A place for Aryan (European) Folkish Pagans
Earth from Tesak’s grave on an altar. Hero worship is an ancient tradition which continues to this day.
Читать полностью…Perun’s hill temple in Kyiv
Читать полностью…Such seething reaction to European architecture is telling of semitic nature of judeo-christianity
Читать полностью…Made a quick translation. Will post shortly.
Читать полностью…Altar
Having at least some idols and a special place for them is essential. Naturally, different traditions require specific details such as Slavic red corner rules which my altar follows.
You don’t have to follow the rules to a tee. After all one may not have enough space, money etc. My own altar could have been more accurate in terms of idols, but I can’t carve them myself or commission new ones (for now).
Really, as long as it’s not some universalistic wiccan bs it’s fine.
There is a fine line between a business suit and bad cosplay. Historically accurate clothes are pricy. Some use camping and military camo. Not a fan.
In my opinion traditional is the best, but something clean and made with natural materials is enough. Brandless if possible.
Ethnic faith means ethnic borders
Читать полностью…In Rome it is the conception of the genius in which the idea of the continuity of the family finds its expression. This genius is not only the divine power of procreation, which in the individual case begets new life, but means also, as has been observed, a simile for the male seed, which from the father begets the son and from the son goes on to continue the race. The one and same seed that was in the father is in the son and will continue to be in the grandchildren and further generations. Here we have the sharpest conceivable contrast. It is not in the women, but in the men that the family is perpetuated.
History of Roman Religion by F.Altheim
Remember my retrospective of Zelazny’s Amber Chronicles? Recently I decided to read the rest of it (The Merlin Cycle). Already halfway through the Trumps of Doom. Not that many references to the myth and folklore (at least not the European ones), but it’s a fun, easy read, especially for someone young (I was in mid-teens when reading it for the first time).
Will write a review when done.
It’s time to express my gratitude to other Folkish Pagan channels
Here's another example of subversion in art. A feminist reinterpretation of Perseus holding Medusa's head. Intentional, open insult to the classic myth (and therefore values) of the Ancestors.
Читать полностью…It’s sad to see how many modern parents don’t want to actually parent their children. Gen alpha is raised by YouTube and TikTok. I’m really worried for them.
Читать полностью…The Ancient Practice of Weregild Among Germanic Heathens
Long before modern legal systems, ancient Germanic societies had a fascinating method for maintaining peace and justice called "weregild," a term derived from the Old English words "wer" (man) and "gild" (payment or fee). Weregild was essentially a form of compensation paid by a person who committed a crime, such as murder, to the family of the victim.
This practice was not just about reparation but was deeply rooted in the cultural and social norms of Germanic tribes. Weregild helped prevent ongoing feuds and vendettas by ensuring that justice could be achieved financially rather than through further bloodshed. The amount paid varied depending on the status of the victim, reflecting the hierarchical nature of society at the time.
Leaders, warriors, and commoners each had a specific weregild value, emphasizing the societal importance of each individual’s role. This system shows how interconnected justice, economics, and social status were in these communities.
Weregild is a testament to the complex legal systems of the early Germanic peoples and offers us a glimpse into their efforts to establish social harmony in a time when the rule of law was considered a pillar of society.
Weregild was replaced with capital punishment around the 9th century in medieval England due to Christianity.
Monotheism and universalism are manifestations of what we now call liberalism. Even in ancient times.
Folkish thinkers criticize Plato for this, with his singular conception of the good and totally abstract god. But Plato was not the first. 1000 years before him there was Akhenaten.
Akhenaten was an Egyptian pharaoh who consolidated the Egyptian pantheon into a "One" called "Aten" or the sun. His god was abstract and impersonal. His eye was toward the beyond, with his transcendent god having very little to say about traditional duty. The common folk were forgotten. He retreated to the desert to build his city, an "ivory tower" with little care for folk culture. He was priestly and otherworldly, neglecting martial virtues (logos > thumos) and letting the military decay. Women were empowered and his chief wife Nefertiti gained unprecedented authority, almost as a co-regent. He introduced a new art style that promoted androgyny, novelty, ugliness, and deemed the old style unenlightening. He had an incestuous relationship with his own daughter by Nefertiti. His worship was as close to science as the ancient world would ever see. So close that it was essentially atheism. From Flinders Petrie:
If this were a new religion, invented to satisfy our modern scientific conceptions, we could not find a flaw in the correctness of this view of the energy of the solar system. How much Akhenaten understood, we cannot say, but he certainly bounded forward in his views and symbolism to a position which we cannot logically improve upon at the present day. Not a rag of superstition or of falsity can be found clinging to this new worship evolved out of the old Aton of Heliopolis, the sole Lord of the universe.
Monism, monotheism, and universalism manifest themselves the same way everywhere in history. They are three sides of the same coin, which is secularism. They are anti-folkish. They are only ever found in a dying civilization. Egypt managed to reverse all of them though, and lasted another 1000 years.
Valkyrie Hild leads warriors into battle
Maxim Tesak would have been 40 today. Happy birthday.
Читать полностью…White people are defenseless today because we can't think tribally anymore, and we can't think tribally anymore because of 1000 years of individual salvation.
All Aryan peoples once found salvation in the tribe. Homer says that the clanless man is the most wretched creature, unhappy because he will never enter the halls of his forefathers in the afterlife. When we were Christianized, suddenly the tribe didn't matter to the afterlife. Suddenly European man's salvation was not mediated through anything but Yahweh. The tribe was nice, your folk might be dear to you, but something was lost. The folk were no longer a matter of ultimate concern.
1000 years later, and this process has reached its logical end point. The folk is not only not the ultimate, it's secondary. Not only is it secondary, it's optional. Not only is it optional, it's a hindrance. Not only is it a hindrance, it's a moral evil. Not only is it a moral evil, it's the moral evil.
It all started with individual salvation.
Maximus the Greek was 15-16th century orthodox monk known for criticizing the clergy, their corruption, alcoholism and exploitation of the peasantry.
According to Maximus, priests:
"drank heavily every day with no exceptions. They were drunk and entertained themselves with guslis and tympanums and surmas. They cheered thieves with shameful lies while stealing mercilessly from orphans and widows."
Candle recommendation
Speaking of altars, regular rituals usually means using a lot of candles. Just a pet peeve of mine but I hate the smell of paraffin. Sadly the latter is the most common candle wax nowadays, but there are alternatives.
Beeswax is my personal favorite. It’s all-natural (even purifies air), burns well, smells well and depending on the region is not hard to find (or even make).
Try creating a temple yourself
Is wood expensive? Depends on the region, but generally it is. In Eastern Europe Pagans often build new temples because of vandalism, but the materials are cheaper there.
It takes skill, sure, but even though big God poles are preferable, you can use small ones. Just clean up an area, make it a circle/square, bring some stones/bricks to shape it and place a fire. You can bring the idols in before the ritual and take them home after it (will be safer).
A few enthusiastic believers can achieve a lot. For example this little temple was made by a very small group.
I do not to show the rituals on the net (imo iphones spoil the atmosphere), but can share some advice on daily practice for young Pagans.
Читать полностью…If you want to short-circuit any Christian argument, just take the position that Christianity is cringe and anti-authoritarian. It's true. The whole theology is based on rejecting tradition.
You'll see smoke come out of the Christian's ears. He'll either reveal his total ignorance of paganism, or will be forced to actually own it and lean into liberation theology, in which case he's already lost. Paganism did authority better than Christianity, and modernity did freedom better than Christianity.
Christians have had 1000 years to come up with all kinds of canned responses against every single metaphysical argument you can think of. But when you step outside the script, they're like a deer in the headlights.
Nick Fuentes' first loyalty is not to his people, but to an ideology.
He would sooner replace the people than the ideology. As Christianity again becomes the religion of the third world, he will have to make that choice.
Folkish pagans don't have this problem. Folkish paganism is inseparable from our people. It is our people, and our people is folkish paganism.
Mayday & Beltane blessings be unto you, your family and folk! Go out and have a great day 😎
Читать полностью…We just passed 1000 subscribers in only a few months. Thank you to everyone who shares our posts.
This channel is dedicated to putting the folkish worldview on a solid philosophical footing. For too long "pagan philosophy" has meant ancient philosophy, much of which has anti-folkish foundations. We are offering something different, based strictly on our own traditions and the authentic spirit behind them. Both are compatible with the most cutting edge developments in contemporary philosophy.
This is what you will find here.
Folkishness is the future.
"We know that, from the works of art that the peoples and the times have left us, we can draw a picture of their true spiritual essence, form and environment...
Woman has probably never been depicted so disrespectfully and in so unappetizing a way as in the paintings we have been obliged to put up with in German exhibits of the last twelve years, paintings that inspire only nausea and distrust. They convey not the slightest trace of the sacredness of the human body or of the glory of a divine nakedness."
These words were written in 1932. Needless to say they are not simply true today, it got far worse. Modern art is to put it bluntly a mockery of beauty. Have no doubt, this is intentional. A conscious, calculated effort to bring us down in all ways possible. A real piece of art can inspire, can give power, make us happy after all. They want the opposite. There are many examples (enough to fill a dozen of albums), but since the quote mentioned nakedness and women I decided to pick these two.
This episode from t.me/TheSacredStew is very informative and goes to the heart of dogma/orthodoxy in our ancestral faiths. Give it a listen and give Sacred Stew channel your support for more informative theological podcasts
A god whose hands were like engines of war,
Whose feet never gave out, from whose shoulders grew
The hundred heads of a frightful dragon
Flickering dusky tongues, and the hollow eye sockets
In the eerie heads sent out fiery rays,
And each head burned with flame as it glared.
Tribal cultures are inherently non-universal, rooted in specific folk traditions and identities. Once a culture adopts universalism, it ceases to be tribal.
Heathenry specifically reflects the unique worldview and practices of the Germanic peoples, transmitted from one generation to the next.
Traditionally, tribal cultures maintain an inward focus, generally excluding external influences, a trend consistent across ancient Germanic societies.
5k milestone in under a year is quite the achievement, but in truth, this could not have possibly been done without you guys & gals!
To me, it reveals three things:
1. For many years, the messaging of Paganism has gone to one particular group, young men. And that's not a bad thing. Good young men getting in touch with their roots. But the hyper-fixation on only Pagan warrior culture and nerdy genetic studies with letters, numbers & scientific papers, oh my, has pushed out ladies and others who aren't interested in a one-dimensional faith. It is not that that information is bad, but it should be part of a greater whole.
2. Our people have a crisis of spirit, a lack of hope. I have heard it said from those that enjoy this channel, that you will OD on white pills here. It is optimism, practical solutions as well as encouraging to strive to better yourself, your family & your folk, to give one the purpose that modernity & judeo-christianity can not suffice.
3. Paganism is here, growing & nothing can stop it!