Your genocide spelled-out by the ABC
The Left-wing ABC admits that there has been social-engineering on white Europeans to become black. Hence the fake-tans, twerking and negrofication of our women (who are the most susceptible to social media influence).
Celebrities adopting African children. Commercials constantly pushing a racial agenda. Hollywood pushing unrealistic “diverse” content. This is not new, its just reached extreme levels .. This is generally known as the Kalergi Plan. Call it out when you see it and wake people up - because the intentional replacement of an ethnicity is genocide.
Follow: /channel/FUCK_THE_ABC
VIC EAM Hiked and trained boxing at the top of a hill overlooking Melbourne in the pouring rain this Saturday. We managed to get enough of a break in the weather to get a snap of Melbourne CBD in the background.
Tribe and Train. Join your local Active club.
▪︎Pfizer’s COVID vaccine was NOT 95% effective as they claimed. The data shows it has a 12% efficacy rate for the first 7 days...then falls to less than 1% (0.84%)
▪︎There were no human clinical trials to determine if the experimental COVID vaccines were safe for pregnant women. They were excluded from all the trials. Instead, they tested it on 44 rats before claiming it was "safe"
▪︎There are a total of 9 sites revealed so far (as of May 2, 2022) of 158. Under 6.6% of the Subjects are accounted for. Where did the data relating to the hundreds of other Subjects/trial participants go?
▪︎Where are the 25,706 patients missing from the Pfizer data?
▪︎The lipid nanoparticles were found to have distributed throughout the body — in the liver, ovaries & other vital organs 48 hrs post injection
▪︎The latest release can be found via the database here or at the ICAN site here.
Senator Heffernan and the 28 Men Accused of Evil
Senator Heffernan exposed the seedy underworld and child sexual abuse allegations within the Australian parliament and ruling class during Senate Estimates in 2015. We reported earlier this year that Christopher Pyne went under official investigation for bringing male prostitutes into Parliament and performing sexual acts there. An investigation that was covered up by the media and even censored on youtube. This was during a time where he was defence minister. Now Labor opposition leader Anthony Albanese has refused to get to the bottom of these issues if he becomes PM, walking away from a concerned member of the public who attempted to bring-up the 28 accused pedophiles being protected by the law. Its a big pedophile-protecting club and you ain’t in it.
Full video
Follow: /channel/FUCK_THE_ABC
ARyan Gosling - Jews pull on the fabric of society. From Believer, Drive, and Place Beyond the Pines.
Читать полностью…What did the poet try to tell us?
Either this guy is a great actor, or he's dealing with severe alzheimers. I have my bet on the first one.
Join @awakenedspecies
The pedophile Jonas Linde, who has conducted activism for the Swedish AFA (Antifa) and worked for an AFA-linked newspaper, was tricked by pedophile hunters. The AFA activist wanted to do very disgusting things with a nine-year-old.
Antifa activist wanted to rape nine-year-old until she vomited
Jews crying on National television about Adolf Hitler Birthday celebration.
See a couple posts above, we didn't dupe anybody.
If you accept a booking at a German Pub on April 20th for 20 plus people under the name Thomas Sewell, you are most likely getting a Hitler Birthday celebration.
The System invests 26 MILLION Dollars to stop the spread of NSC 131 propaganda in CT! 😂
If you insult Xi Jinping in Australia, old Chinese guys will come up and swear at you in bad Engrish.
Massachusetts 131 lads organized an emergency mobilization to Downtown Boston in light of recent Anti-White attacks in the area. The activists had many positive interactions with the public and sent the message that attacks on Whites in the Boston area will not go unanswered.
Little girls in the 90’s were more redpilled than conservative zoomNats today. This is cringe until Nick says it jokingly then it’s based. These kids all have families now but you copped dem Yeezy’s tho.
Читать полностью…Massachusetts 131 lads ahead of their event in Boston, Massachusetts.
I have officially served all nine Attorney Generals, yes sounds cringe but its required by law.
The Andrews Government broke the law between 2017-2019 by giving $28,000,00 to a queer church for religious acts.
The government cannot help advance any religion or church, it’s written in the Law.
The document sent also outlines communication between officers plotting my arrest and charges, prior to any investigation or complaint being made. This draft/secret investigation was purely based on protecting a state funded church - ILLEGAL.
More to come…
Jews and lying press trying to convince Aussies that having a Hitler Birthday is an act of Terrorism and that we should be proscribed as a banned Terror group.
"Terrorism" according to these lying parasites has gone from a bunch of Muslims wanting to cut the heads off Aussies at the MCG or FedSquare, to a bunch of Aussies eating cake and having beer at a German Pub.
They also continue to lie saying we used a fake name, and for some reason used a funny photo of me from when I was 22 and had a much better hairline and a deplorable moustache attempt from a "mo-vember" charity thing.
99.99999999% of people in human history were "far-right" because being "far-right" (i.e. believing in hierarchy, strong families, strong nations, traditional culture, healthy lifestyle, etc.) is just default human behavior. It has to be conditioned out of people with endless propaganda and indoctrination from birth, and even that can't override peoples' natural instincts, see imgs.
Читать полностью…The #ADL, a #Jewish private intelligence agency formed to represent a former B'nai B'rith chapter president who raped and murdered a 13 year old White girl, is a prominent piece in the liberal establishment's intelligentsia.
The FACT that #police and security services in Anglosphere countries are trained in #Israel regarding #counterterrorism tactics, whilst being bestowed awards by this private intelligence agency, is a testament as to (((who))) is directing state force.
When it's clear as day that Kosher certified micro-minority rule is pulling the proverbial strings of law and order it is safe to say that anyone who falls afoul of the IHRA working definition of antisemitism is a potential criminal to be scapegoated before the courts in a legalistic ritual.
Follow at /channel/FashyFletcher
Media and Jewish supremacists call for us to be banned as terrorists for legally and peacefully celebrating Hitler's Birthday on April 20th this year.
Despite the lies in the fake news, I booked the table under my own name and even got a cute email from the general manager thanking us for our visit, we paid the bill and gave them a tip.
There's nothing illegal and this is just another example of Anti-White hatred by a Jewish system that wants to destroy White people and any ideology that protects and advances the interests of White People.
The boys from EAM QLD doing some light Mixed Martial Arts sparring.
"Those who want to live, let them fight, and those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live."
-Adolph Hitler
I was meant to have court this morning, but instead of appearing face to face with a judge, they have dehumanised everything so now you present on a screen.
Even better I didn't have to present on the screen today because my case was being heard without me being present, as 'evidence' had to be heard in a 'closed court.
Probably because part of the 'evidence' against is me is from the jew-Mossad-Asio-Private Contractor operation in conjunction with 60minutes-Channel9-The Age employees who facilitated a Criminal Disruption and failed entrapment plot.
By 'Criminal Disruption', I do not mean that I am a Criminal, I am telling you that these people are criminals and they committed crimes trying to disrupt and entrap our organisation.
These Criminal and Subversive parties work hand in hand with the corrupt Andrew's State Government who applied for the "Public Interest Immunity" (the same law they use to protect high ranking Politicians, Judges and Senior Police from being exposed as pedophiles), foreign intelligence services and their "Corporate Partners".
Anyway, I decided to weed the plants and get a cheeky workout in while the "Justice System" hid information from the Public - "In the Public's interest".
To those asking about raising money for the on going legal battle, which has gone over $30,000 now (paid) and will likely get close to $100,000 (raised $11k so far) before the trial has been completed, I took down the fundraiser when war broke out in Ukraine as I felt it was insensitive.
I will put it back up soon. Thank you for your support so far. The process is certainly the punishment, I do not fear the result of this persecution, my only focus is on maintaining focus on our mission and not the Liberal Tyranny's disruptions and distractions.
14 words. Ad Infinitum. Hail Victory.