I feel stuck, even in an overwhelming place; that's my tragedy now. I don't find beauty in places or people now. They are just there for me; I feel no affection for them. Maybe it's because the place falling apart because of people's choices. They choose to stay with themselves only, having a cold heart, and yet they play a role beautiful enough to fall for. They care, but only if it's not hurting them. And I hate people who change.
And the places are from its people. If the people behave differently after a certain time, then the place is not good to live.
Sending love and warmth to everyone feeling uncomfortable, upset, fatigued, lonely, ignored, hurt or lost today. It’s okay to not be the strong one for once. 🤍
Читать полностью…People don't understand me. They never have. That's okay, because how could they? They haven't lived my life.
It's like everything I touch turns to tragedy. The last thing the last therapist I ever saw said to me was "nobody could have survived all that."
I walked out of her office without a word and never went back. To her or any other therapist.
They don't understand me. They never have. How could they?
I'm far too damaged for anyone to understand.
I've known that for years. Decades, really.
I'll never forget the moment I let myself forget that.
Twin oceans of understanding, and my God, I drowned. Threw myself into those depths like Keanu Reeves without a parachute.
I wasn't flying; I was falling with style.
And for the first time in my life, I was home.
But everything I touch turns to tragedy.
So I will live my life in the poetry of the past. In that Wonderland of madness where, for an instant, I was understood...and loved in spite of it.
~Mandy Kocsis
Take my silence as an answer to those people who will never understand me…
—Mister A | Raul Almonte
There was a time when just the act of waking up and getting out of bed was so heavy that I felt like I'd crumble into pieces if I lived a little more. I remember walking with my eyes fixed to the ground. When people talked to me, I would often hide my face so that they'd remain oblivious to my sadness. And if, by sheer misfortune, someone looked me in the eye and asked me how I was, I would feel the tears blurring my eyes, stinging as I tried to hold them back and nod gently and lie that I was okay. And then, I would cry for a week. I would cry in the bathroom and in the kitchen and while riding the bus and when I went for a walk in the park every evening. It felt like living itself was the bravest task of all. When everyone was out partying, I'd sleep for hours just to kill time. And if I woke up feeling the same sadness I felt before sleeping, I would close my eyes once more and fall into a deep slumber until it felt easy to breathe once again. I honestly thought that it would never be better, that my pain would never go away and maybe it didn't. At least, not completely. Sometimes, I still find myself sleeping more than usual just to kill time. But on most days, my roommate sings with me while I cook on Sunday mornings, playing my favourite songs. And when someone asks if I am fine, I look at them and say "Not bad" and go back to looking at videos on my phone. It's not that I have stopped being sad but my sadness has faded away with time. I can feel myself smiling when my colleagues wave at me and I catch myself observing the world around me more often. My eyes are no longer fixed to the ground. Rather, I take out my camera and click pictures of skies and trees and people who make me feel a little comfortable. There was a time when I'd do anything to be who I am today and I am happy that I finally reached this place. It isn't necessarily adequate but at least I know that I am moving in the right direction. At least, I know that I am getting better and that itself is more than enough....
//you will be fine eventually. give it time.
— Rae Pathak, friday reminders.
I keep on trying to solve things till I get too heavy.
I keep on giving excuses to people till I'm called " naive " or " stupid ".
I keep on neglecting the red flags until they make me believe that they're fine.
I keep on fighting for people until they hurt me too bad.
I keep on saving everyone but myself.
So when I leave, I leave without looking back for a second.
Cause I've been doing that for years.
Photo by: Unknown
Dulu aku begitu khawatir saat ada seseorang menilai kehidupanku
Aku selalu berusaha untuk menyenangkan mereka dengan menjadi seseorang yang selalu ada
Lalu aku tersadar, bahwa manusia adalah makhluk paling rumit dengan berjuta keinginan
Sebaik apapun usahaku, akan selalu ada celah untuk melihat salah
Kemudian aku berhenti dan berbalik arah
Kali ini aku tidak ingin menjadi apapun untuk siapapun
Aku bahkan tak peduli jika harus kesepian
Karena memeluk erat sepi dan memintal sunyi adalah caraku mencintai diri sendiri
Banyu Bening
I miss me. The old me. My energy. My smile. My glow. I have to get back to that..✨Everything will be okay. In Shaa’Allah 🙂❤️
Читать полностью…☔️ Asp 5 By @sayaokay ☔️
jom join channel menarik di bawah ;
🍒 @sayaokay
- aku okay , jangan risau eh .
🍒 @opscrush
- all about crush .
🍒 @quietpains
- takde hati sebab selalu dilukai
🍒 @hijrahqalbi._
- pegang dada , tanya hati .
🍒 @akunakbisik
- random quotes .
🍒 @akukuattau
- be strong dearself .
🍒 @secretworldpeace
- rverything comes at it's appointed time
🍒 @daridalamhati
- just nak sampaikan apa yang terpendam jer .
🍒 @betterlifewhen2geder
- life is better when sharing
🍒 @luahancikgadis
- cinta hati dari si gadis
🍒 @Br0kenDiary
- little girl with broken heart story .
🍒 @akukoyakk
- hurt , but i hide it well
🍒 @heart4che
- provide interesting quotes for everyone
🍒 @bangkitbersama2020
- bangkit demi masa depan
🍒 @riuhtakkalut
- aku yang riuh , kau pulak yang panas .
🍒 @randomsquotess
- pelbagai quotes dan luahan hati
🍒 @lavhhh
- notes for you シ︎
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- aesthetic here ! wallpapers , songs , videos & quotes
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- comforting myself in the darkness
🍒 @terasakeweh
- maaf , aku suka cakap lepas
🍒 @lonewoft
- i can't hide my pain
🍒 @QowwiyGirlsShare
- dakwah from HEART to HEART
🍒 @notapwincess
- stay strong , be positive . we all struggle sometimes .
🍒 @itscloudystars
- my feeling , my pain
🍒 @sentapppbraderr
- sentap bukan perli tapi nasihat
🍒 @secretworldpeace
- everything comes at it's appointed time .
🍒 @eyesbluequotes
- its okay to believe magic shop .
🍒 @yourdiaryandgoodlistener
- staystrong yang broken tu
🍒 @tweetterchannel
- ayat twitter here .
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- quotes video dakwah .
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- quotes , positive .
🍒 @dvhbs
- unexpected quotes .
🍒 @selfnotez
- dakwah selagi mampu .
🍒 @wahainsdiaries
- it's all about hati .
🍒 @moonlightstory
- teach me how to be happy .
🍒 @horrorvibes
- kisah kisah seram .
🍒 @cahayamempersona
- hidul dan matiku hanya untukMu .
🍒 @peluangkedua
- peluang kedua tidak seindah peluang pertama .
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☔️ Asp 5 By @sayaokay ☔️
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🍒 @sayaokay
- aku okay , jangan risau eh .
🍒 @opscrush
- all about crush .
🍒 @quietpains
- takde hati sebab selalu dilukai
🍒 @hijrahqalbi._
- pegang dada , tanya hati .
🍒 @akunakbisik
- random quotes .
🍒 @akukuattau
- be strong dearself .
🍒 @secretworldpeace
- rverything comes at it's appointed time
🍒 @daridalamhati
- just nak sampaikan apa yang terpendam jer .
🍒 @betterlifewhen2geder
- life is better when sharing
🍒 @luahancikgadis
- cinta hati dari si gadis
🍒 @Br0kenDiary
- little girl with broken heart story .
🍒 @akukoyakk
- hurt , but i hide it well
🍒 @heart4che
- provide interesting quotes for everyone
🍒 @bangkitbersama2020
- bangkit demi masa depan
🍒 @riuhtakkalut
- aku yang riuh , kau pulak yang panas .
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- notes for you シ︎
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- aesthetic here ! wallpapers , songs , videos & quotes
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🍒 @terasakeweh
- maaf , aku suka cakap lepas
🍒 @lonewoft
- i can't hide my pain
🍒 @QowwiyGirlsShare
- dakwah from HEART to HEART
🍒 @notapwincess
- stay strong , be positive . we all struggle sometimes .
🍒 @itscloudystars
- my feeling , my pain
🍒 @sentapppbraderr
- sentap bukan perli tapi nasihat
🍒 @secretworldpeace
- everything comes at it's appointed time .
🍒 @eyesbluequotes
- its okay to believe magic shop .
🍒 @yourdiaryandgoodlistener
- staystrong yang broken tu
🍒 @tweetterchannel
- ayat twitter here .
🍒 @hanaaaaaaa19
- quotes video dakwah .
🍒 @quoteswhitequeen
- quotes , positive .
🍒 @dvhbs
- unexpected quotes .
🍒 @selfnotez
- dakwah selagi mampu .
🍒 @wahainsdiaries
- it's all about hati .
🍒 @moonlightstory
- teach me how to be happy .
🍒 @horrorvibes
- kisah kisah seram .
🍒 @cahayamempersona
- hidul dan matiku hanya untukMu .
🍒 @peluangkedua
- peluang kedua tidak seindah peluang pertama .
more info @sayaokayasp
official channel @sayaokay
nak join asp ?
pm @ddelisya .
☔️ Asp 5 By @sayaokay ☔️
jom join channel menarik di bawah ;
🍒 @sayaokay
- aku okay , jangan risau eh .
🍒 @opscrush
- all about crush .
🍒 @quietpains
- takde hati sebab selalu dilukai
🍒 @hijrahqalbi._
- pegang dada , tanya hati .
🍒 @akunakbisik
- random quotes .
🍒 @akukuattau
- be strong dearself .
🍒 @secretworldpeace
- rverything comes at it's appointed time
🍒 @daridalamhati
- just nak sampaikan apa yang terpendam jer .
🍒 @betterlifewhen2geder
- life is better when sharing
🍒 @luahancikgadis
- cinta hati dari si gadis
🍒 @Br0kenDiary
- little girl with broken heart story .
🍒 @akukoyakk
- hurt , but i hide it well
🍒 @heart4che
- provide interesting quotes for everyone
🍒 @bangkitbersama2020
- bangkit demi masa depan
🍒 @riuhtakkalut
- aku yang riuh , kau pulak yang panas .
🍒 @randomsquotess
- pelbagai quotes dan luahan hati
🍒 @lavhhh
- notes for you シ︎
🍒 @anassquotesss
- aesthetic here ! wallpapers , songs , videos & quotes
🍒 @rosesquotes
- comforting myself in the darkness
🍒 @terasakeweh
- maaf , aku suka cakap lepas
🍒 @lonewoft
- i can't hide my pain
🍒 @QowwiyGirlsShare
- dakwah from HEART to HEART
🍒 @notapwincess
- stay strong , be positive . we all struggle sometimes .
🍒 @itscloudystars
- my feeling , my pain
🍒 @sentapppbraderr
- sentap bukan perli tapi nasihat
🍒 @secretworldpeace
- everything comes at it's appointed time .
🍒 @eyesbluequotes
- its okay to believe magic shop .
🍒 @yourdiaryandgoodlistener
- staystrong yang broken tu
🍒 @tweetterchannel
- ayat twitter here .
🍒 @hanaaaaaaa19
- quotes video dakwah .
🍒 @quoteswhitequeen
- quotes , positive .
🍒 @dvhbs
- unexpected quotes .
🍒 @selfnotez
- dakwah selagi mampu .
🍒 @wahainsdiaries
- it's all about hati .
🍒 @moonlightstory
- teach me how to be happy .
🍒 @horrorvibes
- kisah kisah seram .
🍒 @cahayamempersona
- hidul dan matiku hanya untukMu .
🍒 @peluangkedua
- peluang kedua tidak seindah peluang pertama .
more info @sayaokayasp
official channel @sayaokay
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"I have days when I just don’t feel like myself. I reach inside, and I’m just not there. And it scares me, each time, that I wont come back. What’s left of me doesn’t want to live my life. And if I don’t come back, I feel like I wont have a future."
🎥 Detachment (2011) / dir. Tony Kaye
It feels like your heart is freezing and burning, both at once..
Читать полностью…One day you wake up and you're in this place. You're in this place where everything feels right. Your heart is calm.
Your soul is lit. Your thoughts are positive. Your vision is clear:
You're at peace, at peace with where you've been, at peace with what you've been through and at peace with where you're headed.
You lose them over and over,
sometimes in the same day.
When the loss, momentarily forgotten,
creeps up,
and attacks you from behind.
Fresh waves of grief as the realisation hits home,
they are gone.
You don’t just lose someone once,
you lose them every time you open your eyes to a new dawn,
and as you awaken,
so does your memory,
so does the jolting bolt of lightning that rips into your heart,
they are gone.
Losing someone is a journey,
not a one-off.
There is no end to the loss,
there is only a learned skill on how to stay afloat,
when it washes over.
Be kind to those who are sailing this stormy sea,
they have a journey ahead of them,
and a daily shock to the system each time they realise,
they are gone,
You don’t just lose someone once,
you lose them every day,
for a lifetime.
Donna Ashworth
Letting go.
I used to be so afraid of letting go. I used to hate goodbyes. I used to hate ending things. I used to be so afraid of how much it would hurt me once they are no longer in my life anymore. I have a lots of what if's and what could've been then and that's where I went wrong all along — of being afraid of everything.
And now I understand. When something ends, it ends for a reason. When something did not work out, it didn't work out for a reason. You know, letting go is beautiful. Especially if you've been holding on for too long.
Sometimes, it's hard. But always remind yourself that you're doing it for the sake of Allāh alone. Let go of the things that's been hurting you. Let go of the things that's leading you nowhere. Let go of the things that's giving you no peace.
Have patience in the process. For after every patience, beautiful things awaits. 🤍
Ada sakit yg tidak bisa di jelaskan dengan air mata.
dan ada kecewa yg tidak bisa diungkapkan dengan kata. Ikhlas itu bohong, yg ada hanyalah rapuh,kecewa,Terpaksa lalu terbiasa".
Please don't ever get tired of being a good person with a good heart.
I know, it sucks being taken advantage of and feeling like it's better to be cold-hearted sometimes.
But people like you are what give this world hope, so always be as good as you are, and never as bad as they are. 🌻💛
☔️ Asp 5 By @sayaokay ☔️
jom join channel menarik di bawah ;
🍒 @sayaokay
- aku okay , jangan risau eh .
🍒 @opscrush
- all about crush .
🍒 @quietpains
- takde hati sebab selalu dilukai
🍒 @hijrahqalbi._
- pegang dada , tanya hati .
🍒 @akunakbisik
- random quotes .
🍒 @akukuattau
- be strong dearself .
🍒 @secretworldpeace
- rverything comes at it's appointed time
🍒 @daridalamhati
- just nak sampaikan apa yang terpendam jer .
🍒 @betterlifewhen2geder
- life is better when sharing
🍒 @luahancikgadis
- cinta hati dari si gadis
🍒 @Br0kenDiary
- little girl with broken heart story .
🍒 @akukoyakk
- hurt , but i hide it well
🍒 @heart4che
- provide interesting quotes for everyone
🍒 @bangkitbersama2020
- bangkit demi masa depan
🍒 @riuhtakkalut
- aku yang riuh , kau pulak yang panas .
🍒 @randomsquotess
- pelbagai quotes dan luahan hati
🍒 @lavhhh
- notes for you シ︎
🍒 @anassquotesss
- aesthetic here ! wallpapers , songs , videos & quotes
🍒 @rosesquotes
- comforting myself in the darkness
🍒 @terasakeweh
- maaf , aku suka cakap lepas
🍒 @lonewoft
- i can't hide my pain
🍒 @QowwiyGirlsShare
- dakwah from HEART to HEART
🍒 @notapwincess
- stay strong , be positive . we all struggle sometimes .
🍒 @itscloudystars
- my feeling , my pain
🍒 @sentapppbraderr
- sentap bukan perli tapi nasihat
🍒 @secretworldpeace
- everything comes at it's appointed time .
🍒 @eyesbluequotes
- its okay to believe magic shop .
🍒 @yourdiaryandgoodlistener
- staystrong yang broken tu
🍒 @tweetterchannel
- ayat twitter here .
🍒 @hanaaaaaaa19
- quotes video dakwah .
🍒 @quoteswhitequeen
- quotes , positive .
🍒 @dvhbs
- unexpected quotes .
🍒 @selfnotez
- dakwah selagi mampu .
🍒 @wahainsdiaries
- it's all about hati .
🍒 @moonlightstory
- teach me how to be happy .
🍒 @horrorvibes
- kisah kisah seram .
🍒 @cahayamempersona
- hidul dan matiku hanya untukMu .
🍒 @peluangkedua
- peluang kedua tidak seindah peluang pertama .
more info @sayaokayasp
official channel @sayaokay
nak join asp ?
pm @ddelisya .
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° @Lonewoft °
☘The pain i can't hide anymore.
° @DariLubukKejahilan1 °
☘Wallahi, kerana Allah semata!
° @psychowritten °
☘Do nothing , can't get anything.
° @PenaWanita °
☘Dakwah si Wanita.
° @Pencaricintaillahi
☘Perjalanan dalam mencari cinta-Mu °
° @Rindaennaa °
☘The words are yours.
° @CoretanHarianKita °
☘Love me or lose me.
° @cakapfie °
☘Debt, pay here or later? (Akhirat).
° @lantakkaulahhh °
☘Quotes hereee!
° @CikguSitiOfficial °
☘Sebarkan Kebaikan, Kongsi Kebahagiaan.
° @mychaquotes °
☘The queen of aesthetics and quotes.
° @PenaHijauDakwah °
☘Spread love n knowledge.
° @QwiyRecipe °
☘Cooking Recipes
° @DearOfficial °
☘dia engkau aku rindu.
° @Kasutreadymurah °
☘Kasut murah mampu milik free postage
° @HenshinWall °
☘Wallpaper versi islamik
° @HashtagDakwah °
☘Kau pilih jahiliah atau hijrah?
° @Darkrosses °
☘ Blossom in the dream is painful.
° @HatiAkuCakap °
☘Nukilan kata-kata dari hati
° @Randomsvideos °
☘Video menarik yang direpost
° @AnaQuotes °
☘Bangkit kerana Pencipta
° @Thejayzinote °
☘Quotes dari Jayzi
° @Dakwahbyhaura °
☘Aksara berbicara dengan nada dakwah.
° @Celotehhanania °
☘Remember allah
° @Handsock_bywawa °
☘Handsock & Purdah RM 5
° @JanganSentapp °
☘Aku yang bicara kau yang panas.
☘Sat & Mon | Delete ads after 6 hours.
ASP With Channel | @HikayatPerindu
─────── @HSPPROMOTER ───────
☔️ Asp 5 By @sayaokay ☔️
jom join channel menarik di bawah ;
🍒 @sayaokay
- aku okay , jangan risau eh .
🍒 @opscrush
- all about crush .
🍒 @quietpains
- takde hati sebab selalu dilukai
🍒 @hijrahqalbi._
- pegang dada , tanya hati .
🍒 @akunakbisik
- random quotes .
🍒 @akukuattau
- be strong dearself .
🍒 @secretworldpeace
- rverything comes at it's appointed time
🍒 @daridalamhati
- just nak sampaikan apa yang terpendam jer .
🍒 @betterlifewhen2geder
- life is better when sharing
🍒 @luahancikgadis
- cinta hati dari si gadis
🍒 @Br0kenDiary
- little girl with broken heart story .
🍒 @akukoyakk
- hurt , but i hide it well
🍒 @heart4che
- provide interesting quotes for everyone
🍒 @bangkitbersama2020
- bangkit demi masa depan
🍒 @riuhtakkalut
- aku yang riuh , kau pulak yang panas .
🍒 @randomsquotess
- pelbagai quotes dan luahan hati
🍒 @lavhhh
- notes for you シ︎
🍒 @anassquotesss
- aesthetic here ! wallpapers , songs , videos & quotes
🍒 @rosesquotes
- comforting myself in the darkness
🍒 @terasakeweh
- maaf , aku suka cakap lepas
🍒 @lonewoft
- i can't hide my pain
🍒 @QowwiyGirlsShare
- dakwah from HEART to HEART
🍒 @notapwincess
- stay strong , be positive . we all struggle sometimes .
🍒 @itscloudystars
- my feeling , my pain
🍒 @sentapppbraderr
- sentap bukan perli tapi nasihat
🍒 @secretworldpeace
- everything comes at it's appointed time .
🍒 @eyesbluequotes
- its okay to believe magic shop .
🍒 @yourdiaryandgoodlistener
- staystrong yang broken tu
🍒 @tweetterchannel
- ayat twitter here .
🍒 @hanaaaaaaa19
- quotes video dakwah .
🍒 @quoteswhitequeen
- quotes , positive .
🍒 @dvhbs
- unexpected quotes .
🍒 @selfnotez
- dakwah selagi mampu .
🍒 @wahainsdiaries
- it's all about hati .
🍒 @moonlightstory
- teach me how to be happy .
🍒 @horrorvibes
- kisah kisah seram .
🍒 @cahayamempersona
- hidul dan matiku hanya untukMu .
🍒 @peluangkedua
- peluang kedua tidak seindah peluang pertama .
more info @sayaokayasp
official channel @sayaokay
nak join asp ?
pm @ddelisya .
☔️ Asp 5 By @sayaokay ☔️
jom join channel menarik di bawah ;
🍒 @sayaokay
- aku okay , jangan risau eh .
🍒 @opscrush
- all about crush .
🍒 @quietpains
- takde hati sebab selalu dilukai
🍒 @hijrahqalbi._
- pegang dada , tanya hati .
🍒 @akunakbisik
- random quotes .
🍒 @akukuattau
- be strong dearself .
🍒 @secretworldpeace
- rverything comes at it's appointed time
🍒 @daridalamhati
- just nak sampaikan apa yang terpendam jer .
🍒 @betterlifewhen2geder
- life is better when sharing
🍒 @luahancikgadis
- cinta hati dari si gadis
🍒 @Br0kenDiary
- little girl with broken heart story .
🍒 @akukoyakk
- hurt , but i hide it well
🍒 @heart4che
- provide interesting quotes for everyone
🍒 @bangkitbersama2020
- bangkit demi masa depan
🍒 @riuhtakkalut
- aku yang riuh , kau pulak yang panas .
🍒 @randomsquotess
- pelbagai quotes dan luahan hati
🍒 @lavhhh
- notes for you シ︎
🍒 @anassquotesss
- aesthetic here ! wallpapers , songs , videos & quotes
🍒 @rosesquotes
- comforting myself in the darkness
🍒 @terasakeweh
- maaf , aku suka cakap lepas
🍒 @lonewoft
- i can't hide my pain
🍒 @QowwiyGirlsShare
- dakwah from HEART to HEART
🍒 @notapwincess
- stay strong , be positive . we all struggle sometimes .
🍒 @itscloudystars
- my feeling , my pain
🍒 @sentapppbraderr
- sentap bukan perli tapi nasihat
🍒 @secretworldpeace
- everything comes at it's appointed time .
🍒 @eyesbluequotes
- its okay to believe magic shop .
🍒 @yourdiaryandgoodlistener
- staystrong yang broken tu
🍒 @tweetterchannel
- ayat twitter here .
🍒 @hanaaaaaaa19
- quotes video dakwah .
🍒 @quoteswhitequeen
- quotes , positive .
🍒 @dvhbs
- unexpected quotes .
🍒 @selfnotez
- dakwah selagi mampu .
🍒 @wahainsdiaries
- it's all about hati .
🍒 @moonlightstory
- teach me how to be happy .
🍒 @horrorvibes
- kisah kisah seram .
🍒 @cahayamempersona
- hidul dan matiku hanya untukMu .
🍒 @peluangkedua
- peluang kedua tidak seindah peluang pertama .
more info @sayaokayasp
official channel @sayaokay
nak join asp ?
pm @ddelisya .
JOIN @Lovestoryneverend
🎓•• This Is Our Love Story.
JOIN @SweetSadQuotes
🎓•• Buat Hati Yang Terluka Dan Gembira.
JOIN @Heartsless
🎓•• All this things are true.
JOIN @DakwahSunshine
🎓•• Jangan pernah pergi walau sedetik. Kerana DIA Maha Mengetahui.
JOIN @Secretalove
🎓•• I need you in my live.
JOIN @Gadiskacamataindah
🎓•• Pendosa yang ingin ke syurga.
JOIN @Underfeelings
🎓•• Life is not a problem to be solved.
JOIN @Myselfandyou
🎓•• Talk about our feelings.
JOIN @Cakapfie
🎓•• Solat, doa, jaga diri sendiri, jaga keluarga, You’re done!
JOIN @Channelmythought
🎓•• This is all about my thought.
JOIN @Lonewoft
🎓•• I can't hide this pain.
JOIN @Doktortarbiah
🎓•• Mengubat sebarang penyakit hati tetapi bukan penyembuh.
JOIN @SStayStrong
🎓•• By words, you get motivation.
JOIN @Cakapje
🎓•• Aku cakap je. Tak mention kau pon.
JOIN @CikguSitiOfficial
🎓•• Sebarkan Kebaikan, Kongsi Kebahagiaan
JOIN @Wearhijab
🎓•• Menjual pakaian, bag, dan banyak lagi.
JOIN @Memoriestory
🎓•• Kenangan antara kita sukar untuk dilupakan
JOIN @Tarbiahsignal
🎓•• Learn, do & spread
JOIN @HatiAkuCakap
🎓•• Ini jalan kau pilih, hadapi lah
JOIN @Musicforlivechannel
🎓•• For Request And Listen Any Song
JOIN @KembaliDamai
🎓•• Kongsi apa yang boleh
JOIN @Moonlightstory
🎓•• Teach me how to be happy
CLICK @HSasp20bot
🎓•• Delete the list after 12 hours.
━ •• ━ •• ━ •• ━ •• ━ •• ━ •• ━ •• ━ •• ━ •• ━ •• ━
𝗦𝗽𝗲𝗰𝗶𝗮𝗹 𝗟𝗶𝗻𝗸 𝗣𝗿𝗼𝗺𝗼 𝗕𝘆 @HSPPromoter
"𝖩𝖺𝗇𝗀𝖺𝗇𝗅𝖺𝗁 𝗄𝖺𝗆𝗎 𝖻𝖾𝗋𝖽𝗎𝗄𝖺𝖼𝗂𝗍𝖺 - 𝗌𝖾𝗌𝗎𝗇𝗀𝗀𝗎𝗁𝗇𝗒𝖺 𝖠𝗅𝗅𝖺𝗁 𝗌𝖾𝗅𝖺𝗅𝗎 𝖻𝖾𝗋𝗌𝖺𝗆𝖺 𝗄𝗂𝗍𝖺"
[ 𝖰𝖲 𝖠𝗍 𝖳𝖺𝗎𝖻𝖺𝗁 40 ]
Nak quotes yang membina jiwa,let's join here 🔻
🧡 @ohfeeling
➖ Do nothing , can't get anything
🧡 @takethisnotes
➖ Saling nasihat tujuan persahabatan
🧡 @pemboronghandbagKL
➖ Pemborong tudung, Handbag & pakaian direct kilang. FREE POS.
🧡 @akutabahh
➖ Tabah untuk mereka.
🧡 @rahsiamagnetkekayaan
➖ Motivasi untuk bahagia dan berjaya
🧡 @sneakerscopymurah
➖ Dropship kasut murah free join.
🧡 @gedungmuslimah_farha
➖ Lubuk barangan muslimah terlajak murah.
🧡 @dexandraperfumewangi
➖ Perfume dexandra di sini.
🧡 @bangsawanexclusive_hq
➖ Barangan Bangsawan , Harga Menawan ❤️
🧡 @lonewoft
➖ The pain i can't hide
🧡 @IsLamiLmuAmaL
➖ Indahnya hidup bersyariat islam itu indah
🧡 @batuhati
➖ Qoutes by qoutes
🧡 @kawaiigirlshopp
➖ All item below rm100
🧡 @kosmetikmurahhaniey
➖ Produk kosmetik serendah rm1
🧡 @Maz_Collection
➖ Baju & Tudung Wanita, Lelaki & Kanak2 Terkini
🧡 @booboostylish
➖ Dunia Kanak-Kanak SiComel 👶🏻
🧡 @baranganrumahRARASHOP
➖ Barangan rumah viral Dan murah
🧡 @nnazira_kshop74
➖ Menjual pelbagai brg kpop and nonkpop yg Murah ii
🧡 @pedagangilmu
➖ Allah rindu rintihan sepertiga malam dari hambaNya
🧡 @sekadarmonolog
➖ Teruskan Menghukum, Jika Sudah Sempurna.
🧡 @akulelah
➖ Perjuangan aku yang sia sia
🧡 @randomsvideos
➖ Video menarik yang direpost
🧡 @suarahatime
➖ Coretan aksara hati ke jemari
🧡 @onlinebarangmurah
➖ Pelbagai jenis barang ada di sini
🧡 @richgoldempire2
➖ Lubuk Emas 916 Termurah
🧡 @richgoldempire_ansuran
➖ Jom Beli Emas Secara Ansuran
🧡 @richgoldempire_ilmuemas
➖ Sharing Ilmu Emas
Nak join ASP ni⁉️ Channel PERLU ada 500+ Subscribers ✅ Pm @spchannelterbaik_bot
- Ginger ASP -
➖ Mestilah free postage, semua trending ada, serendah rm10🔥
─── •☘•ASP HIJAU DAUN•☘• ───
° @Lonewoft °
☘The pain i can't hide anymore.
° @DariLubukKejahilan1 °
☘Wallahi, kerana Allah semata!
° @psychowritten °
☘Do nothing , can't get anything.
° @PenaWanita °
☘Dakwah si Wanita.
° @Pencaricintaillahi
☘Perjalanan dalam mencari cinta-Mu °
° @Rindaennaa °
☘The words are yours.
° @CoretanHarianKita °
☘Love me or lose me.
° @cakapfie °
☘Debt, pay here or later? (Akhirat).
° @lantakkaulahhh °
☘Quotes hereee!
° @CikguSitiOfficial °
☘Sebarkan Kebaikan, Kongsi Kebahagiaan.
° @mychaquotes °
☘The queen of aesthetics and quotes.
° @PenaHijauDakwah °
☘Spread love n knowledge.
° @QwiyRecipe °
☘Cooking Recipes
° @Seketulhatiperempuan °
☘bicara hati seorang wanita.
° @DearOfficial °
☘dia engkau aku rindu.
° @Kasutreadymurah °
☘Kasut murah mampu milik free postage
° @HenshinWall °
☘Wallpaper versi islamik
° @HashtagDakwah °
☘Kau pilih jahiliah atau hijrah?
° @Darkrosses °
☘ Blossom in the dream is painful.
° @HatiAkuCakap °
☘Nukilan kata-kata dari hati
° @Randomsvideos °
☘Video menarik yang direpost
° @Katakataaaa °
☘Segala isihati yg ku ungkapkan dlm penulisanku.
° @AnaQuotes °
☘Bangkit kerana Pencipta
° @Thejayzinote °
☘Quotes dari Jayzi
° @Dakwahbyhaura °
☘Aksara berbicara dengan nada dakwah.
° @Celotehhanania °
☘Remember allah
° @Handsock_bywawa °
☘Handsock & Purdah RM 5
° @JanganSentapp °
☘Aku yang bicara kau yang panas.
° @RrandomTikTok °
☘Random TikTok here!
☘Sat & Mon | Delete ads after 6 hours.
ASP With Channel | @HikayatPerindu
─────── @HSPPROMOTER ───────
☔️ Asp 5 By @sayaokay ☔️
jom join channel menarik di bawah ;
🍒 @sayaokay
- aku okay , jangan risau eh .
🍒 @opscrush
- all about crush .
🍒 @quietpains
- takde hati sebab selalu dilukai
🍒 @hijrahqalbi._
- pegang dada , tanya hati .
🍒 @akunakbisik
- random quotes .
🍒 @akukuattau
- be strong dearself .
🍒 @secretworldpeace
- rverything comes at it's appointed time
🍒 @daridalamhati
- just nak sampaikan apa yang terpendam jer .
🍒 @betterlifewhen2geder
- life is better when sharing
🍒 @luahancikgadis
- cinta hati dari si gadis
🍒 @Br0kenDiary
- little girl with broken heart story .
🍒 @akukoyakk
- hurt , but i hide it well
🍒 @heart4che
- provide interesting quotes for everyone
🍒 @bangkitbersama2020
- bangkit demi masa depan
🍒 @riuhtakkalut
- aku yang riuh , kau pulak yang panas .
🍒 @randomsquotess
- pelbagai quotes dan luahan hati
🍒 @lavhhh
- notes for you シ︎
🍒 @anassquotesss
- aesthetic here ! wallpapers , songs , videos & quotes
🍒 @rosesquotes
- comforting myself in the darkness
🍒 @terasakeweh
- maaf , aku suka cakap lepas
🍒 @lonewoft
- i can't hide my pain
🍒 @QowwiyGirlsShare
- dakwah from HEART to HEART
🍒 @notapwincess
- stay strong , be positive . we all struggle sometimes .
🍒 @itscloudystars
- my feeling , my pain
🍒 @sentapppbraderr
- sentap bukan perli tapi nasihat
🍒 @secretworldpeace
- everything comes at it's appointed time .
🍒 @eyesbluequotes
- its okay to believe magic shop .
🍒 @yourdiaryandgoodlistener
- staystrong yang broken tu
🍒 @tweetterchannel
- ayat twitter here .
🍒 @hanaaaaaaa19
- quotes video dakwah .
🍒 @quoteswhitequeen
- quotes , positive .
🍒 @dvhbs
- unexpected quotes .
🍒 @selfnotez
- dakwah selagi mampu .
🍒 @wahainsdiaries
- it's all about hati .
🍒 @moonlightstory
- teach me how to be happy .
🍒 @horrorvibes
- kisah kisah seram .
🍒 @cahayamempersona
- hidul dan matiku hanya untukMu .
🍒 @peluangkedua
- peluang kedua tidak seindah peluang pertama .
more info @sayaokayasp
official channel @sayaokay
nak join asp ?
pm @ddelisya .