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Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya (may ALLĀH have mercy on him) said: "With regards to the prayer; then the people within it are of five types:

1⃣. The level of the oppressor to himself, the negligent one, one who is deficient in performing ablution for it, negligent with its appointed time periods, its boundaries and its pillars.

2⃣. The one who preserves it appointed time periods, its boundaries, its outward pillars and ablution for it. However, he forsakes striving against his own self from whisperings and thinking to himself, and so is preoccupied with whisperings and thoughts.

3⃣. One who preserves its appointed time periods, its pillars as well as strives against himself in repelling whisperings and distracting thoughts that overcome him, he is busy in striving against his enemy in order to prevent him from stealing his prayer, and as a consequence; he is in prayer and jihaad.

4⃣. The one whom when he stands for prayer perfects its rights, its pillars and its boundaries. His heart is occupied with preserving its boundaries and preventing anything of it being lost, rather all his attention is directed to performing it as it should be, in its most complete and perfect form, his heart is occupied with the prayer and worshiping his Lord the Elevated with it.

5⃣. The one who performs the prayer like the previous person, but in addition to this, he has taken his heart and presented it to his Lord. He looks at his Lord with his heart, fully concerned with HIM, in utmost obedience out of love and reverence for HIM, it is as if he sees and witnesses his Lord. All distracting thoughts and whisperings fade away and the veil between him and his Lord is removed. The difference between this person in his prayer and others, is greater and better than all that is between the heavens and earth, he is fully occupied and overjoyed with his Lord in his prayer.

So the first type: will be punished.

The second: will be held to account.

The third: will be pardoned.

The fourth: will be rewarded.

The fifth: will be brought close to his Lord;
because he gains a portion of what made the prayer a delight to him. For whoever is delighted with his prayer in the life of this world, will be delighted by being close to his Lord in the afterlife as well as being delighted with his Lord in this life, and whoever is delighted with ALLĀH, everything would be delighted with him, and whoever is not delighted with ALLĀH the Elevated, his soul will be torn apart for the life of this world in loss."

{Taken from: Al-Waabil as-Sayyib wa Raafi al-Kalim at-Tayyib || Page 49-50}


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Alif-Lām-Rā. ˹This is˺ a Book whose verses are perfected and then explained in detail from the Wise, the All Aware.

˹Through a messenger, saying˺ "Worship none but ALLĀH. Surely I am a warner and deliverer of good news to you from HIM.

And seek the forgiveness of your Lord, and turn to HIM in repentance, that HE may grant you good enjoyment, for a term appointed, and and graciously reward the doers of good. But if you turn away, then indeed, I fear for you the punishment of a great Day.

To ALLĀH is your return, and HE is Able to do all things.

{Hūd || Verse 1-4}

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ALLĀH says:

وَٱلشَّمۡسُ تَجۡرِی لِمُسۡتَقَرࣲّ لَّهَاۚ ذَ ٰ⁠لِكَ تَقۡدِیرُ ٱلۡعَزِیزِ ٱلۡعَلِیمِ
And the sun runs on its fixed course for a term ˹appointed˺. That is the Decree of the All-Mighty, the All-Knowing.

There are two views over the meaning of the phrase

لِمُسْتَقَرٍّ لَّهَا
on its fixed course for a term ˹appointed˺.

- The first view is that it refers to its fixed course of location, which is beneath the Throne, beyond the earth in that direction. Wherever it goes, it is beneath the Throne, it and all of creation, because the Throne is the roof of creation and it is not a sphere as many astronomers claim. Rather it is a dome supported by legs or pillars, carried by the angels, and it is above the universe, above the heads of people. When the sun is at its zenith at noon, it is in its closest position to Throne, and when it runs in its fourth orbit at the opposite point to its zenith, at midnight, it is in its furthest position from the Throne. At that point it prostrates and asks for permission to rise, as mentioned in the Hadiths.

Al-Bukhari recorded that Abu Dharr, may ALLĀH be pleased with him, said, "I was with the Prophet (ﷺ) in the Masjid at sunset, and he said: "O Abu Dharr! Do you know where the sun sets?"

I said, ALLĀH and HIS Messenger know best.'

He (ﷺ) said: It goes and prostrates beneath the Throne, and that is what ALLĀH says:

وَالشَّمْسُ تَجْرِي لِمُسْتَقَرٍّ لَّهَا ذَلِكَ تَقْدِيرُ الْعَزِيزِ الْعَلِيمِ
And the sun runs on its fixed course for a term. That is the decree of the Almighty, the All-Knowing."

It was also reported that Abu Dharr, may ALLĀH be pleased with him, said, "I asked the Messenger of ALLĀH about the Ayah:

وَالشَّمْسُ تَجْرِي لِمُسْتَقَرٍّ لَّهَا
And the sun runs on its fixed course for a term.

He said: "Its fixed course is beneath the Throne."

- The second view is that this refers to when the sun's appointed time comes to an end, which will be on the Day of Resurrection, when its fixed course will be abolished, it will come to a halt and it will be rolled up. This world will come to an end, and that will be the end of its appointed time. This is the fixed course of its time.

Qatadah said:
لِمُسْتَقَرٍّ لَّهَا
on its fixed course for a term ˹appointed˺

means: "It has an appointed time and it will not go beyond that."

It was also said that; this means, it keeps moving in its summer orbit for a certain time, and it does not exceed that, then it moves to its winter orbit for a certain time, and it does not exceed that.

This was narrated from Abdullāh bin Amr, may ALLĀH be pleased with him.

Ibn Mas`ud and Ibn Abbas, may ALLĀH be pleased with them, recited this Ayah as:

وَالشَّمْسُ تَجْرِي لَاامُسْتَقَرٍّ لَّهَا
And the sun runs with no fixed course for a term,

meaning that it has no destination and it does not settle in one place, rather it keeps moving night and day, never slowing down or stopping, as in the Ayah:

وَسَخَّر لَكُمُ الشَّمْسَ وَالْقَمَرَ دَايِبَينَ
And HE has made the sun and the moon, both constantly pursuing their courses, to be of service to you.
{Ibrahim: Verse 33}

which means, they will never slow down or stop, until the Day of Resurrection.

ذَلِكَ تَقْدِيرُ الْعَزِيزِ
That is the decree of the Almighty,

means, which none can oppose or prevent.

the All-Knowing.

Who knows every movement and every cessation of movement, Who has decreed that and Who has set it in motion following a pattern in which there are no differences or inversions, as ALLĀH says:

فَالِقُ الاِصْبَاحِ وَجَعَلَ الَّيْلَ سَكَناً وَالشَّمْسَ وَالْقَمَرَ حُسْبَاناً ذَلِكَ تَقْدِيرُ الْعَزِيزِ الْعَلِيمِ
(HE is the) Cleaver of the daybreak. HE has appointed the night for resting, and the sun and the moon for reckoning. Such is the measuring of the Almighty, the All-Knowing. {Al-An’aam: 96}

{Tafsi‌r Ibn Kathīr}

#ibnkathir #yasin (36:37)


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While the Muslim community has always upheld the obligation of Qurbani with profound eagerness, it has been unfortunately observed that at times the slaughter and treatment of Qurbani animals is harsh and inconsiderate. Ignorance and negligence regarding the proper method of slaughter can diminish and even void the reward and virtue of this noble obligation. The Prophet (ﷺ) said: "A prostitute had once been forgiven. She passed by a dog panting near a well. Thirst had nearly killed him, so she took off her sock, tied it to her veil, and drew up some water. ALLĀH forgave her for that." {Al-Bukhārī #3321, Muslim #2245}

The Messenger of ALLĀH (ﷺ) also said: "A woman was punished due to a cat she had imprisoned until it died, so she entered the Hellfire. She did not give it food or water while it was imprisoned, nor did she set it free to eat vermin of the earth." {Al-Bukhārī #3482, Muslim #2242}

The following are some of the acts that must be rectified:

1⃣. Leaving animals hungry and thirsty before slaughter.

2⃣. Sharpening of blades in clear view of the animals.

3⃣. Slaughtering in full view of other animals.

4⃣. Skinning while movement exists in the animal.

5⃣. Carelessly dragging the animal on its back.

6⃣. Stunning of cattle.

7⃣. Slaughtering with a blunt knife.

8⃣. Slaughtering by persons, especially children, who do not know how to slaughter correctly.

Abu Yala Shaddad-Ibn-Aus (may ALLĀH be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of ALLĀH (ﷺ) said:

"Verily, ALLĀH has enjoined Ihsan (excellence) with regard to everything. So, when you kill, kill in a good way; when you slaughter, slaughter in a good way; so everyone of you should sharpen his knife, and let the slaughtered animal die comfortably." {Muslim #1955}

May ALLĀH accept our sacrifices.


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ALLĀH tells:

وَالْبُدْنَ جَعَلْنَاهَا لَكُم مِّن شَعَايِرِ اللَّهِ
We have made sacrificial camels ˹and cattle˺ among the symbols of ALLĀH,

Here HE tells us that one of HIS rites is the sacrificial camels - and cows according to one of the two scholarly views. They are to be respected, and healthy and good specimens are to be chosen for the sacrifice.

لَكُمْ فِيهَا خَيْرٌ
in which there is ˹much˺ good for you.

that is, for the one who offers the sacrifice and others, as their meat may be eaten and given in charity, bringing benefit and reward.

فَاذْكُرُوا اسْمَ اللَّهِ عَلَيْهَا
So mention the name of ALLĀH over them.

That is, at the time of slaughter, say: "bismillah (in the name of ALLĀH)" and slaughter them.

{Tafsi‌r As-Sa'di}

#sadi #Hajj (22:36)

Anas (may ALLĀH be pleased with him) said: "The Prophet (ﷺ) sacrificed two horned rams that were white speckled with black. He slaughtered them with his own hand, said Bismillāh and Allāhu akbar, and put his foot on their necks."

{Al-Bukhārī #5665}

Jabir Ibn Abdullāh (may ALLĀH be pleased with him) narrated: "The Prophet (ﷺ) sacrificed two horned rams which were white with black markings and had been castrated. When he made them face the qiblah, he said:

إِنِّي وَجَّهْتُ وَجْهِيَ لِلَّذِي فَطَرَ السَّمَوَاتِ وَالأَرْضَ عَلَى مِلَّةِ إِبْرَاهِيمَ حَنِيفًا وَمَا أَنَا مِنَ الْمُشْرِكِينَ إِنَّ صَلاَتِي وَنُسُكِي وَمَحْيَاىَ وَمَمَاتِي لِلَّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ لاَ شَرِيكَ لَهُ وَبِذَلِكَ أُمِرْتُ وَأَنَا مِنَ الْمُسْلِمِينَ اللَّهُمَّ مِنْكَ وَلَكَ عَنْ مُحَمَّدٍ وَأُمَّتِهِ بِاسْمِ اللَّهِ وَاللَّهُ أَكْبَرُ ‏

I have turned my face towards HIM. Who created the heavens and the earth, following Abraham's religion, the true in faith, and I am not one of the polytheists. My prayer, and my service of sacrifice, my life and my death are all for ALLĀH, the Lord of the Universe, Who has no partner. That is what I was commanded to do, and I am one of the Muslims. O ALLĀH, from YOU and to YOU, on behalf of Muhammad and his Ummah.

Then he said: Bismillāh' and Allāhu Akbar' and slaughtered them."

{Abū Dāwūd #2795}

"O ALLĀH, from YOU" means this sacrifice is a gift and provision that has reached me from YOU. "And to You" means, it is sincerely for YOU Alone. {Al-Sharh al-Mumti’ || Vol. 7 Page 492}


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The 9th of Dhul Hijjah is called the day 'Arafah. On this day, those performing the hajj pilgrimage converge and stand in prayers and supplications at 'Arafah. That is the most important ritual of pilgrimage, so much so that pilgrimage is deemed incomplete without it. On that day, the pilgrims become engaged in the remembrance of ALLĀH, supplication and prayer as that is the most important act of worship on that day.

The Messenger of ALLĀH (ﷺ) said: "There is no day on which ALLĀH frees more people from the Fire than the Day of ‘Arafah. HE comes close and expresses HIS pride to the angels, saying, ‘What do these people want?’" {Muslim #1348}

He (ﷺ) also said: "The best of supplication is the supplication of the Day of 'Arafah. {At-Tirmidhi #3585}

As much as standing on the plain of A'rafah on the day of A'rafah is very important for the Hujjāj, fasting on this day also has a special merit for those who are not performing the holy pilgrimage. Its importance and merit can be derived from the fact that It expiates sins committed in two consecutive years. Fasting on that day becomes also a means of elevation of one’s status. The Messenger of ALLĀH (ﷺ) said: "It (fasting on the day of A'rafah) expiates for the sins of the previous year and of the coming year." {Muslim #1162}

As for the prohibition that has come to single out Friday or Saturday with fasting then that prohibition refers to singling them out because of the day of the week. As for 'Arafah, then it is fasted because it is 'Arafah whether it falls on Saturday or other than it; and this shows that Saturday is not what is intended.

Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymīn (may ALLĀH have mercy on him) mentioned five scenarios for fasting on Saturday. One of those scenarios, he said: 

"If it happens to be one of the days when it is prescribed to fast, such as Ayyam al-Beed (the 13th, 14th and 15th of each hijri month), 'Arafah, 'Ashura, six days of Shawwāl for one who has fasted Ramadān, and the ninth of Dhul-Hijjah. There is nothing wrong with that because he is not fasting because it is Saturday, rather it is because it is one of the days when it is prescribed to fast." {Majmu’ Fatawa wa Rasail al-Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymin, 20/57}

This annual occasion is a golden chance for a Muslim to enhance his positive image in front of ALLĀH as well as get his sins forgiven. Most importantly is to repent to ALLĀH to forgive one's sin.

The Day of 'Arafah will fall on Saturday, June 15th, 2024.


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ALLĀH says:

أَتَأْمُرُونَ النَّاسَ بِالْبِرِّ
Do you enjoin righteousness of the people

that is, do you tell them to believe and do good

وَتَنسَوْنَ أَنفُسَكُمْ
and fail to practice it yourselves,

that is, you do not remind yourselves to do that, at the time when

وَأَنتُمْ تَتْلُونَ الْكِتَابَ أَفَلَا تَعْقِلُونَ
you read the Scripture? Will you not reason?

The root meaning of the word ‘aql (reasoning or understanding) is to make a person understand that which will benefit him and restrain him from doing that which will harm him. Reason encourages the individual to be the first one to do what he tells others to do, and the first one to refrain from what he tells others not to do. If a person tells others to do good but does not do it himself, and he tells them not to commit evil but does not refrain from it himself, that indicates that he in fact has no understanding and is ignorant, especially if he does that knowingly. Thus proof is established against him.

Although this verse was revealed concerning the Children of Israel, it is general in meaning and applies to everyone, because ALLĀH says:

یَـٰۤأَیُّهَا ٱلَّذِینَ ءَامَنُوا۟ لِمَ تَقُولُونَ مَا لَا تَفۡعَلُونَ ۞ كَبُرَ مَقۡتًا عِندَ ٱللَّهِ أَن تَقُولُوا۟ مَا لَا تَفۡعَلُونَ
0 you who believe, why do you say that which you do not do? It is most loathsome to ALLĀH that you say that which you do not do. {as-Saff: 2-3}

There is nothing in the verse to indicate that if a person does not do what he is enjoining others to do, then he should give up enjoining what is good and forbidding what is evil, because it is well known that the individual has two duties: enjoining (what is good) and forbidding (what is evil) to others, and doing likewise for himself. The fact that he gives up doing one of them does not mean that he has a concession allowing him to give up the other. Perfection is attained when the individual does both duties, and the worst-case scenario is when he gives up both. As for doing one of them and not the other, it is not as good as the former, but it is not as bad as the latter. Moreover, it is human nature that people do not follow those whose deeds contradict their words; deeds are more likely to be heeded and emulated than mere words.

{Tafsi‌r As-Sa'di}

#sadi #baqarah (2:44)

The Messenger of ALLĀH (ﷺ) said:

"A man will be brought on the Day of Resurrection and thrown in the Hell Fire, so that his intestines will come out, and he will go around like a donkey goes around a millstone. The people of Hell Fire will gather around him and say: O so-and-so! What is wrong with you? Didn't you use to order us to do good deeds and forbid us to do bad deeds?

He will reply: Yes, I used to order you to do good deeds, but I did not do them myself, and I used to forbid you to do bad deeds, yet I used to do them myself."

{Al-Bukhari #3267}


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Al-Udhiyah refers to the animal (whether a Camel, Cow, Sheep or Goat) that is slaughtered during the days of Eid al-Adha because of the Eid and as an act of worship, intending to draw closer to ALLĀH thereby. ALLĀH says:

فَصَلِّ لِرَبِّكَ وَٱنۡحَرۡ
Therefore turn in prayer to your Lord and sacrifice (to HIM only). {Al-Kawthar: Verse 2}

It is also one of the great symbols of Islam, in which we remember the blessings of ALLĀH upon us and the obedience of our fore-father Ibrāhim to his Lord. ALLĀH says:

وَٱلۡبُدۡنَ جَعَلۡنَـٰهَا لَكُم مِّن شَعَـٰۤىِٕرِ ٱللَّهِ لَكُمۡ فِیهَا خَیۡرࣱۖ فَٱذۡكُرُوا۟ ٱسۡمَ ٱللَّهِ عَلَیۡهَا صَوَاۤفَّۖ فَإِذَا وَجَبَتۡ جُنُوبُهَا فَكُلُوا۟ مِنۡهَا وَأَطۡعِمُوا۟ ٱلۡقَانِعَ وَٱلۡمُعۡتَرَّۚ كَذَ ٰ⁠لِكَ سَخَّرۡنَـٰهَا لَكُمۡ لَعَلَّكُمۡ تَشۡكُرُونَ
We have made sacrificial camels ˹and cattle˺ among the symbols of ALLĀH, in which there is ˹much˺ good for you. So pronounce the Name of ALLĀH over them when they are lined up ˹for sacrifice˺. Once they have fallen ˹lifeless˺ on their sides, you may eat from their meat, and feed the needy—those who do not beg, and those who do. In this way WE have subjected these ˹animals˺ to you so that you may be grateful. {Al-Ḥajj: Verse 36}

Al-Udhiyyah is a confirmed Sunnah according to the majority of scholars (some scholars say that it is obligatory). The basic principle is that it is required at the appointed time from one who is alive on behalf of himself and the members of his household, and he may include in the reward for it whoever he wishes, living or dead. The Prophet (ﷺ) said: "The people of each household should offer an udhiyah every year." {Ahmad #20207}

"Whoever can afford it but does not offer a sacrifice, let him not come near our prayer place." {Ibn Maajah #3123}

There is no difference between men and women in this regard. If a woman is living on her own or with her children, then they should offer the udhiyah.

If the son lives in a separate house, it is legislated for him to sacrifice. If he lives with his father in the same house, the sacrifice of his father is sufficient for him. If a husband has more than one house, one sacrifice suffices him, in emulation of the Prophet (ﷺ).

The conditions for the animal to be slaughtered are:

1⃣. It should have reached the required age, which is six months for a lamb, one year for a goat, two years for a cow and five years for a camel.

2⃣. It should be free of any faults, because  the Prophet (ﷺ) said: "There are four that are unacceptable for sacrifice: a one-eyed animal whose defect is obvious, a sick animal whose sickness is obvious, a lame animal whose limp is obvious and an emaciated animal that has no marrow in its bones." {Sahīh al-Jāmi’ #886}.

There are milder defects that do not disqualify an animal, but it is makrooh to sacrifice such animals, such as an animal with a horn or ear missing, or an animal with slits in its ears, etc.

Udhiyah is an act of worship to ALLĀH, and ALLĀH is Good and accepts only that which is good. And whoever honours the rituals of ALLĀH, it is best for them in the sight of their Lord


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1⃣. After the death of the Prophet's wife and his uncle, the Quraysh began to persecute the Prophet (ﷺ).

2⃣. They would throw dust on him and place the filth of animals on him while he was praying.

3⃣. On one occasion, they grabbed him and said to him, "Are you the one who wants to make the gods into one God?"

4⃣. Abu Bakr (may ALLĀH be pleased with him) stepped forward and saved him from them, saying to them, "Will you kill a man because he says, 'My Lord is ALLĀH?"

📚Khulāsatu Nūrul Yaqīn

Translation: AlBaseerah



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It is authentically established that the Prophet (ﷺ) would say whilst in tashahud:
اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنْ عَذَابِ جَهَنَّمَ وَمِنْ عَذَابِ الْقَبْرِ وَمِنْ فِتْنَةِ الْمَحْيَا وَالْمَمَاتِ وَمِنْ شَرِّ فِتْنَةِ الْمَسِيحِ الدَّجَّالِ
O ALLĀH; I seek refuge with YOU from the punishment of Hell-Fire, and from the punishment of the grave, and from the trials of living and dying, and from the evil trials of the False Messiah ˹Dajjaal˺.

{Al-Bukhārī #137 and Muslim #588}

The understanding of what is meant by the trials of living and dying are as follows:

Shaikh Muhammad bin Sālih Al-‘Uthaimeen (may ALLĀH have mercy on him) said: "The trials of living: What is meant by ‘trials’ is the tests of a person in his religion, in his life as well as after his death, since the trials of life are immense and severe, and few are those that escape them – except those whom ALLĀH wills.

It revolves around two matters:

1. Doubts.
2. Desires.

As for doubts, then it is that it becomes subject to a person in his knowledge, and so the truth becomes ambiguous upon him with falsehood. Therefore he sees falsehood as truth and truth as falsehood, so if he sees truth as being falsehood he steers clear of it, and if he sees falsehood as truth – he practices it.

As for desires, then it is that it becomes subject to a person in his intent, so by way of his desires he wants what is forbidden for him, and this is an immense trial.

So how plentiful are those who see usury as profit and so encroach upon it!

How plentiful are those who see that cheating the people is shrewdness and superiority in buying and selling – so they cheat!

How plentiful are those who see that looking at women is enjoyment and to delight in – and is freedom, and so he gives free rein to himself for glancing at women!"

{Sharh al-Mumti’ ‘alaa Zaad al-Mustaqni’ || Vol. 3 Page 185}

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ALLĀH says:

وَمَا رَبُّكَ بِغَافِلٍ عَمَّا تَعْمَلُونَ
And your Lord is not unaware of what you do.

means, HE witnesses and sees all things.

It was recorded that Imam Ahmad, may ALLĀH have mercy upon him, used to recite the following two lines of verse, whether they were written by him or someone else:

"If you are alone one day, do not say, I am alone.' Rather say, Someone is watching me.'

Do not think that ALLĀH will let HIS attention wander for even an instant, or that anything is hidden from HIM."

{Tafsi‌r Ibn Kathīr}

#ibnkathir #Naml (27:93)


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And thus WE have revealed to you a Qur'an in Arabic, so you may warn the Mother of Cities (Makkah) and everyone around it, and warn of the Day of Gathering—about which there is no doubt—˹when˺ a group will be in Paradise and another in the Blaze.

Had ALLĀH willed, HE could have made all ˹humanity˺ into a single community ˹of believers˺. But HE admits into HIS mercy whoever HE wills. And the wrongdoers will have no protector or helper.

Or have they taken ˹for worship˺ Auliyā’ (guardians, supporters, helpers, protectors, lords, gods) besides HIM? But ALLĀH - HE Alone is the Waliyy (Lord, God, Protector). And it is HE Who gives life to the dead, and HE is Able to do all things.

˹Say to the believers, O  Prophet,˺ "Whatever you may differ about, its judgment rests with ALLĀH. That is ALLĀH—my Lord. In HIM I put my trust, and to HIM I turn ˹in all of my affairs and˺ in repentance.

{Ash-Shūrā || Verse 7-10}

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ALLĀH informs:

وَسِيقَ ٱلَّذِينَ كَفَرُوٓاْ إِلَىٰ جَهَنَّمَ زُمَرًاۖ
And those who disbelieved will be driven to Hell in groups

That is, they will be driven violently, beaten with painful whips by the harsh and callous keepers of hell, to the worst and most terrifying place of detention, namely hell in which all torments are combined and all miseries are present. All happiness will disappear from them, as ALLAH says elsewhere:

یَوۡمَ یُدَعُّونَ إِلَىٰ نَارِ جَهَنَّمَ دَعًّا
On the Day they will be fiercely shoved into the Fire of Hell. {Aṭ-Ṭūr: 13}

That is, they will be pushed forcefully, because of their refusal to enter it. They will be driven to it in groups, that is, in separate groups, each group according to their deeds, as the people in each group will be similar in the misdeeds they did. They will curse one another and disavow one another.

{Tafsi‌r As-Sa'di}

ALLĀH tells,

وَسِيقَ الَّذِينَ اتَّقَوْا رَبَّهُمْ إِلَى الْجَنَّةِ زُمَرًا
But those who feared their Lord will be ushered to Paradise in groups

ALLĀH tells us about the blessed believers, who will be taken to Paradise in groups, one group after another, starting with the best of them:those who are closest to ALLĀH, then the most righteous, then the next best and the next best. Each group will be with others like them, Prophets with Prophets, the true believers with their peers, the martyrs with their counterparts, the scholars with their colleagues, every group composed of people of the same kind.

{Tafsi‌r Ibn Kathīr}

#Sadi #ibnkathir #Zumar (39: 71-73)


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🎬 The Virtues of the 10 Days of Dhil-Hijjah

🎙️Shaykh Sālih al-Fawzān & Shaykh Abdussalam al-Sulayman (may ALLĀH preserve them upon goodness)

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Whenever they commit a shameful deed, they say, “We found our forefathers doing it and ALLĀH has commanded us to do it.” Say, “No! ALLĀH never commands what is shameful. How can you attribute to ALLĀH what you do not know?”

Say, ˹O Prophet,˺ “My Lord has commanded justice and dedication ˹to HIM alone˺ in worship, calling upon HIM with sincere devotion. Just as HE first brought you into being, you will be brought to life again.”

A group ˹of you˺ HE guided, and a group deserved ˹to be in˺ error. Indeed, they had taken the devils as allies instead of ALLĀH while they thought that they were guided.

{A-A'rāf || Verse 28-30}

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ALLĀH stated:

وَأَن تَعْفُواْ أَقْرَبُ لِلتَّقْوَى وَلَا تَنسَوُاْ ٱلۡفَضۡلَ بَيۡنَكُمۡۚ
And to forego it is nearer to piety. And do not forget graciousness between you.

ALLĀH states that the one who forgoes it is closer to piety, because it is an act of kindness that leads to people feeling at ease, and because the individual should not neglect to do acts of kindness or forget graciousness which is the pinnacle of interaction, because interactions between people occur on two levels: either justice and fairness, which is obligatory and is the basis on which people give and take what is due, or graciousness and kindness, which means giving what is not due and being easygoing with regard to one’s own rights, suppressing any feelings of annoyance. No one should forget this level, even if that is only on some occasions, especially with regard to those with whom one has to interact or mix with. ALLĀH will reward those who do good by His grace and generosity.

{Tafsir As-Sa'di}

#sadi #baqarah (2:237)

Anas ibn Malik (may ALLĀH be pleased with him) reported: We were sitting with the Messenger of ALLĀH ﷺ and he said,

“A man from the people of Paradise is coming to you.”

A man from the Ansar came whose beard was disheveled by the water of ablution, and he was carrying both of his shoes with his left hand. The next day the Prophet (ﷺ) repeated the same words, and the man came in the same condition. On the third day, the Prophet (ﷺ) repeated the same again, and the man came in the same condition.

When the Prophet (ﷺ) stood up to leave, Abdullah ibn Amr (may ALLĀH be pleased with him) followed the man and said to him, “I am in an argument with my father, and I have sworn not to enter my home for three days. May I stay with you?” The man said yes. Abdullah stayed three nights with the man, but he never saw him praying at night. Whenever he went to bed, the man would remember ALLĀH and rest until he woke up for morning prayer. Abdullah said that he had never heard anything but good words coming from his mouth.

When three nights had passed, and he did not see anything special about his actions, Abdullah asked him, “O servant of ALLĀH, I have not been in an argument with my father, nor have I cut off relations with him. I heard the Prophet (ﷺ) say three times that a man from the people of Paradise was coming to us and then you came. I thought I would stay with you to see what you are doing that I could follow, but I did not see you do many good deeds. Why did the Prophet (ﷺ) convey this about you?”

The man said, “It is not but as you see, except that I find no malice within myself towards the Muslims, nor do I envy anyone for the good that ALLĀH has given them.”

Abdullah said, “This is what was conveyed about you, for we have been unable to do so.”

{Musnad Ah‌mad #12697}


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1⃣. In the eleventh year ˹of Prophethood˺, ALLĀH honored him (ﷺ)  with the Isra and Mi'raj.

2⃣. The Isra is the Prophet's (ﷺ) night journey from Masjid al-Haram to Masjid al-Aqsa.

3⃣. The Mi'raj is his ascension to the higher realms, during which the five daily prayers were ordained.

4⃣. On the morning following the Night Journey, Jibrīl (peace be upon him) taught him (ﷺ) the prayer and its times.

📚Khulāsatu Nūrul Yaqīn

Translation: AlBaseerah



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E I D M U B A R A K !

We ask ALLĀH to accept our acts of worship during these blessed days and imbibe within us the true spirit of Qurbani which is obedience to every command of ALLĀH without question. May HE grant peace and security to the Muslim Ummah in all parts of the world and accept the Hajj of the Hujjaaj and grant them safe return to their various locations.

Taqabalallāhu Minna wa Minkum.

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The Messenger of ALLĀH (ﷺ) said: "The best of supplications is the supplication on the day of 'Arafah and the best which I and the Prophets before me have said is:

لَا إِلٰهَ إِلَّا اللّٰهُ وَحْدَهُ لَا شَرِيْكَ لَهُ، لَهُ الْمُلْكُ وَلَهُ الْحَمْدُ وَهُوَ عَلَی كُلِّ شَيْءٍ قَدِيْرٌ

None has the right to be worshipped but ALLĀH alone, Who has no partner. HIS is the dominion and HIS is the praise, and HE is Able to do all things.

{At-Tirmidhi #3585}

Amr bin Shu’aib reported from his father and his grandfather, who said that on the Day of Arafah the Prophet (ﷺ) mostly supplicated in these words:

لَا إِلٰهَ إِلَّا اللّٰهُ وَحْدَهُ لَا شَرِيْكَ لَهُ، لَهُ الْمُلْكُ وَلَهُ الْحَمْدُ بِيَدِهِ الخَيْرِ وَهُوَ عَلَی كُلِّ شَيْءٍ قَدِيْرٌ

“Laa ilaaha illallaahu wahdahu laa shareeka lahu, lahul-mulk wa lahul-hamd, biyadihil-khair wa huwa ‘ala kulli sha’in qadir.

There is no deity worthy of worship but ALLĀH Alone. HE has no partners. To HIM alone belongs the Kingdom, and all praise. In His hand is all the good, and He has power over all things."

{Ahmad #6961}

Al-Hussain bin Al-Hasan Al-Maruzi reported:

“I asked Sufyan bin ‘Oyainah, ‘What is the best supplication for the Day of 'Arafah?’ He said, ‘Laa ilaaha illallaahu wahdahu laa sharika lahu.’

I said, ‘But this is glorification of ALLĀH and HIS praise, and it is not a supplication.’

Thereupon Sufyan said, ‘Don’t you know the hadith of Malik bin Al-Harith which explains it.’

I said to him, ‘Tell me about it.’

He said, ‘Mansur narrated from Malik bin Al-Harith that he said “ALLĀH, the Almighty, and the Exalted One, says: ‘If a servant of Mine occupies himself in extolling and praising ME instead of asking ME for his needs I give him better than what I give to those who ask for their needs.”’ (At-Tirmidhi #2926) Then he added, ‘This explains the saying of the Prophet (ﷺ).’

He continued and said, “Haven’t you heard what Ummaya bin Abi Al-Salt said to Abdullah bin Jad’an when he sought the hand of Na’ilah in marriage?”

I said, “No.”

At this he said, “Ummaya recited ˹these lines of poetry˺ to Abdullāh bin Jad’an: Do I have to tell you my need, or your modesty is enough ˹to plead my case˺, for modesty is your disposition, you are conversant with rights ˹and obligations˺ and come of a family polite and respectable, When someone praises you once he need not repeat it again!”

Then Sufyan added, “O Hussain, you see how the humans are pleased with praise and are ready to grant request without even asking. What about their Creator then?”

{Fiqh as-Sunnah}


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1⃣. When the Prophet (ﷺ) saw the disdain of the Quraysh towards him, he migrated in the tenth year to Tāif, along with Zaid bin Harithah (may ALLĀH be pleased with him).

2⃣ He (ﷺ) approached the tribe of Thaqif and asked for their support against his people.

3⃣. They responded to him in an ugly manner and ordered their ignorant ones and slaves to insult him and pelt him with stones until blood flowed from his heels.

4⃣. Zaid bin Harithah protected him from the stones, until he suffered injuries to his head.¹

5⃣ When he did not find any goodness in them, he returned to Makkah after staying with them for a month.

¹ Then Jibrīl (peace be upon him) came to him (ﷺ) and said: "Indeed, ALLĀH has commanded me to obey you concerning your people for what they have done to you." So the Prophet (ﷺ) said: "O ALLĀH, guide my people, for they do not know." Jibrīl then said to him: "Truly, the One Who named you 'the Compassionate and Merciful' spoke the truth."

📚Khulāsatu Nūrul Yaqīn

Translation: AlBaseerah



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Ibn Rajab (may ALLĀH have mercy on him) said:

"Whoever missed out on the standing at ‘Arafah; then let him stand for ALLĀH in regards to HIS rights in that which he is aware of.

Whoever was incapable from residing the night at Muzdalifah; then let his determination reside the nights upon obedience to ALLĀH – and indeed he will come close to HIM and draw near to HIM.

Whoever it was not possible for to stand in the vicinity of ˹Masjid˺ Al-Khaif ˹at Mina˺; then let him stand for ALLĀH with the right of hope and fear.

Whoever was unable to slaughter his sacrificial offering at Mina; then let him slaughter his desire right here – and indeed he would have attained the endurance of adversity.

Whoever was unable to reach the House (the Ka'bah) because he was far from it; then let him aspire to The Lord of the House, for indeed HE is closer to the one who supplicates to HIM and has hope in HIM – than his jugular vein."

{Taken from: Lataa-if || Page 385}


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They (hypocrites) say: We have believed in ALLĀH and in the Messenger, and we obey, then a party of them turn away thereafter, such are not believers.

And when they are called to ˹the words of˺ ALLĀH and HIS Messenger to judge between them, at once a party of them turns aside ˹in refusal˺.

But if the right is theirs, they come to him in prompt obedience.

Is there a disease in their hearts? Or do they fear that ALLĀH will be unjust to them, or HIS Messenger? Nay, it is they themselves who are the Zālimūn (polytheists, hypocrites and wrong-doers).

The only statement of the ˹true˺ believers when they are called to ALLĀH and HIS Messenger to judge between them is that they say, We hear and we obey. And those are the successful.

{An-Nūr || Verse 47-51}

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وَإِذَا طَلَّقْتُمُ النَّسَاء فَبَلَغْنَ أَجَلَهُنَّ فَأَمْسِكُوهُنَّ بِمَعْرُوفٍ أَوْ سَرِّحُوهُنَّ بِمَعْرُوفٍ

When you divorce women and they have almost reached the end of their waiting period, either retain them honourably or let them go honourably.

This is a command from ALLĀH to men that when one of them divorces his wife with a reversible divorce, he should treat her kindly. So when her term of Iddah (waiting period) nears its end, he either takes her back in a way that is better, including having witnesses that he has taken her back, and he lives with her with kindness. Or, he should release her after her Iddah finishes and then kindly asks her to depart from his house, without disputing, fighting with her or using foul words.

{Tafsi‌r Ibn Kathīr}

#ibnkathir #baqarah (2:231)


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Shaikh Muhammad bin Sălih Al-‘Uthaimeen (may ALLĀH have mercy on him) said: "As for the trials of dying; then the scholars have differed concerning it accordance to two opinions:

The first opinion: is that the trials of dying is the questioning of the two Angels of the deceased in his grave with regard to his Lord and his religion and his Prophet. As for he whose Eemaan is pure, then the answer to this will be made easy for him.

So when he is asked: Who is your Lord? He will say: "My Lord is ALLĀH."

Who is your Prophet? He will say: "My Prophet is Muhammad."

What is your religion? He will say: "My religion is Islām." – With every ease.

However; as for other than him, and ALLĀH’s refuge is sought, then when he is asked, he will say: "haah…haah… I do not know, I heard the people say something so I said it."

Observe his saying: "haah…haah" it is as if he knew something and then forgot it.

This is an immense trial, I ask ALLĀH to save me and you from it, since in reality it revolves around what is in the heart, if the heart is believing in reality, then it sees the affairs of the unseen as though with the vision of the eyes, this one will answer with every ease, and if the affair is the opposite then the situation will be the opposite.

The second opinion: is that the intent of the trials of dying is: that which occurs at the point of death at the end of life.
The staunchest that Satan is devoted to upon misleading the progeny of Aadam is at that moment, and the one rendered safeguarded is the one whom ALLĀH has protected. He comes to him in this critical situation which cannot be comprehended except by he who has encountered it. HE, The Most High said:
كَلاَّ إِذَا بَلَغَتْ التَّرَاقِيَ ، وَقِيلَ مَنْ رَاقٍ ، وَظَنَّ أَنَّهُ الْفِرَاقُ ، وَالْتَفَّتِ السَّاقُ بِالسَّاقِ ، إِلَى رَبِّكَ يَوْمَئِذٍ الْمَسَاقُ

No! When it ˹the soul˺ reaches the collar bone. And it is said; “Who will cure ˹him˺?” And he (the dying one) is certain that it is the ˹time of˺ parting. And the leg is joined with the ˹other˺ leg. To your Lord, on that Day, will be the spur. {Al-Qiyaamah: Verse 26-30}

It is an immensely critical situation, the person within it is weak in soul, weak in will, weak in strength, constricted in one’s chest, then Satan comes to him in order to mislead him – because this is a moment for profiteering by Satan.

It is said: that Imaam Ahmad (may ALLĀH have mercy on him), when he was in the pangs of death, he was heard saying: “not yet…. Not yet”, so when he awoke it was mentioned to him regarding that so he said: "Indeed Satan was biting his fingertips saying: 'you have escaped me O Ahmad.'" He would bite his fingertips out of regret and sorrow at how he was unable to mislead Imaam Ahmad, so Ahmad said: "not yet……not yet" meaning: until now the soul has not departed, so for as long as the soul remains in the body, then everything is conceivable and possible.
رَبَّنَا لَا تُزِغْ قُلُوبَنَا بَعْدَ إِذْ هَدَيْتَنَا
Our Lord, let not our hearts deviate after YOU have guided us. {Aal-‘Imraan: Verse 8}"

{Sharh al-Mumti’ ‘alaa Zaad al-Mustaqni’ || Vol 3 Page 185-188 (abridged)}


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Ibn 'Abbās (may ALLĀH be pleased with them)

“Love for ALLĀH and hate for ALLĀH, make your enmity because of ALLĀH and your allegiance because of ALLĀH; for indeed, the love and support of ALLĀH is not achieved except through this. A man will never taste true faith - though he may pray and fast much - except when he is in such a state. Today, brotherhood is based upon the worldly life, but this will not do anything for them on the day of resurrection.”

{Jami' al-Ulum wal Hikam || Page 30}


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1⃣. About a month after the death of Sayyidah Khadijah (may ALLĀH be pleased with her), Abū Tālib passed away, and the Messenger (ﷺ) grieved for him.

2⃣. That year was called the Year of Sorrow because he lost both his wife and his uncle during it.

3⃣. His uncle knows the truthfulness of what the Messenger (ﷺ) brought, but he did not pronounce the Shahādah (declaration of faith) until the last moment of his life, fearing the rebuke of the Quraysh.

4⃣. Concerning this, the verse was revealed: "Indeed, you do not guide whom you like, but ALLĀH guides whom HE wills." So, the Messenger (ﷺ) asked ALLĀH to lighten his punishment, along with the rest of his relatives.

📚Khulāsatu Nūrul Yaqīn

Translation: AlBaseerah



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Summary of what to do upon having a bad dream:

1⃣ Spit to your left three times (soft, dry spitting without saliva being ejected)

The Messenger of ALLĀH ﷺ said:
"If one of you sees a dream he dislikes, let him blow on his left side three times and seek refuge in ALLĀH from Satan three times."

{Muslim, 2262}

2⃣ Seek refuge in ALLĀH from the Devil and from the evil of what you have seen three times.

The Prophet ﷺ said:
“When one of you becomes frightened during sleep, then let him say:

أَعُوْذُ بِكَلِمَاتِ اللّٰهِ التَّامَّاتِ مِنْ غَضَبِهِ وَعِقَابِهِ، وَشَرِّ عِبَادِهِ، وَمِنْ هَمَزَاتِ الشَّيَاطِيْنِ وَأَنْ يَحْضُرُوْنِ

I seek refuge in the Perfect Words of ALLĀH from HIS anger and HIS punishment, from the evil of HIS slaves and from the taunts of devils and from their presence.

A'oothu bikalimaatil-laahit-taammaati min ghadhabihi wa 'iqaabihi, wa sharri 'ibaadihi, wa min hamazaatish-shayaateeni wa 'an yahdhuroon.

For verily, they shall not harm him.”

{At-Tirmidhī, 3529}

He can also say:

أَعُوْذُ بِاللّٰهِ مِنَ الشَّيْطٰانِ وَمِنْ شَرِّ مَا رَأًيتُ

I seek refuge with ALLĀH from shaytan and the evil of what I dreamt of.

Auzubillāhi minash-Shaytani wa min sharri mā ra-aytu

{Ibn Uthaymīn's Explanation of Riyadhus-Saliheen: no. 843}

3⃣ Do not speak about it to anyone.

The Prophet ﷺ said:
"When one of you sees (in his dream) something else he dislikes, it is from Satan so let him seek refuge from its evil and not mention it to anyone. It will not harm him."

{al-Bukhari, 6584}

4⃣ Turn over on your other side.

The Prophet ﷺ said:
“...Let him turn to the other side on which he was sleeping.”

{Muslim, 2262}

5. Get up and pray if you desire to do so.

The Prophet ﷺ said:
"If any one of you sees something that he dislikes (in a dream), let him get up and pray, and not tell people about it."

{Muslim, 2263}

Summary of what to do upon having a good dream:

1⃣ Praise ALLĀH and feel happy about it.

The Prophet ﷺ said:
“When one of you sees a dream he likes, it is from ALLĀH so let him praise ALLĀH for it and speak about it.

{Bukhari, 6584}

2⃣ Talk about it, but only with those who are dear to you or with someone who can give helpful advice.

Narrated Abu Razin:

The Prophet (ﷺ) said:
The vision flutters over a man as long as it is not interpreted , but when it is interpreted, it settles. And I think he said: Tell it only to one who loves (i.e. friend) or one who has judgment.

{Abu Dawūd, 5020}

If the Muslim follows the advice given by the Prophet ﷺ before he goes to bed, it is hoped that no Shaytan will come anywhere near him, and if he follows this advice when he wakes up from a bad dream, the dream will not harm him.


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Aus ibn Aus reports that the Prophet ﷺ said: "The most virtuous of your days is Jumu'ah. On that day, Adam was created and on that day he died, (on that day) the horn will be blown and the people will be dumbfounded! Increase your prayers upon me as your prayers upon me will be presented to me." The people said: "O Messenger of ALLĀH, how will our prayers be presented to you when you have passed away?" He said: "ALLĀH has prohibited the earth from eating the bodies of the Prophets."

{This is related by the five, except for al-Tirmidhi}

Ibn al-Qayyim (May ALLĀH have mercy on him) says:

"It is preferred to pray to ALLĀH to send blessings on the Prophet ﷺ during the day and night of Jumuah, as the Prophet ﷺ said, 'Invoke many prayers upon me during the day and night of Friday.'

"The Messenger of ALLĀH ﷺ is the leader of mankind, and Jumu'ah is the best of the days of the week. Prayers upon him during that day are a privilege (he deserves), which belongs to no one other than him.

"This act also has another wisdom, and that is that all of the good that has passed onto this Ummah, in this life and the Hereafter, has passed through him. ALLĀH has gathered the good of this life and the next life for this Ummah, and the greatest honor and success will be granted to them on Friday. On that day, they will be granted their houses and palaces in Paradise and that is the day they will be given more when they enter Paradise. It is a day of celebration for them in this life. It is also a day in which ALLĀH fulfills their needs and answers their prayers and requests in this world. They are aware of all of that and are able to attain it because of the Prophet ﷺ and it is through him (that they received these teachings); therefore, in gratitude and appreciation for the great blessings we received through him, we should send many prayers upon him during the day and night of Jumuʿah."

{Fiqh-us-Sunnah || 2/126}

May ALLĀH fill our hearts with love of His beloved Prophet ﷺ.  May HE inspire our tongues to send much blessings on him ﷺ and guide us to lead our lives in accordance to his exalted and noble Sunnah.


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ALLĀH says;

وَأَتِمُّواْ الْحَجَّ وَالْعُمْرَةَ لِلّهِ
And perform properly the Hajj and 'Umrah for ALLĀH.

The words "And perform properly the Hajj and 'Umrah for ALLĀH" are indicative of a number of things:

1⃣. That Hajj and 'umrah are obligatory.

2⃣. That it is obligatory to do them properly, with all the essential and obligatory parts, as indicated by the actions of the Prophet (ﷺ) and his words: "Learn from me your rituals (of Hajj)". {Muslim}

3⃣. In these words is evidence for those who say that 'umrah is obligatory.

4⃣. That it is obligatory to complete Hajj and umrah once one has started them, even if they are supererogatory (nafl).

5⃣. The command to do them properly means putting more effort into doing what must be done.

6⃣. That they should be done sincerely for the sake of ALLĀH alone.

7⃣. The one who enters ihrâm for them does not exit ihrâm at all until he has completed them, except in cases where ALLĀH has made an exception, which is being prevented from completing them.

{Tafsi‌r As-Sa'di}

ALLAH'S Messenger (ﷺ) said, "˹The performance of˺ `Umrah is an expiation for the sins committed ˹between it and the previous one˺. And the reward of Hajj Mabrur (an accepted by ALLĀH which is performed with the intention of seeking ALLAH'S pleasure only and not to show off and without committing a sin and in accordance with the sunnah of the Prophet ﷺ) is nothing except Paradise."

{Al-Bukhārī #1773}

#sadi #baqarah (2:196)


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Shaikh Muhammad bin Saalih al-Uthaymīn (may ALLĀH have mercy on him) advised:

"From the favour of ALLĀH upon you is that HE has caused you to reach these blessed ten days – the ten days of Dhil-Hijjah, regarding which the Prophet (ﷺ) said: "There are no days wherein the righteous action is more beloved to ALLĀH than these ten days" They said: "O Messenger of ALLĀH, not even Jihād in the path of ALLĀH?" so he said: "Not even Jihād in the path of ALLĀH, except for a man who goes out with his person and his wealth, and then he did not return with anything from that." {Al-Bukhārī #969}

From gratitude for the favour of ALLĀH is that you take advantage of these days with righteous actions that draw a person close to ALLĀH, The Mighty and Majestic, and from these actions are:
1⃣. Making Takbeer (saying: Allāhu Akbar) and Tahmeed (saying: Alhamdulillaah) and Tahleel (saying: Laa ilāha illallāh) and Tasbīh (saying: Subhānallāh) for ALLĀH, The Mighty and Majestic, the men are to do so openly in their marketplaces and mosques and their locations in general, whilst the women do so privately.
2⃣. Fasting these days – except for the day of ‘Eid, and the most distinguished of these days in preference to fasting it is the day of ‘Arafah. It is established from him (ﷺ) that fasting it expiates the sins of the previous year as well as the following year. {Reported by Muslim #196}
3⃣. The Hajj – and it is from the best of the actions that draw a person close to ALLĀH, The Mighty and Majestic during these days, and it is from the reasons for the attainment of forgiveness of sins. He (ﷺ) said: "Whoever performs Hajj without engaging in sexual activity and without committing sin, he will return [from Hajj] as on the day on which his mother gave birth to him." {Al-Bukhārī #1521}

 4⃣. Being plentiful in supplication – at all times; in particular during these virtuous days, since your Lord, The Glorified, has said:

وَإِذَا سَأَلَكَ عِبَادِي عَنِّي فَإِنِّي قَرِيبٌ ۖ أُجِيبُ دَعْوَةَ الدَّاعِ إِذَا دَعَانِ ۖ فَلْيَسْتَجِيبُوا لِي وَلْيُؤْمِنُوا بِي لَعَلَّهُمْ يَرْشُدُونَ
And when MY servants ask you, [O Muhammad], concerning ME – then indeed I am near. I respond to the invocation of the supplicant when he calls upon ME. So let them respond to ME [by obedience] and believe in ME that they may be rightly guided.
 {Al-Baqarah: Verse 186}

And he (ﷺ) said: "Supplication is worship."

Know – may ALLĀH grant you blessing, that these days are the appropriate occasion for all of the righteous actions, from recitation of the Qur'an and giving in charity and performing supererogatory prayers and enjoining the ties of kinship and obedience to parents and showing goodness to the creation of ALLĀH and other than that, due to the generality of the hadīth of Ibn ‘Abbaas that was referred to.

Likewise it should not escape me (to mention) – my brother – that I counsel you with having fear of ALLĀH, The Mighty and Majestic, and with taking advantage of these days. Since perhaps you may not reach them the following year, and be ardent upon being sincere to ALLĀH and in following the Prophet (ﷺ) in all of your statements and your actions – hence they will be accepted.

I ask ALLĀH that HE accepts righteous actions from us all."
{Taken from: Liqa’aat al-Hajj || Page 284-285}


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