♦️not to be persuaded, stopped, appeased or moved, even by begging and pleading; stubborn
🗯 Example:
Russia's final hour, it seemed, approached with inexorable certainty.
♦️hostility or I'll feeling
🗯 Example:
The author's animus towards her.
🔵 phlegmatic
♦️showing little emotion
🗯 Example:
-"the phlegmatic British character."
🔵 capsize
♦️overturn accidentlly
🗯 Example:
-"Don't rock the boat or it will capsize. "
🔵 banquet
♦️a ceremonial dinner party for many people
🗯 Example:
-"a banquet for the graduating seniors."
🔵 somber
♦️grave, serious or gloomy in character
🗯 Example:
-"a somber mood."
🔵 dilettante
♦️an mature who engages in an activity without serious intentions
🗯 Example:
-"a wealthy literary dilettante."
♦️a swaggering show of courage
🗯 Example:
-"You won't get away with this", he said with unexpected bravado.
♦️all future generations
🗯 Example:
The victims' names are recorded for posterity.
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♦️represent as or by instance.
🗯 Example:
a study of two groups who seemed to instantiate productive aspects of this.
🔵 amenity
♦️ a desirable or useful feature or facility of a building or place.
🗯 Example:
-"heating is regarded as a basic amenity."
🔵 to adorn
♦️ make more beautiful or attractive
🗯 Example:
-"She adorned herself with jewels."
🔵 etiquette
♦️ etiquette refers to the rules of proper and polite behavior that are expected in social or official life.
🗯 Example:
-"this was such a great breach of etiquette, he hardly knew what to do."
🔵 forum
♦️ a place, situation, or group in which people exchange ideas and discuss issues, especially important public issues.
🗯 Example:
-"the organization would provide a forum where problems could be discussed."
♦️all future generations
🗯 Example:
The victims' names are recorded for posterity.
🔵 abyss
♦️a bottomless gulf or pit
🗯 Example:
-"He led down into the dark abyss."
🔵 defunct
♦️No longer in use or functioning
🗯 Example:
-"a defunct organization ."
🔵 subsequent
♦️following in time, place or order
🗯 Example:
-"subsequent development."
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🔵 plummet
♦️drop sharply and quickly
🗯 Example:
-"The stock market plummeted."
🔵 posterity
♦️all future generations
🗯 Example:
-"the victims'names are recorded for posterity."
♦️not to be persuaded, stopped, appeased or moved, even by begging and pleading; stubborn
🗯 Example:
Russia's final hour, it seemed, approached with inexorable certainty.
♦️quick,skillful or adept in action or thought
🗯 Example:
An exceptionally adroit pianist.
♦️a state of individual psychological well-being based upon a sense of confidence, usefulness and purpose
🗯 Example:
Their morale was high.
🔵 close-knit
♦️ united or bound together by strong relationships and common interests.
🗯 Example:
-"a close-knit community."
🔵 residential
♦️ designed for people to live in
🗯 Example:
-"private residential and nursing homes."
🔵 to devote
♦️ give all or a large part of one's time or resources to (a person, activity, or cause).
🗯 Example:
-"He decided to devote the rest of his life to scientific investigation."
🔵 admonish
♦️ to admonish is to scold. If you want to show someone you're not happy with his behavior, admonish him.
🗯 Example:
-"He admonished the child for his bad behavior."
🔵 advocate
♦️ to support or argue for (a cause, policy, etc,); to plead in favor of."
🗯 Example:
-"The plan is advocated by several prominent city officials."