A place for Aryan (European) Folkish Pagans
Ascetic literature from Byzantium frowned upon secular merrymaking and minstrels representing it.
In natural religious sacred ceremonies are often accompanied by dances, while singing is an important element of worship in all religions. No ceremony of our pagan ancestors went without singing and dancing.
Minstrel tradition of masking, singing cheerful, often indecent songs reminded of the bacchic cult of Dyonisus. Minstrels lead trained animals, they practiced healing and divination all this caused strict condemnations from the christian zealots in Byzantium.
In Germanic world Spielmänner were shun by the church and had no juridical rights. Yet, both in Byzantium and Medieval Europe minstrels and Spielmänner were pitied by the people. No folk celebration, feast, marriage, tournament etc was without them.
So, games, songs and dances were usually called demonic. The attitude towards dancing and music as something highly sinful, demonic, came to us from Byzantium…zealots of piety attacked songs and dances mostly because those merrymakings distracted believers from the church and offered a lot of seduction.
But besides that our clergy clearly realized that many songs and ceremonial dances were leftovers of ancient paganism. That’s why pastors were correct calling games and dances a pagan custom...
I’m going to translate from some of the books I have in my library concerning the continuation of pre-chtistian belief and practice even centuries after the conversion. Will probably take a while since I almost forgot Old Church Slavonic.
Читать полностью…Gods and peoples are family. You are descended from your Gods, not your neighbor’s Gods. You may realize that said neighbor is your distant relative and that your Gods may look a lot like his, but you do not worship them. Ethnic boundaries were respected. Those breaking down the boundaries were declared impious and executed/exiled.
Later Romans tried to impose their traditions on newly conquered by explaining foreign Gods as local versions of Roman pantheon. They wanted to make those people Roman, to adopt them to the family. This resulted in a slow cultural genocide. Artificial synchronized cults were forced on the subjects of the empire (Egyptians, Gauls etc).
Folkishness is not merely in-group preference or "racism". This is a reductive redefinition of the term that has no historical basis. Christians can have in-group preference. But Christianity cannot be folkish.
The Völkisch movement of the early 20th century grew out of German Romantic nationalism, especially the restorationist strains that sought to revive the oldest German religion. The German folk was considered a corporate entity over and above any individual, which was eternal and reached back to the dim beginnings of time. The Völkisch movement was never simply about "racism". It was about what is aboriginal.
Folkishness is not about reviving just any old paganism. It's about reviving the oldest and strongest paganism, what was there at the very beginning of our folk. The folkish worldview purges our folk of corrupting, universalist elements that came along later, whether they be European (such as Platonism), or non-European (such as Christianity). "Folkish universalism" is a contradiction in terms. Universalism was not there at the beginning and it undermines the integrity of the folk. This is the folkish worldview.
My grandfather used to say that he met a berehynia (rusalka) once.
Читать полностью…Paganism was wiped out a thousand years ago.
[ Wäinölä 🇫🇮 ]
"Christianity was pure in the Middle Ages and became corrupt over time, leading to Protestantism, then to liberalism".
This meme-tier view has it backwards. Christianity got more consistent over time, and the purest form of Christianity is what we have today.
Early Germanic Christianity was highly impure Christianity. It was heavily mixed with pagan elements, which is why it was martial. If you could transport a bunch of Anglo Saxons around the time of Alfred to the present day, they would barely be recognizably Christian. They accepted the notion of fate. They practiced pagan burial customs, a major feature of Germanic paganism. They engaged in blood feud. They believed in elves and giants. Kings traced their lineages to Wotan. Significant elements of Aryan mythology crop up as barely disguised historical episodes.
In the move from early Christianity to later times, Christianity didn't lose its essence, it purified it. That essence is anti-tradition, individualism, anti-authoritarianism, contrarianism, and in the end, atheism.
Phenotypically Scythians were most similar to modern Aisto Nordids. Proto Nordid would probably be accurate.
Them being European was a very popular theory back in the day, but now it’s intentionally forgotten.
Scythian IV century BC male
Читать полностью…Let me express gratitude to the channels helping promote Ancestral traditions
Reconstruction of a young Sarmatian woman. The anthropologist who did it says that he was not sure about the skin, eyes and hair color which is why there’s two versions. I prefer the right one since it fits other reconstructions.
Читать полностью…Dagda fighting an octopus at Mag Muirthemne
by Brother Bjorn
Defender of the polis
Therefore, the reason which produced Greco-Roman mimes and our skomorokhs is in pre-historic conditions of the Western Aryan branch. In historical period this pre-historic relation could have been refreshed: Greco-Roman mimes could have visited Rus. Our skoromokhs could have adopted costumes and even plots of their stage performances from mimes.
Dancers and musicians on the frescoes of St. Sophia's Cathedral are dressed in Western style. Those are either real foreign mimes or, if they are Rusy, they are dressed as mimes. Maybe our skoromokhs visited Byzantium.
The sermon John Chrysostom…contains a view of games and public merrymaking in general as pagan leftovers. Listen, the preacher says to his congregation, many of you are christian in name only, while your customs and actions are pagan.
You are worse than Hellenes i.e. pagans used to doing pagan things: dancing, moving hands, satanic songs…The author of the sermon is deeply resentful of parents taking their kids to the feasts and shows. And honorable, senior people did that. If you ask those elders something about the lives of the apostles or prophets they will be unable to answer anything. Yet when the topic is horses or birds then they are wisemen.
In 1636 nine priests wrote a collective petition to Patriarch Joasaphus I pleading him to make a decree concerning the attitudes of the people. The petitions goes into rather great detail on folk games and recreation. The people celebrated from Christmas to Epiphany. "They make bark horses, liege", the priests from Nizhny Novgorod write: "and aurochs decorate the cloths and silk wimples and hang bells on the horse, and put shaggy and beastly masks on their faces and such clothes, and tie tails to their backs as devils have…".
Harlequins were followed by great crowds of people and many gave money to those satan’s servants.
Later the same was done by christians who became adopted into the jews and yhwh family. They began practicing jewish traditions, dressing up as jews, mutilating their genitals, growing jewish beards and of course betraying their traditions. Thankfully christianization was overall a very superficial thing and failed to really effect daily life of Europe.
Читать полностью…International women's day was invented by two jewish feminists. Keep in mind.
Читать полностью…Rusalkas by I.Kramskoj
Читать полностью…Rusalkas (berehynias) lure men into the water.
Читать полностью…Gods run in the Blood: "Gods and Ethnicities are Bonded"
There can be little doubt, even before examining the skeletal evidence, that the Scythians and Sarmatians were basically if not entirely white men and in no sense mongoloid.
C.S. Coon "Races of Europe"
Scythians by Darbarnir
Jordan Peterson's bizarre Christian-atheist hybrid sounds awfully familiar. He just can't give a straightforward answer to the question "do you believe god exists".
- I act as if god exists.
- I don't know what they mean by "god" or "believe".
- The chance they construe "god" and construe "belief" the same way as me is virtually zero.
When asked what god is, he says god is:
- That which calls upon you to make the appropriate sacrifices.
- The spirit that calls the wise to prepare in the face of crisis.
- The spirit that you must emulate in order to thrive.
- The spirit that arises from the crowd that exists into the future.
Anything but a straightforward and traditional belief in a deity.
For Peterson the Abrahamic god exists in only the most metaphysically tenuous way, as a metaphor, as the unity that grounds all plurality, as the hypostatized sum of all the virtues, as the form of the Good. Anything but a real and embodied entity that gives commands and answers to none.
Where have we heard this Peterson theology before?
Gods from varying Pantheons can certainly share similarities and one can establish equivalences amongst them. However, it would be unwise to claim that they are exactly one in the same. Óðinn, Indra, and Zeus may share similar roles as patron-leaders, just as Šamaš, Sól, and Helios may be considered important sun-deities – but to go a step further, to say that Óðinn, Indra, and Zeus are all really the same deity, to say that Šamaš, Sól, and Helios are actually "the same entity but with different names" makes no sense, and is foolish to create this false sameness amongst them. This is not a situation in which different peoples are venerating the exact same holy powers that be, not at all, like, something such as Abrahamism where Jews, Christians, Muslims, Bahá'ís, and so forth really do worship the same power but with different names and interpretations thereof. (I know I use Abrahamic religions to make a point very often.)
These powers not all drive golden chariots, have only working eye, or are subservient to a Supreme Lord; and it would be doing a disservice to insist this false sameness. We may as well claim that angels and faeries are the exact same because they each have wings and represent goodness, but we know that would not fly, right?
Triskelion of Castromaior (Galicia)
Читать полностью…Celibacy was a crime in the eyes of a religion that made the perpetuity of the family the first and most holy of duties. But the union which it prescribed could be accomplished only in the presence of the domestic divinities; it is the religious, sacred, indissoluble union of the husband and wife.
No man could omit the rites, and make of marriage a simple contract by consent, as it became in the latest period of Greek and Roman society.
Numa de Coulanges
Heracles and the Cretan bull
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