🔵 endeavor
♦️ try hard to do or achieve something
🗯 Example:
-"she is endeavoring to reach to the peak."
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🔵 abeyance
♦️ a temporary stop or suspension
🗯 Example:
-"matters were held in abeyance pending further inquiries. "
🔵 emanate
♦️ give off, give out or throw, such as light, breath or an ordor
🗯 Example:
-"he emanated a powerful brooding air."
🔵 dissemble
♦️ is a formal word that means to conceal facts, feelings, or intentions with deceptive explanations reasons, etc.
🗯 Example:
-"the board's members have lost all confidence in the organization's leader because she has repeated dissembled about basic facts about the organization's financial status."
🔵 ethics
♦️ motivation based on ideas of right and wrong
🗯 Example:
-"medical ethics also enter into the question."
🔵 chastise
♦️to judge, criticize, blame or reprimand sternly
🗯 Example:
-"she chastised him for his insensitive remarks."
🔵 relegate
♦️assign to a lower position; reduce in rank
🗯 Example:
-"an artist's work that is now relegated to storerooms."
🔵 defer
♦️ put off (an action or event ) to a later time, postpone.
🗯 Example:
-"can we defer making a decision untill next week?"
🔵 odyssey
♦️ a long, wandering and eventful journey
🗯 Example:
-"his odyssey from military man to politician."
🔵 prerogative
♦️ an exclusive right, privilege, etc., exercised by virture of rank, office, or the like.
🗯 Example:
-"the prerogatives of a senator."
🔵 unanimity
♦️ agreement by all people involved; consensus.
🗯 Example:
-"there is almost complete unanimity on this issue."
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🔵 dissipate
♦️cause to separate and go in different directions
🗯 Example:
-"He dissipated the landing birds. "
🔵 craggy
♦️having hills, steep rugged rock or cliffs that are called crags.
🗯 Example:
-"craggy cliffs"
🔵 dismissive
♦️ showing lack of regard or consideration for someone or something
🗯 Example:
-"a dismissive shrug."
🔵 tentative
♦️ unsettled or uncertain in mind or opinion
🗯 Example:
-"drew a few tentative conclusions."
🔵 eponym
♦️ a person after whom a discovery, invention, place, etc, is named or thought to be named.
🗯 Example:
-"Constantine I is the eponym for Constantinople. "
🔵 montage
♦️ the process or technique of selecting, editing, and piecing together separate sections of film to form a continuous whole
🗯 Example:
-"montage was a useful device for overcoming the drawbacks of silent film."
🔵 invidious
♦️ of or having an unpleasant nature
🗯 Example:
-"it seems invidious to make special mention of one aspect of his work."
🔵 notorious
♦️known widely and usually unfavorable
🗯 Example:
-"a notorious gangster."
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🔵 gait
♦️ a person's manner of walking or moving on foot.
🗯 Example:
-"the easy gait of an athlete."
🔵 predicament
♦️ an especially difficult, unpleasant or trying situation
🗯 Example:
-"finds himself in a most awkward predicament."
🔵 incarcerate
♦️ imprison or confine
🗯 Example:
-"many are incarcerated for property offenses. "
🔵 sabotage
♦️ a deliberate act of destruction or disruption in which equipment is damaged
🗯 Example:
-"The Resistance sabotaged railroad operation during the war."
🔵 ominous
♦️ threatening or foreshadowing evil or tragic developments
🗯 Example:
-"ominous rumbling of discontent."
🔵 persistent
♦️continuing without change even in the event of interference.
🗯 Example:
-"persistent rain will affect many areas. "
🔵 unperturbed
♦️free from emotional agitation or nervous tension
🗯 Example:
-"she seemed unperturbed by the news "
🔵 prudence
♦️the ability to use reason and good judgement in choosing one's words and actions
🗯 Example:
-"we need to exercise prudence in such important matters."