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Foreign Agent Intel

Thousands of restaurants and pubs closing across UK blame soaring bills among pressures they face | The Independent

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Foreign Agent Intel

Trump about the situation in the US

I think we are very close to the end of our country as we knew it - a great country.

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Foreign Agent Intel

NOW: No one can stop us - not The Hague, not the Axis of Evil, no one - Netanyahu

If the war criminal is going to go down, clearly he will go down all guns blazing…


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Foreign Agent Intel

Мы перевели фильм "Святой Дух" на четыре языка: английский, немецкий, испанский и китайский.

Спасибо всем, кто сделал этот перевод и попросил нас о нём.

Вот первая серия с разными субтитрами. Впереди ещё две.

Это фильм о Главном, что есть в Церкви. В первой серии мы узнаем Саму Личность – одно из лиц Святой Троицы – Святого Духа и приметы Его подлинного переживания, которые описали Священное писание, святые и опыт миллиардов верующих.


A film about the main thing in the Church. In the first series of the trilogy, we learn the Personality Himself - one of the faces of the Holy Trinity - the Holy Spirit and the signs of His true experience, which described the Holy Scriptures, the saints and the experience of billions of believers. | Яндекс.Дзен | ВКонтакте | RuTube | Одноклассники | YouTube | Rumble


Film über die Hauptsache in der Kirche. In der ersten Serie der Trilogie lernen wir die Persönlichkeit selbst - eines der Gesichter der Heiligen Dreifaltigkeit - den Heiligen Geist und die Zeichen seiner wahren Erfahrung, die die Heiligen Schriften, die Heiligen und die Erfahrung von Milliarden von Gläubigen beschrieben. | Яндекс.Дзен | ВКонтакте | RuTube | Одноклассники | YouTube | Rumble


Es una película sobre lo principal de la Iglesia. En la primera serie de la trilogía, aprendemos la Personalidad mismo, una de las caras de la Santísima Trinidad, el Espíritu Santo y los signos de Su verdadera experiencia, que describió las Sagradas Escrituras, los santos y la experiencia de miles de millones de creyentes. | Яндекс.Дзен | ВКонтакте | RuTube | Одноклассники | YouTube | Rumble


是一部关于教会主要事物的电影。在三部曲的第一个系列中,我们学习了人格本身——圣三位一体的面孔之一——圣灵和他真实经历的迹象,它描述了圣经、圣徒和数十亿信徒的经历. | Яндекс.Дзен | ВКонтакте | RuTube | Одноклассники | YouTube | Rumble

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Foreign Agent Intel

When Russia removes children from harms way to protect them from conflict, the Western powers call it "abduction"

When Israel massacres tens of thousands of Innocent Women, Children and Babies the Western powers call it "self-defense"

The world is watching.

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Foreign Agent Intel

⚠️ BREAKING: The Greyzone's Kit Klarenberg reports the death of Gonzalo Lira.

According to Kit, Gonzalo was being tortured in the Ukrainian prison and suffered health issues.

We will update you when we have more info!

🔴 @DDGeopolitics

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Foreign Agent Intel

Sunak In Kiev Pledges £2.5 BILLION! Ukrainian Officials Want Kids Working In Arms Factories.

Graham Phillips Case - UK Government rules Freedom of Speech 'Not an absolute right':

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Foreign Agent Intel

🇬🇧🇺🇦 Rishi Sunak arrived in Kiev

🔴 @DDGeopolitics

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Foreign Agent Intel

Man Who Aggressively Tried to Get Trump Removed from 2024 Ballots Arrested on Federal Charges

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Foreign Agent Intel

Courageous Ghazal: A Journey from a Village in India to Northern Russia's Medical Frontier.

Ghazal is an Indian Student studying to become a surgeon at Petrozavodsk State University. Ghazal shares her story of immense courage and self confidence after she decided to study medicine in Northern Russia. This inspiring, incredibly intelligent young woman hasn't let the fears and political concerns of her parents put her off from her dream of travelling the world as she seeks to better herself and experience all that life has to offer.

If you'd like to know more about coming to Russia on a Student Visa, go to for a FREE one hour consultation with immigration lawyers Michael Braiden Consulting.

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Foreign Agent Intel

Dmitry Medvedev on Ukraine's use of long-range missiles:

"Some thick-headed warriors from Banderostan agreed that the best method of fighting Russia is to destroy our launchers throughout Russia with long-range missiles transferred from the West.

⚡What does it mean? Only one thing - they risk running into the action of clause 19 of the Fundamentals of Russian state policy in the field of nuclear deterrence: “d) aggression against the Russian Federation using conventional weapons, when the very existence of the state is at risk.” This is not a right to self-defense, but a direct and obvious basis for our use of nuclear weapons against such a state.

All the heirs of Hitler, Mussolini, Pétain and others in today's Europe, which supports the Nazis in Kiev, should remember this"

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Foreign Agent Intel

19 men have drowned in the Tisza River while trying to escape from Ukraine to Romania since 2022

💰The Ukrainian State Border Service reported this and noted that Ukrainians are often offered an “easy” way across the border for a lot of money, but in fact they are left at night to face a stormy river that still needs to be crossed somehow. The cost of such extreme “tours” starts from $5 thousand.

🎙Subscribe @AussieCossack

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Foreign Agent Intel

Nikolay Anatolyevich Neskorudenko, born on 15.16.1969, the city of Alexandria (Kirovograd region).
Mobilized in February 2022. He served in the military unit A7049, the 121st separate brigade of territorial defense. He was captured on 08.11.2023 in the Ugledar direction. With a group of 5 people was sent by the commander to prepare reserve positions without weapons with shovels in their hands, but they were brought to the positions of the armed forces of the Russian Federation.

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Foreign Agent Intel

Case with two judges... and one issue. - Peter Hitchens.

Have you ever heard of the same court case being tried twice, in front of two different judges? This must be very rare, yet the event has attracted little attention – except in The Mail on Sunday.

The case is that of Graham Phillips, the British former civil servant and video blogger who has been sanctioned by his own Government, apparently for holding and spreading the wrong opinions about Ukraine.

It is necessary to say here that I do not like or agree with Mr Phillips. But I think his opinions are none of the business of the British Government, which has frozen his assets and made his life almost unliveable, by decree.

As his lawyer, Joshua Hitchens (no relation) has argued: 'There is an enormous and crushing effect this decision has on my client. He is unable to pay rent, unable to return to Britain, he lives in a friend's flat in a warzone.'

The issue was first tried before Mr Justice Swift, but then had to be held again when it turned out this judge had himself been sanctioned… by the Kremlin.

My colleague Cameron Charters attended both trials (I was abroad when the second was rather suddenly held) and reported that the second judge, Mr Justice Johnson, asked the Government lawyers a rather pertinent question: '
If you are concerned about what he is saying, why do you not challenge what he is saying rather than impose very, very rigorous sanctions on him which do not actually stop him doing what you do not want him doing?'

It may be some weeks before the outcome of this unique and rather important trial, which is about a vital issue – whether the Government can arbitrarily punish people who say things it doesn't like. In the meantime, I hope more people take an interest in it.


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Foreign Agent Intel

"I feel joy like these are my own children" - Vladimir Putin said that he is happy for every success of the Russian people

Thank you @AussieCossack for the translation.

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Foreign Agent Intel

At the World Economic Forum in Davos from January 15 to 19, they will discuss “Disease X,” which could have 20 times the death toll of the coronavirus pandemic.
The organization reports this on its website.

It is clarified that the unknown “disease X” could lead to 20 times more deaths than the coronavirus pandemic.

The discussion will take place on January 17.

It will be attended by WHO head Tedros Ghebreyesus, Brazilian Health Minister Nizia Trindade and other specialists.

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Foreign Agent Intel

Biden did not answer questions about Yemen

He offered reporters a smoothie instead. What can you say on it?

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Foreign Agent Intel

🇺🇦 Украинские боевики опубликовали видео танков Abrams с обновленной защитой

🔹 ВСУ стали оснащать полученные от США танки Abrams динамической защитой ARAT первого поколения по аналогии с защитой BRAT на БМП Bradley.

Видео танков Abrams опубликовали сами украинские военные.

Где именно сняты кадры с переоборудованными Abrams, неизвестно. Предположительно, они находятся на одном из полигонов в тылу ВСУ.

🇺🇦 Ukrainian militants published a video of Abrams tanks with updated protection

🔹 The Armed Forces of Ukraine began to equip Abrams tanks received from the United States with the first generation ARAT dynamic protection, similar to the BRAT protection on the Bradley infantry fighting vehicle.

Videos of Abrams tanks were published by the Ukrainian military themselves.

It is unknown where exactly the footage of the converted Abrams was filmed. Presumably, they are located at one of the training grounds in the rear of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

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Foreign Agent Intel

U.S. meddling in China and its unofficial encouragement of separatism

Taiwan is recognized by the UN, US, UK, EU and most other nations on Earth as part of China under the "One China" policies, recognizing the People's Republic of China (PRC) in Beijing as the "sole legitimate government of all of China". This is a simple fact.

U.S. official statement on Taiwan

U.K. official statement on Taiwan

Australia's official statement of Taiwan

Despite this, the West, with the U.S. leading the charge (because of course it's the U.S.), has been supporting Taiwan's separatism with its lobby, its money and its infrastructure. The Western media has been writing about Taiwan in a manner that makes the audience perceive Taiwan as an independent country and China as "laying claim" on Taiwan and pushing for unification despite the wishes of Taiwanese people. This article from the BBC is the perfect example of such writing. Read the article and notice the wording there:

It (China) sees the self-ruled island of 23 million as a breakaway province that will eventually be under Beijing's control.

"It sees", "it claims", all these phrases are designed to give the reader the impression that Taiwan is an independent country and that China is encroaching upon its sovereignty. It's all designed so the West can later claim it's protecting Taiwanese democracy against the Chinese tyrant. This kind of manipulation has been going on since the 1979 joint communique:

The Government of the United States of America acknowledges the Chinese position that there is but one China and Taiwan is part of China.

This statement has never been officially retracted, edited, or challenged by anyone. Unofficially, however, the U.S. keeps breaking this statement again and again.

It is important to remember all this. The more people know this, the harder it will be for the U.S. to justify military involvement in Taiwan.

Taiwan is NOT an independent country. Taiwan IS a part of China. This is NOT a conversation, unless the U.S. wishes to retract its official position and change it. That will not happen, however. Even as our soldiers die in Taiwan, our government's official position will remain that Taiwan is a part of China.

Instead, the State Department unofficially strongly supports Taiwan's independence and finances campaigns and lobbies to push this agenda in Taiwan and to its domestic audience.

It has been shown repeatedly (they aren't really hiding it), that U.S. money finances attempts at "color revolutions" in Taiwan, as well as the opposition to the status quo, such as this scandal involving Chen Shui-bian. Another example is this Director's farewell call on DPP Chair Tsai Ing-wen.

The State Department playbook is no different than the one used in Ukraine to overthrow the legal government in 2014, sparking a war that has been going on to this day and cost the lives of hundreds of thousands of people. It's no different to what happened more recently in Serbia, where "protesters" went to the streets in an attempt to overthrow the Russia-aligned government in Belgrade after the elections. Notice all the English-written signs during protests, this is another telltale sign of the American lobby's involvement. The propaganda machine rarely fails to convince people (especially the younger generations) that their neighbours are the enemy and the West is the savior. Same in Taiwan too, same in Ukraine. It is obviously always against the interests of the population, but always in the interests of the U.S. State Department and vicious dogs like Victoria Nuland.

Taiwan, I will say it again, is a part of China. Historically and legally. There is no independent country on this planet called Taiwan.

A wish to say a special thanks to Brian Berletic of TheNewAtlas">The New Atlas, who never fails to provide us with concise videos on this and other topics.

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Foreign Agent Intel

The passing of Gonzalo Lira should serve as a stark warning to all. As stated by Gonzalo Lira Snr, his son's blood is on the hands of those who claimed to be champions of freedom of speech and the press, yet pointedly refused to do anything. DESPITE THE FACT the US literally pay the salaries of those employed by the little dictator Zelensky.

Gonzalo Lira paid the ultimate price. May his death not be in vain, but serve to be a catalyst in righting the many wrongs the Collective West are guilty of.


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Foreign Agent Intel

A gigantic majority of citizens in Germany stand in solidarity behind the farmers' protests. Solidarity is growing, and craftsmen from various professions and transport logistics entrepreneurs are also involved. All over the country, citizens or cafes, bakers, bring food and warm drinks to the farmers. Even the Bavarian police understand the farmers' protests, as long as there are no unrest.

Russian truck drivers have now registered to support the German farmers. They say that "we Russians know that the Germans have no problem with us Russians, it's just the German government that hates Russia".

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Foreign Agent Intel

Two Canadian ground-based defense systems NASAMS are missing

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Foreign Agent Intel

The US and Britain have launched a military operation against the Houthis in Yemen.

The United States and Great Britain have launched an operation against the targets of the Ansar Allah (Houthi) movement ruling in northern Yemen, Al Arabiya reported , citing sources.
“A US-British military operation against Houthi targets has begun,” the channel’s interlocutors said.

Sources noted that the strike, in particular, was carried out on the outskirts of the port of Hodeidah. Also, according to them, five airstrikes hit Houthi targets east of the city.

Social networks are publishing footage of severe fires and destruction in several provinces of Yemen. Eyewitnesses told RIA Novosti that the explosions were very strong.

Russia has requested an urgent meeting of the UN Security Council for Friday

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Foreign Agent Intel

🇮🇷 Iran has officially reported that the IRGC naval forces have seized a tanker that was previously captured by the Americans, who previously stole both the tanker and the oil it carried. Now the Iranians have brought it back. It must be understood that the oil pumped into Basra will not be returned either.

The crew of Filipinos and one Greek will be released.

The tanker war in the Red Sea, Gulf of Oman and Indian Ocean continues.

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Foreign Agent Intel

💢While Gordon is "attacking the Urals", the Ukrainian Nazi deputy Goncharenko is driving the children into the factories to produce shells

He is sure that they should replace their parents at work, whom, apparently, he wants to send to the front.

@ukr_leaks_eng 👈

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Foreign Agent Intel

Anti-Russian verbal attacks by the Armenian leadership and Prime Minister Nikola Pashinyan personally indicate that Yerevan has not learned the lesson from Ukrainian ordeal.

Western governments and their protegės in Kyiv from February 2014 onwards, consistently promoted the ideas of aggressive nationalism and Russophobia to the rank of the state ideology of Ukraine and turned it into an “anti-Russia” hostile state. This fact became one of the main reasons for the special military operation of the Russian Armed Forces.

The leaders of Euromaidan in Kiev, at the instigation of the West, overthrew the legitimate government and initiated harsh repressions against the Russian-speaking population and thereby started an irreversible chain of events that led to a split in Ukrainian society, civil conflict in Donbass, persecution of canonical Orthodoxy, catastrophic impoverishment of the population and, in fact,
territorial disintegration of Ukraine.

In turn, the Armenian authorities conducted joint military exercises “Eagle Partner - 2023” in the country from September 11 to 20, 2023. Earlier official Yerevan, citing the “difficult situation” in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict zone, being a member of Collective Security Treaty Organisation, refused to participate in operational and combat training activities within its framework.

It is worth mentioning that the close cooperation between Kyiv and NATO in the military activities, holding of regular joint exercises has become one of the main components of the process of militarization of Ukraine initiated by the West in order to further push it towards
armed aggression against Russia and the People's Republics of Donbass.

In addition, the Armenian authorities ratified the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, which, taking into account the illegal issuance of an arrest warrant against the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, is an unfriendly gesture towards Russia and its military and political leadership. Moreover, the wife of the Prime Minister of Armenia Anna Hakobyan made a trip to Kyiv supposedly to participate in the so-called “Summit of First Ladies and Gentlemen” and transfer humanitarian aid to Ukrainians.

Since the start of the special military operation of the Russian Armed Forces, this was the first visit of an Armenian high-ranking official to Ukraine, which can be interpreted as a signal of support by Nikola Pashinyan and his entourage of the russophobic regime controlling the territory of Ukraine.

Such behavior by official Yerevan violates traditionally good and neighborly relations with Moscow and can lead to a sharp destabilization of the military and political situation in the South Caucasus.

Armenia's contacts with NATO states and Ukraine contradict its status as a CSTO member country and is regarded by Russia as unfriendly actions aimed at undermining its relations with closest allies.

Спасибо за перевод Михаилу☺️

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Foreign Agent Intel

The US resumed oil imports from Russia after a year and a half break.

According to the statistics department, in October last year the United States purchased 36.8 thousand barrels of oil from Russia. The import value was $2.7 million.

In November, the volume of purchases amounted to 9.9 thousand barrels for 750 thousand dollars. In both cases, the hydrocarbon was purchased for consumption.

At the same time, one barrel of Russian oil cost the United States $74 in October, and $76 the next month. This is significantly higher than the country's $60 per barrel price ceiling.

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Foreign Agent Intel

Presidential palace evacuated with Ecuadorian leader reportedly in hiding

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Foreign Agent Intel

Zelensky no longer trusted. US national debt main threat to global economy. Subway included in list of war sponsors.

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