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Ingress Prime frequently freezes v 2.32.2-2101f14c
Ingress Prime frequently freezes in different situations. While hacking I can see a hacked Item and it freezes.
While remotely charging portals it froze 4 times yesterday.
I'm using a Google Pixel 2, Android 10.
Just after click cancel from attack
Sound when portal on map nearby
In the classic scanner, there was a background noise that would let me know a portal was close.
I utilized that a lot. Just pop in earbuds and check the scanner when I hear it.
Since prime that noise is gone.
Nearby portals over 50km away. More in the comments.
Mistery missions in prime
Mission quiz question is not displayed. Ingress Prime 2.31.2, only one line of mission quiz question text is displayed. Prior to 2.27, all mission quiz questions were displayed. This is a serious bug in the mission function. You should fix this bug by extending the end of REDACTED.
Key drop interface improvements for multiple key drops
After "Drop 1 key" do not go back to the home screen.
Stay in the portal key screen.
Currently, to drop multiple keys, we have to
"Drop key" > keys > portal key > drop key
It's unnecessarily tedious.
Sequential Missions: Doesn't advance after glyph hack
running 2.31.2-18b3245d on Android (Samsung A600). When working on a sequential mission, often the mission doesn't advance after hacking the next portal. Seems to happen more frequently when glyph-hacking. Portal still has the "Hack Portal" mission decoration attached to it. Even once portal cools down (or is HS'd), hacking it again (whether glyph or quick) will not advance the mission. Only restarting the app advances to the next portal.
Capsules new look
Regulars and quantums are too similar.
Ingress Prime and the shy shield
New version 2.31.2 (ios) has irritating delay on key hacking
So far the new version is cool but one bug:
New version 2.31.2 (ios) has irritating delay on key hacking — if you deploy portals first and then hack using the key request button, nothing happens for several seconds and you are left with the impression that your finger slipped or something and you failed to hack ... when you try it again you get the portal cooldown notice indicating the hack was indeed successful
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Retiring r/IngressPrimeFeedback
With the launch of the [Ingress Community Forums](https://community.ingress.com), the Ingress Prime Feedback subreddit is being retired. All existing posts will be visible for reference, but no new posts will be able to be created. Please post all of your new feedback on the App Feedback category of the Ingress Community Forums.
Thank-you everyone who participated in the early stages of the Ingress Prime app. Your feedback and bug reports have helped to greatly improve the Prime experience for everyone.
Fix Text Error
Beacons in shop has x12, there are 11 beacons. Maybe a hold-over from Toast. Fix text.
Cannot tap on portal with inaccurate location
In the old version, you were able to at least see the details of a portal when location was inaccurate. Now you cannot even tap on anything. Hack button should be disabled of course, but please allow us to view the details of the portals.
What is this?
Why don't we have EX exceeded feature like below.
OPR suspension. Is this a bug?
I've had my account suspended by niantic with no valid reason.
I'm told my nominations dont meet there criteria and I've only submitted churches and trail markers.
Is this a bug or what and why is it all my nominations got rejected in one hit. Surely there must be a way for me to find out what I am ment to have done wrong?
Why is XM visibility on S10 so bad compared to S7?
A idea for Ingress Prime [Render]
i'm a old player of the game and actually i use Scanner\[Redacted\] because my cellphone only have openGL2, i see yesterday that Ingress Prime run only on openGL3, and then i think " What if Ingress had video options that were automatically adjusted depending on an openGL test?"
I I could play happily even though I was cut off part of the graphic effects that the game offers for performance reasons with my device
I think it would be difficult to do what I propose, but many players would greatly appreciate Niantic if it allows us to continue playing with that feature
Text overlap in settings menu
Actions menu in faction colour
Could we have enl actions like linking be in green, res links in blue?
This release is dramatically better
Except. Well, a few things, but why are the action notifications in top right area showing links, fields, etc all neutral color? Why not green for enl links and fields, blue for res?
What if Portals had some kind of visual indication that they are on cooldown?