Truth Social: @KateAwakening For my chat, subscribe to For news and happenings follow
This is the most fun, I hope you’ll come hang out with us! It’s a good break from all the craziness.👇
Читать полностью…I’ll repost this every time I come across it. We all should.
Читать полностью…I used to be “pro choice.” That was until I asked myself to honestly answer a very basic, but complicated (I thought at the time) question.
What constitutes a human being?
What is the magic recipe that defines us as human beings, that separates us from all else, and gives us our human rights?
Defining this answer is important because ALL human beings are equally deserving of human rights. No matter what.
I realized most people answer this question in regards to abortion in ways that conform to what they feel is convenient, and are ridiculous and illogical notions.
For example, a heartbeat can’t be the defining factor because the heartbeat develops so early in the pregnancy that many mothers don’t even know they’re pregnant yet. So that’s out.
Some will argue that the sheer fact that the baby is unwanted by the mother makes it ok to kill the baby. Really? So what makes a human being deserving of human rights is whether or not someone else “wants” them? We’re all pretty clear in every other circumstance that killing another person is a violation of their human rights whether they are loved or unloved. Right?
“My body, my choice” is completely neglecting the aspect of human rights that says your rights end where another human being’s begin. It isn’t your body, it’s a body inside a body, with completely different dna.
Some will call unborn babies “parasites” and say they aren’t a person because they are “living off the mother” and can’t breath on their own without her.
So the ability to breathe and function on your own is what makes you a human deserving of human rights?
What about people with disabilities who require ventilators, or need to be fed through a tube? Are these not human beings deserving of human rights? Of course not, that’s monstrous.
Some will say “life begins” after the baby is born. So traveling through the birth canal is somehow what magically makes you a human being with human rights? 4 inches of skin and air touching you somehow gives you your humanity?
I could go on. I have still never heard a good argument from someone who is “pro-choice” for what makes a human a human that isn’t based in total convenience.
If life doesn’t begin at conception, when does it?
If someone thinks they can answer that, I’m all ears.
I was asked to speak at the DOUBLE DOWN event in Las Vegas in October.
They made this really cool teaser video for me.
Visit their site for more info:
Every time the fake news media posts a lie, even if they later put out some piss poor retraction, I’m reminded of this scene from Doubt.
In it, he’s talking about gossip or bearing false witness against your neighbor and he likens it to cutting open a feather pillow from the top of the roof.
Once information is spread, you’ll never be able to fully contain it or put it all back in the bottle. Our media overlords know this and they bank on it. It’s done intentionally.
How many people out there still like to throw Trump’s “very fine people” comment in your face to prove he’s racist? Even though literally seconds later he specifies he’s “not talking about the neo nazis.”
The damage was done. Even though those on the side of truth spread the full clip as much as we could to mitigate it, there was no cleaning up the mess.
Why do you think these “accidents” only ever happen in one direction?
Because it’s an intentional misinformation tactic they know is highly effective and they have no problem fighting dirty
I’m so excited to announce I’ll be speaking at this!! 👆👆👆 It’s gonna be awesome.
Читать полностью…Song of the Day!
By my gorgeous and talented sister LaLa Deaton. 🥰♥️🇺🇸♥️
I said I would not post but this is too important. Doctors are not prescribing certain drugs that work for Covid 19 because it is off label. This is just plain EVIL!
I have to send everyone this protocol from Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance for Covid 19 that includes Ivermectin. Please pass this one far and wide. Covid is real. I don’t care what you say.
FLCCC Alliance
All Protocols
Hospital Protocol
Prevention and Early Outpatient Protocol
At Home Treatment
How to get Ivermectin
Ivermectin Studies
Doctor to get prescription from after being seen online.
Reasons to have hope:
-Trump is likely holding the key to a proverbial Trump card i.e. Devolution wherein he can initiate the storm.
-More people are awake to the corruption and the elite cabal than perhaps ever before.
-We the people outnumber [them] and are powerful when we get together on the same page.
-The audits will prove that Trump won in a landslide.
-No matter what happens: God is good and wins.
Join me over here in about 25 minutes!
"You know what woke means? It means you're a loser. Everything woke turns to shit." 😂
Читать полностью…1. Covid is less dangerous to kids than the regular flu.
2. It is not the job of children to protect the elderly or anyone else.
3. Read number 2 again.
Even if you believe covid is the boogie man sent to kill every granny on the planet, it is not our children’s responsibility to protect adults. That is absolutely backwards.
If your school or daycare has a single agenda or priority that comes before what’s best for your child, WHY ON EARTH would you trust them with your kid?
Join me Friday at 8pm EST for Conspiracy Theory Trivia with Loyal2ThaFoil... everything you NEVER wanted to know!
• Zinc / Zinc Ionophore approach inhibits RNA dependent RNA polymerase (RDRP)
• RDRP is essential for some RNA viruses such as:
• all the Corona virus strains
• all the influenza strains
Zinc Ionophores include:
• Hydroxychloroquine
• Ivermectin
• Quercetin
We can potentially cure all Corona, Influenza, and RSV infections with a safe, cheap, and oral treatment approach.
This is why the Globalists, Pharmaceutical industry, tyrants, despots, and devolved pagans are opposing this is approach.
It undermines their agenda, profits, and the use of fear as a weapon.
We must resist and sacrifice at all costs and win the war for God consciousness and freedom from tyranny.
Vladimir Zev Zelenko MD
Do not quit your job or resign.
Vibe check. How are you guys hangin' in there?
Читать полностью…Information Flooding: How the corporate media and the CDC's poison control centers used an internet propaganda technique to publish hundreds of "ivermectin poisonings" articles.
Hundreds of articles were based on six calls in Kentucky and nine calls in Minnesota.
The vast majority of calls to the CDC's fifty-five poison control centers have been people asking about the right dosage of ivermectin to take.
To put this into perspective, over 100,000 people call poison control centers about Tylenol each year.
Moreover, no one dies from ivermectin in a typical year, yet Tylenol accounts for 56,000 annual emergency room visits, 2,600 hospitalizations, and almost 500 deaths.
So why is the corporate media flooding the public conscious with stories about ivermectin poisonings❓
Pfizer and Merck are getting ready to launch expensive new anti-viral pills that can provide preventative and early outpatient treatment for COVID-19.
Because Ivermectin remains cheap, effective, and safe it continues to pose a massive threat to pharmaceutical companies' profits.
Therefore, the corporate media uses internet propaganda techniques to flood information into the public conscious about ivermectin poisonings.
Pharmaceutical companies' profits are also why the CDC, NIH, and FDA refuse to acknowledge safe and effective multi-drug treatment protocols or established science like natural immunity.
America's health institutions are so captured and compromised that they refusing to treat COVID-19 patients until they are hospitalized or dying.
They are even threatening to take away doctors' medical licenses for treating patients.
In other words, our health institutions are killing people so pharmaceutical companies can make billions.
🇺🇸 Happy Labor Day, Frens! 🇺🇸
Your dedication and commitment to your work is appreciated, both in everyday life and here on the digital battlefield! Have a great Labor Day, Patriots!
"Before the reward, there must be labor. You plant before you harvest. You sow in tears before you reap joy."
— Ralph Ransom
"It is only through labor and painful effort, by grim energy and resolute courage, that we move on to better things."
— Theodore Roosevelt
Why is the mainstream media in lockstep gaslighting us by calling Ivermectin “horse dewormer” when it’s been approved for and used by humans for decades?
Reminder: one of the stipulations in the Emergency Use Authorization Act that allows them to jab us with their experimental secret sauce, is that “there are no adequate, approved, and available alternatives.”
If there are therapeutics that fit the bill, they can’t rush their vaccine.
There’s no money in healing people, but there’s lots to be made when people require treatment in perpetuity.
How many shots are they saying you need now??
Join me Friday at 8pm EST for Conspiracy Theory Trivia with @Loyal2ThaFoil...Everything you NEVER wanted to know!
Journey To Truth Presents... Secret Space Conference!! May 2-5 2022
Come join us for 4 days at the beautiful Pere Marquette Lodge & Conference Center in Grafton IL where we'll be hearing from SSP whistleblowers, Researchers, ex-military, physicists, hypnotherapists and more as we build a strong case for the reality of the Secret Space Program.
It's time to do away with the class system ! All tickets include meal plan (breakfast, lunch & Dinner Buffets, mon- thur), livestream link, access to all speakers and everything our conference has to offer. VIP tickets and meet & Greets are a thing of the past. Every ticket is a VIP ticket!
Enjoy entertainment from musical guest LaLA Deaton along with nightly skywatches, bonfires, vendors and more. There are plenty of beautiful trails to hike during your free time and we hear there may be a Sasquatch roaming the area!
This belligerent asshole.
Читать полностью…Gov Ducey has made sure that AZ will be one of the first states to accept plane loads of people from Kabul? I wonder how many will be in Maricope county, and how soon?
"Ducey and Bowers criticized Biden’s exit plan from Afghanistan, saying the refugees were put in this position because of the president’s negligence and inability to lead."
"Regrettably" due to the exigent circumstances in Kabul, nobody will be able to truly vet all those seeking emergency shelter under this program. 👀
👉So, in just a matter of a few days a vector has emerged that could allow experienced terrorists to transit from a prison in Kabul... to the streets of Kabul... to an evac flight... to the streets of Maricopa County? 👀
Gov Ducey, whose job is it to ensure that vector is not exploited?
Are you already planning to say it was the State Departments job?
Last nights episode was removed from YouTube by ECETI and re uploaded on to Rumble!
It was a good one especially if you have children. A lot of important issues discussed.
“Everything woke turns to shit.” 😂
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Читать полностью…From the people who brought you false news of Lil Wayne’s impending death and a fake photo of JFK partying on a boat:
I personally took ivermectin 3 months ago, as prescribed by a DOCTOR, when I had covid. I was symptom free within days.
My elderly mother was given ivermectin by the Mayo Clinic when she was hospitalized with covid last year, and she also recovered beautifully within days.
Never forget who owns these rags or that they, apparently, want you to die.
Live look at me trying to blend in to our “new normal” society so I don’t end up in the gulags.
Читать полностью…Also, check this out. I know it's just a twitter poll, but keep in mind that twitter banned literally tens of thousands of pro-trump accounts the same week and contunues to ban them every day. You'd think twitter would be an echo chamber of the left, but it's NOT. Go look for yourself. We are the majority, and we grow bigger every day. #TheGreatAwakening
Читать полностью…We are in a giant game of chicken right now. Our side has the numbers, we just need to stand up and be unwavering. If every person being threatened with termination for not getting the jab just said “do it, then. Fire me.” these businesses would go under quickly and they fuckin know it. We tried the “I’ll just comply until it goes away” thing and it did nothing other than weaken our morale. Enough. It’s now or never.
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