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This channel contains Environment articles from newspapers compiled by VK IAS - parent channel for all subjects : @hinduhighlights ( prelims mains and interviews) For prelims notes of all subjects : @upschighlights

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VK IAS- UPSC Environment by Vikas kanukollu


✅Gs3- Conservation - Threats to the Biodiversity of Western ghats
-Click here

🔰Western Ghats
⚜️Biodiversity hotspot
⚜️7% primary vegetation left
⚜️51 critically endangered species
⚜️Gadgil Committee (WGEEP)-Formed:2010-Mandate: Assess ecology, demarcate ESZs, conservation recommendations,Report submitted: August 30, 2011, Findings-Ecological Degradation, Illegal Activities: Industrialists, contractors, politicians
Climate Impact: Torrential downpours, landslides
⚜️Ongoing degradation
⚜️Man-animal conflicts
🔰Logical Consequence
⚜️Urgent need for sustainable development
⚜️Government inaction problematic


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VK IAS- UPSC Environment by Vikas kanukollu

#Geography #Environment

✅Hollongapar Gibbon Sanctuary

🅾️Where?- Assam-home to the endangered western hoolock gibbon-There are two recognized species of hoolock gibbons found in India: the eastern hoolock gibbon (Hoolock leuconedys) and the western hoolock gibbon (Hoolock hoolock).

🅾️These arboreal creatures are known for their distinctive vocalizations and tree-dwelling behavior.

🅾️The sanctuary covers an area of approximately 20.98 square kilometers. Set aside initially in 1881, its forests used to extend to the foothills of the Patkai mountain range. It contains India’s only gibbons – the hoolock gibbons, and Northeastern India’s only nocturnal primate – the Bengal slow loris.


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✅‘Extinction alert ‼️

🅾️What?- the International Whaling Commission (IWC) released its first ever ‘extinction alert’

🅾️Significance?- A whale species- vaquita porpoise has only 10 individuals left now- in the Gulf of California or Sea of Cortez in Mexico-The vaquita is exclusively present in the northern section of the Gulf of California, Mexico, with its population dwindling from around 570 in 1997 to roughly 10 now

🅾️Main reason- Bycatching- the unintentional capture of these marine mammals in fishing gear. Gillnets, commonly used for fishing, have proven to be a lethal threat to the vaquita population.Gillnets targeting totoaba, a fish highly valued in Chinese cuisine for its swimbladders, inadvertently trap vaquita porpoises


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✅Gs-3 : Biodiversity on Galapagos Island- Red rock crab, black marine iguanas

🅾️ Are penguins found only at the poles?-
Click here

🅾️You will also find the The Galápagos tortoise or Galápagos giant tortoise- a species of very large tortoise in the genus Chelonoidis. The species comprises 15 subspecies. It is the largest living species of tortoise, with some modern Galápagos tortoises weighing up to 417 kg

🅾️Also read galapagos island-
oil spill


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✅Gs-3 : Climate change/ Biodiversity - IPCC AR 6 synthesis Report

🅾️What is CAMPA?-
Click here

🅾️Why is CAMPA flawed?- From this article

➡️An example of how CAMPA is not serving the purpose?-
Read about the Great nicobar project



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VK IAS Mentorship program- expression of interest -2023 mains .

✅This is only for 2023 mains - 2024 candidates please wait till June 9th.

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VK IAS- UPSC Environment by Vikas kanukollu

This single document can help you in greatly reducing your CSAT fear 🙂

✅Good luck!
Vikas Kanukollu (VK ) - Founder VK IAS
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VK IAS- UPSC Environment by Vikas kanukollu

⚠️Attention : ONE MORE FAQ- Why should I Subscribe to the test series when there are so many tests? : What do I mean by Contemporary themes? - Click here

👆You may or may not subscribe- That is your prerogative - I shall make no claims that THIS IS THE BEST

🅾️But let me help you understand why this can save your time

✅Claim : regenerative agriculture is important -
Click here

⚜️From PYQ perspective - from 2010,2012, 14,16,17,19 and 2020- Conservation of soil, water are asked- various state governments are supporting the idea-

⚜️My deliverable?

1. Make questions in a way to reinforce both concepts and memory within the scope of UPSC question paper's design

2. solution that I give should cover more relevant facts that you can Use in prelims 2023- Contextual facts are always easier to remember.

And the cost of all this research to save your time is 1 Rs per question- If you still have concerns, I will address them tomorrow 🙂

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VK IAS- UPSC Environment by Vikas kanukollu


✅ Embodied Carbon

🅾️Embodied carbon is the carbon dioxide (CO₂) emissions associated with materials and construction processes throughout the whole lifecycle of a building or infrastructure.

🔰Why should we know?- To understand the total carbon footprint of a product or material, not just the emissions from its use.

🅾️concrete is the most abundant human-made material in the world, cement production creates ~7% of the world’s CO2 emissions and is the largest contributor to embodied carbon in the built environment.

⚠️Context?- News that National Building Code (NBC) does not regulate these emissions ‼️ could be crucial for decarbonising the building sector and contributing to India’s net-zero target


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✅Global Methane Pledge

🅾️What?- Launched at COP26 - to reduce methane emissions

🅾️Objective : Stakeholders take voluntary actions to reduce global methane emissions at least 30 % from 2020 levels by 2030- can deliver a net cooling effect within a relatively short period.

⚠️‼️Important point ➡️Focus on the relatively short period above-Why? - Read below

⚜️According to the UN, 25% of the warming that the world is experiencing today is because of methane, a GHG- which is also a component of natural gas.

⚜️Methane is a powerful pollutant and has a global warming potential that is 80 times greater than carbon dioxide, about 20 years after it has been released into the atmosphere- compared to co2, it is considered a short lived pollutant


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VK IAS- UPSC Environment by Vikas kanukollu

✅Gs-3 : Environment- Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction (BBNJ)- High seas treaty VERY IMP article

🅾️What is the treaty on Marine Biodiversity of Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction (BBNJ)? How important are
the high seas to human survival and well-being?-
SDG 14

🅾️Biodiversity conservation-Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework in UN-CBD (COP-15) Summit

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VK IAS- UPSC Environment by Vikas kanukollu

🅾️Why is the tribal panel upset with Environment Ministry over forest rights?

🅾️What is the
National Commission for Scheduled Tribes claiming about the Forest Conservation Rules of 2022?


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VK IAS- UPSC Environment by Vikas kanukollu

✅Gs-3 : Conservation- Forest conservation- Forest products certification- VERY IMP for prelims exam.

⚠️MOST IMP point to note : Old trees can still act as carbon sinks, but their ability to sequester carbon may decrease as they age. This is because as trees get older, they tend to grow more slowly and their rate of carbon uptake decreases. Additionally, older trees may be more susceptible to disease, pests, and other environmental stresses, which can cause them to die and release carbon back into the atmosphere

🔶2 most widely recognized systems are the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC)


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VK IAS- UPSC Environment by Vikas kanukollu

Gs: 3 - conservation - ( based on elephant whisperers- kattunayakar tribe) - also useful for anthro students

⚡️Kattunayakar believe in Hinduism and have a language which is a mixture of all Dravidian languages. The main deity of the tribe is Lord Shiva and Nayakkar under the name of Bhairava. They also worship animals, birds, trees, rock hillocks, and snakes, along with the other Hindu deities.

Kattunayakar are fond of music, songs, and dancing. They are also called Cholanaickar and Pathinaickars.

✅Note : Kattunayakar are a designated scheduled tribe in the Indian states of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, and Tamil Nadu


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✅Gs-3 : Environment- Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction (BBNJ)- VERY IMP article

🅾️What is the treaty on Marine Biodiversity of Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction (BBNJ)? How important are
the high seas to human survival and well-being?-
SDG 14

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VK IAS- UPSC Environment by Vikas kanukollu


One of the subscriber has sent me this audio clip from a previous ranker . Ms. Sahitya IAS has actually summed up how to use the channel.

Never met her... or had any interaction. But glad that the work done has benefitted people. Thank you Ms. Sahitya IAS for sharing your thoughts - 🙂 Like I said in the past, this is meant for everyone , and now aims to be a repository for future generations. All it takes is your willingness to unmute and use it🙂

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VK IAS- UPSC Environment by Vikas kanukollu


✅“FUNGA” Campaign

🅾️What?- The UN Biodiversity suggests acknowledging fungi in conversations by using "funga" alongside "flora and fauna" or "animal, plants, and fungi." Language has an impact on conservation efforts as it shapes perceptions and policies.

🅾️What roles do they have?- Fungi have key ecological roles such as decomposition, forest regeneration, mammalian digestion, carbon sequestration, and maintaining the nutrient cycle.

➡️Note : This is why there is a rise in interest on mushrooms- a type of fungus- UPSC is picking this trend-
Click here to read more


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#Environment #Species

✅Western Tragopan

🅾️What?- Threatened bird- found in Himachal Pradesh

🅾️Breeding center for the Western Tragopan- Sarahan pheasantry, situated in Shimla- reintroducing the birds into their natural habitat in the wild has been a challenge.

🅾️IUCN status- “Vulnerable” (VU)


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✅Gs-3- Agriculture

🅾️PPVFR act and its provisions- UPOV etc- imp prelims info

🅾️Case study : Pepsico agreement with farmers and whether farmers are right in seeking the shelter of PPVFR act . Impact of corporate farming in India-
click here

➡️Mentorship 2024 batch students- This is the update I was mentioning in the first CA class


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✅Gs-3 : Climate change- climate policy and climate transition.

🅾️Prerequisite for this is -Energy Transition- “Energy Atmanirbharta” by 2040-
Click here

➡️Now read about this report of RBI-Report on currency and finance which talks about

🅾️1. Energy efficiency-
Click here
⚜️1.1 - Phasing out Coal- Click here
🅾️2. Carbon tax
🅾️3. Green energy- Green hydrogen-
Click here


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✅Here is the mandatory audit of work done @hinduhighlights for prelims 2023. Marked the relevant info within the pdf itself.

✅Disclaimer: this is not a claim of questions - consider this as an accountability statement. Though
@hinduhighlights transformed into VK IAS - the work shall continue with new learnings ,insights and shall continue to remain free . VK IAS is a platform meant for targetted mentorship which takes time and resources beyond what i can do here for free. There can be errors in this key despite due diligence and proofs. Pls share them with me if any. Good luck.

✅ To all those people who messaged me for Mentorship program for 2023 mains as well as 2024

✅The program details for 2023 mains will be launched first and i can accomodate limited people only who can undergo the rigorous program for next 3-4 months.

✅The mentorship program of 2024 will be announced( again for a limited number) by June 12th with updated learnings - stay tuned

Yours VK
Founder VK IAS (

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VK IAS- UPSC Environment by Vikas kanukollu

⚠️Some of you are confused what Thematic test means and WHY THIS IS NOT ANY RANDOM TEST series- So I am directly posting one question from the test for you to understand🙂

As soon as you see this your probable reaction-

" How and from where am I supposed to byheart all this from- What nonsense is this ! "

But if you Solved PYQs- you know the terms prajnaparamita, Manimegalai, theravada- So you are expected to solve this question with the help of these concepts only!

So through this one question's explanation - You are going to learn

1. How to Revise High yielding PYQ themes

2. some new relevant facts ( the reasons for putting these facts out of all the other stuff in the world is Some current development)

3. Learn and practice logical elimination ( not through some elimination technique but using your existing knowledge alone)

⚠️Giving this clarity for making an informed decision - Now read this-
Click here

⚠️If this serves your need- link for registration :

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✅Gs-3 : Conservation- Ecosensitive Zones

🅾️Background/context : 1 km Buffer- Supreme court directions-
Click here.

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✅Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism-
Refer this MCQ

🅾️What?- plan from the (EU) to tax carbon-intensive products, such as iron and steel, cement, fertiliser, aluminium and electricity generation, from 2026.

🅾️Process?- involves imposing an import duty on a product manufactured in a country with more lax climate rules than the one buying it.

🅾️Designed in compliance with (WTO) rules and other international obligations of the EU

⚠️A group of countries (The BASIC group, comprising India, China, Brazil and South Africa) including India has opposed the carbon border taxes policy at the COP27 in Sharm El Sheikh, saying it could “result in market distortion”.

‼️What is carbon leakage.?- Practice Where businesses can move to a country with less stringent rules


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✅Terms related to water

Water stress vs Water risk

⚜️2. Water scarcity-Lack of sufficient available water resources to meet water usage demands within a region

⚜️3. Water shortage/deficits- Shortages of water caused by climate change, pollution, increased human demand, and overuse of water

⚜️4. Water crisis- A situation where the available potable, unpolluted water within a region is less than that region’s demand

🔰Important points :

⚜️1. Dublin Principles water was established as an “economic good”

⚜️2. SDG6- Sanitation and water access

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✅Gs-3 : Conservation- Eurasian otter

🅾️What?- The Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) is a semi-aquatic mammal that is found across Europe and Asia-found in several states in India, particularly in the Himalayan region, northeastern states, and the Western Ghats

🔰Unique points :

⚜️1. Indicator species: Eurasian otters are considered an indicator species, meaning that their presence or absence can indicate the overall health of an ecosystem. They are sensitive to pollution and changes in water quality, making them a good indicator of environmental health.

⚜️2. Habitat engineering: Eurasian otters can modify their habitats by creating burrows, dams, and other structures. These modifications can help to create habitat for other species, such as fish and amphibians

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VK IAS- UPSC Environment by Vikas kanukollu

✅Gs-3 : Conservation- Sea horses

🅾️Why are sea horses fleeing the coramandal coast?

⚠️Note : Imp for prelims

⚜️1. Seahorses are not actually fish, but rather belong to a group of animals called syngnathids, which also includes pipefish and sea dragons.Seahorses are found in shallow tropical and temperate waters around the world. They are primarily found in seagrass beds, coral reefs, and mangrove forests

⚜️2. Seahorses are known for their unique physical characteristics, such as their elongated snouts, prehensile tails, and bony plates instead of scales.

⚜️3.Seahorses are monogamous and mate for life. They engage in a courtship dance where they swim around each other, holding tails and mirroring each other's movements.

⚜️4. Seahorses are indicator species:used as an indicator of the health of marine ecosystems.


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VK IAS- UPSC Environment by Vikas kanukollu

✅Gs-3 : Environment- Biodiversity/conservation- Evil effects of deforestation

📍Context : What India must do to restore its forests-Land degradation/Pressure on land-
Click here

🅾️Mobilization of resources, Infrastructure(natural infra) - Pipe dreams, ground reality- how to use forest aquifers to provide natural mineral water and unpolluted bulk water for our cities?- Click here ( I still remember how i enjoyed reading this article -UPSC HIGHLIGHTS was just a one month old baby back then🙂

🅾️Land, sea use changes- impact on biodiversity-
Click here

⚜️Case study : Impact of Land-use changes in Himalaya and their impact on the plains ecosystem: need for sustainable land use- Click here

🅾️Impact of Drought- UNCCD has released the Drought in Numbers report- Click here


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✅Gs-3 : Pollution- Reasons for winter pollution in NCR region- Role of biomass combustion

📍There are multiple dimensions to the problem of pollution that a UPSC aspirant needs to know-
Click here

🔰Also read about

🅾️Functioning of Smog tower-
Click here

🅾️Commission for Air Quality Management in National Capital Region (NCR) and Adjoining Areas.- click here

🅾️Pollution- alternative solutions for Stubble burning- Important theme- Explaining elaborately again for freshers of 2023 batch.


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VK IAS- UPSC Environment by Vikas kanukollu

#Environment #SDG

✅High Ambition Coalition (HAC)

🅾️India joined this

🅾️Objective : HAC is an intergovernmental group co-chaired by Costa Rica and France and by the United Kingdom as Ocean co-chair, championing a global deal for nature and people with the central goal of protecting at least 30 percent of world’s land and ocean by 2030. ( The underlined part is more important than others) - link it to SDG 14 and the concept of
Land degradation neutrality- For this One has to know the basics of soil, Factors of formation of soil, factors causing land degradation- the concept of forests as carbon sinks( and keep a repository of all previous UPSC questions ( CDS, NDA, IES, CSE) and solve concepts related to these topics. While doing this level of study one can know about the concept of blue economy( Question in CSP 2021).

🅾️Once this is done- answering the questions will be much easier than byhearting countries of HAC alone.
@hinduhighlights for News analysis
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