are)
👤 Pastor Chris
Ephesians 1:17 AMPC “[For I always pray to] the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, that He may grant you a spirit of wisdom and revelation [of insight into mysteries and secrets] in the [deep and intimate] knowledge of Him.”
In his beautiful prayer for the Ephesian church, the Apostle Paul referred to our heavenly Father as the “Father of glory.” That’s quite instructive. He isn’t saying that God is a “glorious Father” but that He’s the Father of glory. It tells you who you are; you are “Glory!” That’s your name. If a man is called the father of John, then it means he has a son called John. If God is the Father of Glory and you’re His child (1 John 3:1), then your name is “Glory!”
You might say, “Pastor Chris, that’s just a conjecture”; no! What is Jesus called? Hebrews 1:3 says He’s the brightness of God’s glory and the express image of His person. Jesus is the effulgence of God’s glory; He’s the manifestation of the glory of God. Jesus is the glory of God encapsulated in a body. And the Bible says in 1 John 4:17 that as He is, so are we in this world. Making us His glory is part of what He came to do. Hebrews 2:10 says, “For it was fitting for Him, for whom are all things and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons to glory....” Hallelujah!
Then 2 Corinthians 3:18 (AMPC) tells us something remarkable. It says, “And all of us, as with unveiled face, [because we] continued to behold [in the Word of God] as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are constantly being transfigured into His very own image in ever increasing splendour....” Observe that it says the Word of God is a mirror, just as James also tells us in James 1:23.
But here’s the most beautiful part: When you look in a mirror, you see yourself. Now, 2 Corinthians 3:18 says that when you look in the mirror of God, you see the glory of God. How can you see the glory of God in the mirror if you are not the glory of God? Every good mirror reflects or projects the image before it. If your reflection is called the glory of God when you look into the mirror of God (the Word of God), then you are the glory of God. Praise God!
🎯 Go Deeper
Romans 8:30; Isaiah 55:5; John 17:22
🔊 Speak
The life and glory of God are manifested in and through me. I saturate and impact my world with the Lord’s goodness, kindness, beauty and grace. The glory that I see when I look into the mirror-the Word-is who I am. Hallelujah!
📚 Daily Bible Reading
Colossians 4:2-18, Isaiah 33-34
John 5:10-18, 1 Kings 17-18
▶️ Act
Meditate on the scriptures above concerning you, and declare that you are the glory of God everywhere you are.
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Thursday, 10
HIS SPIRITUAL CLOUD (Christ Is Your New Spiritual Environment)
👤 Pastor Chris
Nehemiah 9:12 TLB “You led our ancestors by a pillar of cloud during the day and a pillar of fire at night so that they could find their way.”
The opening verse brings to mind what happened to the children of Israel as they journeyed out of Egypt. The Bible tells us in Exodus 13:21-22 that they carried their own atmosphere through the wilderness for forty years. Nehemiah also referenced this atmosphere of bliss in which the children of Israel lived. Nehemiah 9:21 (AMPC) says, “Forty years You sustained them in the wilderness; they lacked nothing, their clothes did not wear out, and their feet did not swell.”
The Lord hasn’t changed. The Father’s lovingkindness didn’t end with the children of Israel; it’s even better with us today. When you were born again, you were born into God’s glory, born into God’s spiritual cloud; that’s the Holy Spirit. You live in His presence, in a divine atmosphere of joy, bliss, and glory, where you’re sustained and nurtured by Him, absolutely independent of circumstances.
You’re fully at rest. Those who live outside this atmosphere of bliss are the ones who face disappointments, anger, frustration, and discomfort; they’re always agitated from within because nothing seems to be going on right. But in Christ, which is the supernatural environment you were born into, your joy and satisfaction overflows. His presence in, with, and about you makes you an oasis of love in a troubled world. Be mindful of this always. There could be chaos or anarchy everywhere, but in Him, you’re at peace and in safety. Hallelujah!
🎯 Go Deeper
Exodus 13:21-22; Exodus 14:19-20
🔊 Pray
Dear Father, your presence in, with, and about me makes me an oasis of love and grace in a troubled world. I’m born from above; I live the heavenly life here on earth, nurtured by your divine love, and enwrapped in your kindness, glory, and righteousness. Hallelujah!
📚 Daily Bible Reading
Colossians 3:1-4:1, Isaiah 31-32
John 5:1-9, 1 Kings 16
▶️ Act
Talk about your new spiritual environment—Christ—to your family, friends, and fellow neighbours today
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Wednesday, 09
PRAISE: IT’S OUR PRIMARY CALLING (The Importance Of Praise In Our Day)
👤 Pastor Chris
Psalm 47:6-7 AMPC “Sing praises to God, sing praises! Sing praises to our King, sing praises! For God is the King of all the earth; sing praises in a skillful psalm and with understanding.
Amelia was always ready to praise the Lord, regardless of the time or place. Guided by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, she would raise her hands and sing songs of worship and adoration. She understood that praising God was a calling and offered true worship to Him every time.
The scriptures give us more than enough information on God’s relationship with us and how He defines His role as God, as Lord, and as our Father. In each of these roles, He expresses Himself differently. He also wants us to know our role: the various roles we play with respect to Him, His Kingdom, one another, and the world. However, in every single role that we play, He expects us to praise Him. Thus, the primary reason we come together as God’s people is to offer praises to God.
For a long time, this seemed to have taken a back seat in the Church, but thank God there’s been a change! Christians all over the world are realising that as priests, our main job is to offer praises to God. That’s what we’re chosen to do. 1 Peter 2:9 says, “But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.”
When we live to praise the Lord, lifting up His greatness and worshiping His holy Name, we will enjoy all the blessings of the Gospel of Christ, just like Paul said in Romans 15:29. This is what God wants for us. So, start praising the Lord now! Remember, praise should be meaningful; so, give God words of praise and thanks. Talk about His greatness, grace, and glory. Declare that there’s no one like Him, for His Kingdom lasts forever, and His rule is from generation to generation. Hallelujah!
🎯 Go Deeper
Psalm 69:30-31; Hebrews 13:15 AMPC; Psalm 147:1
🔊 Pray
Dear heavenly Father, you’re great and greatly to be praised, for there’s none like you; your Kingdom is forever, and your reign is eternal! You’re the only true and wise God. To you be all glory, honour, majesty, dominion and praise, forever and ever. Amen.
📚 Daily Bible Reading
Colossians 2:6-23, Isaiah 29-30
John 4:43-54, 1 Kings 15
▶️ Act
Spend quality time singing songs of praise, worship, and thanksgiving to the Lord today.
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Tuesday, 08
“SHAMAR” (Meditate On God’s Word Till You “Observe” To Do It)
👤 Pastor Chris
Joshua 1:8 “This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.”
There’s a word I’d like you to notice in the opening verse of Scripture. It’s the word “observe.” Many Bible students have had difficulty interpreting it; they’ve wrestled for years with that terminology. To them, it means “that you may understand how to do,” but that’s not it. The Hebrew word translated as observe is “shamar,” which means to watch for the purpose of doing. It’s like looking out for something so you can do—”copying to do” or “hearing to do!”
Following what the Lord told Joshua, if you’d meditate on the Word as you should, you’d be propelled to do what the Word says. Paul alludes to this in Philippians 2:13 when he says, “For it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure.” This is akin to what the Lord said to Joshua in the opening verse. Do you want to be successful, prosperous, and deal wisely in the affairs of life? Do you want to be able to help other people become successful and prosperous? Meditate on the Word, day and night.
Meditating on the Word will give you an understanding, a motivation, and an inspiration to do what God wants you to do. Practise this for at least half an hour every day. Psalm 1:1–3 (TPT) further tells us the overwhelming blessings this will produce in your life: you’ll be standing firm like a flourishing tree planted by God’s design, deeply rooted by the brooks of bliss, bearing fruit in every season of life, never dry, never fainting, but ever blessed and unendingly prosperous. Hallelujah!
🎯 Go Deeper
1 Timothy 4:15; Joshua 1:8 AMPC; Psalm 1:1-3 TPT
🔊 Speak
As I meditate on the Word, the forces of success, prosperity and divine health are activated in my life; I’m transformed from glory to glory through the propelling power of the Word! I make progress with giant strides, and my success is evident to all as I deal wisely in the affairs of life, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
📚 Daily Bible Reading
Colossians 1:24-2:1-5, Isaiah 27-28
John 4:30-42, 1 Kings 14
▶️ Act
Spend time in meditation today till the Word causes you to do what it says.
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Sunday, 06
FAITH AND YOUR CONSCIENCE (Condition Your Heart By The Word)
👤 Pastor Chris
1 Timothy 1:19 GNB “...Keep your faith and a clear conscience. Some people have not listened to their conscience and have made a ruin of their faith.”
From our opening scripture, we see the connection between faith and a good conscience. You need both for a balanced and effective Christian life. Your conscience is the voice of your spirit. Your conscience can be trusted, but it’ll only be dependable if your spirit is educated with the Word of God.
Some people do terrible things; they participate in acts of wickedness, violence and bloodshed. And their conscience allows them to do such things. Why? It’s because of the condition of their spirits. Their conscience has been educated to permit such evil and wickedness. Their conscience has been “…seared with a hot iron” (1 Timothy 4:2). But if your spirit is conditioned by the Word of God, you’ll have the voice of God in your heart, and it’ll be different.
The Bible says out of your heart—your spirit—are the issues of life (Proverbs 4:23). It’s therefore important that you train your spirit with the Word to be a sure guide. Never allow negative thoughts and ideas—thoughts of bitterness, wickedness, evil, violence or terror—grow in you.
Colossians 3:16 says, “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom....” Store the Word of God richly in your heart, and you’ll be able to bring every negative thought into captivity to the obedience of the Word (2 Corinthians 10:5). Hallelujah!
🎯 Go Deeper
Proverbs 4:20-23; 1 Timothy 1:19 AMPC; 1 Timothy 4:15
🔊 Pray
The Word of God has imparted wisdom to my spirit and renewed my mind to think divine thoughts, thoughts that are consistent with God’s eternal purpose and will for my life! I bring forth good things from within my spirit today, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
📚 Daily Bible Reading
Philippians 4:4-23, Isaiah 23-24
John 4:10-18, 1 Kings 12
▶️ Act
Talk God’s Word about you—under your breath—to yourself throughout today to condition your spirit.
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Thursday, 03
STOP ALL CONTRABAND! (Act As God’s Custom Officer In This World)
👤 Pastor Chris
1 Thessalonians 5:21 AMPC “But test and prove all things [until you can recognize] what is good; [to that] hold fast.”
In Romans 12, the Spirit of God, through the Apostle Paul, tells us something absolutely amazing. He says, “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God” (Romans 12:2). But how do you renew your mind? You do so by changing the way you think, swapping your thoughts for God’s thoughts. When you do this, you’ll be able to “prove” what the good, acceptable, and perfect will of God is.
The word “prove” here doesn’t quite capture the full meaning. The original Greek word is “dokimazo,” which means to examine or scrutinise closely. Think of it like airport security. When you go through customs, they check everything to make sure nothing suspicious gets through. They examine you and your belongings carefully to decide if you can enter the country.
As God’s man or woman, you get to decide, after scrutinising, to allow only things that are consistent with the good, acceptable, and perfect will of the Father to come into your world. This is easy to understand because we are His righteous ones; we give vent to His glory; we give vent to His will. It’s our calling. Hallelujah!
Remember what the Master said in Matthew 16:19: “...Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” When you disallow or permit something on earth, Heaven backs what you’ve said. Consciously and vehemently refuse the works of evil and forbid them in your nation, in your body, family, school, and every place around you.
Allow only the divine realities of the Kingdom into your world, and you start this with the renewing or transformation of your mind. With a renewed mind, you’ll think, permit, and express only God’s thoughts, His righteousness, love, kindness, joy, and peace in your life and your environment. Hallelujah!
🎯 Go Deeper
Matthew 16:19 AMPC; Philippians 4:8
🔊 Pray
Dear Father, I’m yielded to the transforming power of your Word, enabled to discern and walk in your perfect will always. I’m your agent in the earth, allowing only that which aligns with your perfect will to come into this world and vehemently forbidding anything contrary to your purpose, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
📚 Daily Bible Reading
Philippians 2:1-18, Isaiah 13-14
John 3:9-21, 1 Kings 8
▶️ Act
Speak the divine realities of God’s Kingdom concerning you and everything and everyone in your sphere of influence.
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Tuesday, 01
HIS MATCHLESS AUTHORITY (We Have Unrivalled Authority In Him)
👤 Pastor Chris
Matthew 28:18 AMPC “Jesus approached and, breaking the silence, said to them, All authority (all power of rule) in heaven and on earth has been given to Me.”
Some people brag about having authority in specific places, perhaps in a nation, city, street etc. For some, it’s even in classrooms, such that they become bullies and terrorise their classmates. But there’s one whose authority transcends the universe and extends to all of heaven, the earth, and under the earth. His Name is Jesus! How awesome is that!
The Bible says no one and nothing is exempted from His rule, His dominion and authority. Ephesians 1:20-22 MSG explains this clearly: “...All this energy issues from Christ: God raised him from death and set him on a throne in deep heaven, in charge of running the universe, everything from galaxies to governments, no name and no power exempt from his rule. And not just for the time being, but forever. He is in charge of it all, has the final word on everything….”
The coolest part is the fact that His authority is given to us because we’re one with Him. We’re His seed and we prolong His days. He rules through us. Isaiah 9:6 says, “...And the government will be upon His shoulder.....” His shoulder refers to us, the Church—we’re His body in and through which He speaks and acts today. This should help you understand why soon after He affirmed in Matthew 28:18 that all authority is His both in heaven and in earth, He immediately charged us in the ensuing verse 19 to go and teach all nations. That’s extraordinary because it means we sit on His seat. We function by His authority. It’s the reason we can do the same works that He did. He gave us power and authority over all devils, and to cure diseases (Luke 9:1).
Read what the Bible says in Mark 16:17: “And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons....” You have unrivalled authority in the Name of Jesus to cast out devils and tame circumstances. There’s nothing you can’t do, and there’s no hopeless situation you can’t change. You can do all things in His Name. Hallelujah!
🎯 Go Deeper
Ephesians 1:19-21; Colossians 2:1 5; Philippians 2:9-11
🔊 Pray
Dear Father, I thank you for the unparalleled authority and power that the Lord Jesus has given to the Church to exercise authority over devils, teach all nations and catapult many from the domains of darkness into the Kingdom of light. Thank you for the victory we have, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
📚 Daily Bible Reading
Ephesians 6:10-24, Isaiah 9-10
John 2:12-25, 1 Kings 6
▶️ Act
Exercise your authority in Christ Jesus by making decrees in His Name now.
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Monday, 30
REMOVE THE ENVY FIRST (Submit To God’s Word And Resist The Enemy)
👤 Pastor Chris
James 3:14 CEV “But if your heart is full of bitter jealousy and selfishness, don’t brag or lie to cover up the truth.”
Today’s verse of scripture above was written to God’s people. It shows that it’s possible to find a Christian who could be walking in bitterness, envy, and strife. According to the verse, when you notice bitterness, envy, and strife in your heart, take a stand against them. Don’t deny them; deal with them because they’re devilish. In the ensuing verse fifteen, still referring to anger, bitterness, and strife, it says, “This wisdom is not that which comes down from above, but is earthly, natural, demonic” (James 3:15 NASB). Did you see that? So, don’t allow your life to be influenced by demons; don’t get into strife.
Ordinarily, Satan can’t force his will upon anyone except those who yield to his antics and influence. Sadly, some people yield themselves to the devil without realising it. It’s the reason you must walk in the Spirit and in the knowledge of the Word at all times. This is vital for a victorious Christian life. Galatians 5:16 says, “I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh.”
Apostle James, who wrote what we read in our opening verse, also wrote in James 4:7, “Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” You submit yourself to God by yielding to the Word. Then, being yielded to the Word, resist the devil, and he’ll flee from you. That’s the key: it’s being yielded to the Word; giving yourself to the Word by doing the Word! It’ll rid you of envy, strife, pride, jealousy, bitterness, anger, and everything unwholesome or unclean. It’ll bring you to a place of sanctification. Praise God!
🎯 Go Deeper
Ephesians 4:31; James 1:22–25
🔊 Pray
Dear Father, thank you for the impact of your Word on my spirit, soul, and body. My life is filled with the joy and glory of your righteousness as I walk in the light of your Word. Every darkness is dispelled from my path because I walk in the Spirit and light of your Word, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
📚 Daily Bible Reading
Ephesians 5:22-6:1-9, Isaiah 6-8
John 2:1-11, 1 Kings 5
▶️ Act
Meditate and ponder deeply on what Galatians 5:16–23 says.
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Sunday, 29
RUN SATAN OUT OF TOWN! (Use The Authority You’ve Got In Christ)
👤 Pastor Chris
Mark 1:25-26 ESV ‘…Jesus rebuked him, saying, “Be silent, and come out of him!” And the unclean spirit, convulsing him and crying out with a loud voice, came out of him.’
As Christians, we’ve been given dominion over Satan and the powers of darkness in the Name of Jesus. We have to use what we’ve got. Don’t negotiate with demons. When you say to them, “Out!” they have to obey because you’re using the authority of the Lord Jesus. The Bible says the people were amazed at Jesus in His day because, with authority, He commanded unclean spirits, and they obeyed Him (Mark 1:27). The Bible also says, “That evening several demon-possessed people were brought to Jesus; and when he spoke a single word, all the demons fled; and all the sick were healed” (Matthew 8:16 TLB). That’s what you’re supposed to do.
Exercise your dominion in Christ; use the power of the Holy Spirit. The Good News Bible translation of Mark 1:25-26 says, “Jesus ordered the spirit, ‘Be quiet, and come out of the man!’ The evil spirit shook the man hard, gave a loud scream, and came out of him.” They couldn’t resist Jesus, and they can’t resist you. As you pray and intercede for people and for nations, cast out devils! Command the evil spirits responsible for the wickedness, confusion, and darkness in the world to come out of your nation, city, town, and village.
Command the prince of the power of the air to take his hands off the people so the light of the glorious Gospel of Christ may shine in their hearts and they may receive salvation. Satan has no right to run things in your life, in your home, or in the lives of your loved ones. Exercise your authority in Christ against him. Don’t wait for someone else to do it for you. Every Christian has the ability to cast out devils. Jesus has given you authority; walk and live in His Name. Use what you’ve got!
🎯 Go Deeper
Luke 9:1; Luke 10:19; Mark 16:15–18
🔊 Speak
I have authority over demons and the cohorts of darkness in the Name of Jesus. Therefore, I break the cords of bondage over men’s lives! The righteousness of God is established in the nations, cities, towns, and villages of the world, in the Name of Jesus! What a life of glory, dominion, and power given to us in Christ Jesus to live above Satan and his cohorts of darkness! Hallelujah!
📚 Daily Bible Reading
Ephesians 5:3-21, Isaiah 3-5
John 1:43-51, 1 Kings 4
▶️ Act
Use the Name of Jesus to run the devil and his cohorts out of your home, neighbourhood, city, and nation.
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